Don't delete it you gay ass mods
it isn't /x/ tier speculation
it's fucking news and if real finding aliens is related to politics of the entire human species

real fucking ALIEN found in Peru
Just happened TODAY.
News websites barely catching up

no im not making this shit up google it

what do?

Fake news, dont spam your clickbait for ad revenue here cunt.

take this to

This is so obviously a fake cheap plaster sculpture.

Its obviously a fake just from the totally nonchalant way they handle it in the video.

They are literally just crowding around it in an exposed windy environment. They are handling it like a toy. The mummies from egypt are under the strictest supervision. This is a fucking joke.

it isn't fake news you faggot
your assertion is under the premise that it is in fact fake
because SO FAR it looks like it's real
>cat scans show skeleton
>carbon dated

Kill yourself you pathetic piece of shit

Fake and extremely gay

Dr. Sage and Mr. Hide

how about one of you shitheads actually prove that it's fake when there is ZERO evidence proving that to be the case

Kill yourself

Wow, it looks exactly like the aliens I've seen in movies!
What a coincidence.

>t alien jew

the totally unscientific handling in the video is enough evidence. They are literally just grabbing it and moving it around in a windy environment where its prone to chemical degeneration. Pure bullshit. Then at a moment in the vid they are just chipping bits off of it. It so obviously a fake you dickweed

>improper procedure proves its fake
that's not how it works

forget it man im just gonna wait a few days until it takes the world's news headlines if this thread dies again
guess i wont be the the firs to break it on Sup Forums because faggots refuse to consider that it's real
and then some other gay will get to take the glory with some CNN article

Carbon dating is flawed, living snails produced a carbon-14 reading of 27,000 years old.

It's not fake, But we don't know if its alien yet, they are doing tests as we speak. It doesn't really change anything.

and by die i mean gets deleted

scientists LOVE discoveries and are pushed by curiosity as well as fame and legacy. You think the worlds scientists wouldnt be flocking in droves to test this thing if there was an ounce of credibility? It obviously looks like a shitty plaster sculpture also. You are a low iq gullible idiot

Peruvian Ayy here AMA

if its an alien it changes pretty much damn near everything

its only been a few days i don't imagine that will happen instanteneously.