What's wrong with right wingers anyways? I know that basically everyone here is only being sarcastic, but real talk, why are they so intolerant?
What's wrong with right wingers anyways? I know that basically everyone here is only being sarcastic, but real talk...
Too much AM radio for one. Even before the internet they're being drowned in someone else's opinion.
I want to lick those feet
Sup Forums is pure ironic, nobody is this ignorant in real life, or are they
I want to protect your licks!
>tfw no super american Laci gf to play cave explorer if you get what I mean ;))) :PPPP
Stop posting this Jewess
remember to sage all threads started by laci to generate traffic
>he fell for the "Sup Forums is satire" meme
That sounds more like sarcasm than irony.
>he fell for the "Sup Forums is not satire" meme
>he fell for the "Sup Forums is not not satire meme"
>he fell of the "we are just pretending" meme
Maybe if we keep making these threads, nudes will suddenly pop up.
Vehking kekd
>calls someone ignorant
>falls for the right vs left binary spook
you leave lizard men outa this elf nigger
>I know that basically everyone here is only being sarcastic
Do you know where you are leaf nigger?
>right wingers
You are confused poor leaf
>ywn redpill the fuck out of Comissar Green while motorboating her at the same time.
Why is the left so intolerant? Especially toward white men
>you'll never recognize in what parts of her videos you were eating her out
>He fell for the "Sup Forums is satire" meme
No faggot. I unironically believe blacks are subhuman, Jews are the root of the worlds problems, and the only thing Hitler did wrong was not finishing the job.
Now go back to plebbit you kike piece of shit.
Nothing leftists associate conservatism with historic policies of segregation, slavery and bigotry and associate liberalism with progressiveness equality and futurism.
This idea is fundamentally flawed and shows a distinct lack of critical thinking.
Frankly i think this is part of the reason why left leaning voters tend to be young and right leaning voters tend to be older.
Young voters have this idealism and raw energy directed into utter assurancy of their convictions. Basically they get swept up by the bluster of the politicians without stoppin to think. As people mature they spend more time assessing their options, they have considerably less energy to waste on frivolous actions and so the veracity of information is carefully considered.
Any thoughts?
>Why do you want your people to continue to exist, bigots.
I want to creampie Lacie.
Wow, lewd.
She might like drugs, bu god damn, i still fuck her every day forever
Who wouldn't.
This is how ugly this retard is when she has 75% of the makeup she usually wears on.
You're pathetic.
Because being a hateful right winger is cool now. Rebellious teens have to stand out somehow.
I'm not worried, in 5 years they will have grown out of it.
>namefag tastes
kys yourself
You mean not liking fat sluts who fuck people for youtube views?
I'll stick with my taste thanks.
I think youd have to wait till she breaks up with her pub bf and then he leaks them
>fuck people for youtube views
How do you not know that she's fucking another youtuber Chris Raygun and in his latest video he even showed the hickeys and scratches that fat fuck gave him?
Do you live under a rock or just jerk off to fat girls all day?