Be careful about what you say online.
Be careful about what you say online
What's the problem?
I'm all for sending stupid people to jail
- In the UK
I don't have to I'm a fucking American, I don't live under tyranny this bad
>I'm all for sending stupid people to jail
It's disgusting, and targeted, but we have to be smart about this.
The difficulty will be feeling out who can be trusted, and who could be a mole or informant...Perhaps lone-wolf action is the only viable kind.
I find it strange that the police find it necessary to post this on Twitter
Hate speech is not okay.
fuck islam
Fuck you kyke. All my heros kill mudslimes
niggers, sand niggers, spics, wet backs, need to go back
UK has never had freedom of speech. This isn't surprising.
> be in UK
> make tweet
> go to jail
> be Canadian
> call someone sir
> go to jail
Everyone hates you and you will never find love.
Or perhaps you shouldn't be a dumb nigger and post shit on Facebook where everybody can read it.
Everyone who passed this law should be lined up against a wall and shot
I seriously mean that 100%
I think it's a good idea. Basically tell people you CAN go to jail for talking serious shit.
Key word = serious
So I would say they're letting people know to be careful. People who really want to cause trouble then go ahead and cause trouble.
For anyone else who's just playing around and venting but not really trying to stir shit up find a smarter way to do it because words do have effect. Look at pizza gate. If you don't want people to do stupid shit, then don't go online and tell people to do stupid shit (I'm looking at you Sup Forums). For anyone else who does want to start shit up then go ahead and talk crap so they can find you and incarcerate you.
When do you go?
Muhammad was a pedophile, and a false prophet. Fuck allah and all mudslime scum, go back to the desert and die there.
>feels great to live in a free country
such progress! good thing that horrible man's hate speech was curbed and no actual radical activity shut down- now that would have been just atrocious and racist and just all sorts of bigotry! only people who express concern must be looked at, the people doing the crime can get off scot free! Stand against hate speech so that actual criminals can roam freely! #hatespeechisevil
this is absolutely forward and not backwards at all!
Why do people shit post on a public forum with their real name and are surprised when it comes back to bite them in the ass? Especially in a surveillance state like the UK.
Stupid people should go to prison. Using Facebook for anything qualifies as retarded.
This man is a political prisoner, pure and simple. His situation is no different than that of Soviet or Chinese dissidents sent to the gulag for wrongthink. Imprisoned for his opinion.
In the West, right now. This is heinous shit. The UK is insufferably cucked.
The First Amendment is priceless. America is freedom of thought's last stand.
>Belgian popos
>On Sup Forums
Shitposting, perhaps.
Burgers went ham on that cop shops twitter feed.
In the UK, you will get arrested for merely describing what Muslims are doing. Let that sink in
Stop punching right.
Great, so when will you go?
>UK police can't track the several thousand known jihadis and jihadi sympathizers in the country
>But they can track people who make mean Facebook posts
Europe deserves to fall to the Muslims
And we never will because we will NEVER be as cucked as Britain. They're begging for it. America has pretty clearly established that we don't like anyone who hates the West. Britain seems to only want to please and pander to people like that. It's sickening and their pathetic corpse of a country is an example to the whole world: that's what happens when postmodernism allows Islam to get comfy in society. Society regresses
Fuck Muslims. Fuck Islam. Fuck postmodernism and fuck the disgusting middle East. Inbred pieces of shit can all go back and get buried 6 feet under the sand.
How's that for hate speech? MAGA
Kill yourself
>tfw British cops literally snitch to the mods
To be fair (which is hard considering this retardation) someone in the twitter feed is like;
>Why didn't u fucking arrest those Muslims marching in London the other day
>"Which Muslims are you talking about"
Sure enough, the headline the next day;
>Muslims under investigation for Hate Crime march
>when the bobbies globbed your noggin for slaggin da pakis, innit
>comparing the fate of dissidents in China or the Soviet union to this
So this is the power of American education
Get fucked you cunt.
Well, I HATE your speech.
Off to jail you go.
what are wet backs?
>tfw they are feeling the heat and starting to go after muslims for hate speech
they're scared of talk of treason, vigilantism
whether or not they follow through and both convict them while charging others, we will see
>angry violent invaders constantly attack natives and openly hate faggots
>cock sucker whines that facts are mean and need to be inspected
(((hate speech))) is a code word for ideas that hurt fragile illusions about the world
increasing censorship is a good sign for a failing system. and see it from a normie perspective:
>muds terror attacks every day and they are protected
>whitey speaks up -> straight to prison
this will redpill even more
>Express wrong opinion
>Go to prison
It's conceptually identical
> be in America
> laugh at Canada and the UK
I'm glad shit like this happens so I can be reminded why it's good to live here
your mum takes it up the arse from niggers
Meanwhile, Tim Minchin is doing just fine.
Britain has unironically gone Orwellian and nobody cares. Britain is dead.
Who draws the line of acceptable discourse and 'hate speech'/wrongthink? Is there some procedural test?
>we will NEVER be as cucked as Britain
I guess to be cucked you have to be white in the first place. American lack of self awareness is astounding.
get shot
We aren't a white paradise, we're a religious paradise.
The white paradise is New Zealand, everyone knows that.
She did comment how well hung you were user.
so can anyone post what the guy actually said? was he actually inciting mob violence and vigilante justice or did he just use a term like 'rapefugees'?
>Be American
>Be non-white
>mfw reading all the tweets against sussex police and some of the police officers complaining and crying about getting sent abuse
It's a fucking lulz mine right there. Go read them.
But not by you ya gunless cucks
fuck you
Can't even say anything back that might be to edgy or you get locked up
anyone know or care about the actual evidence, or are we just bandwagoning sjws like usual?
This country has gone to shit. But we can't let it get us down, we need a serious campaign for civil liberties i don't care how brainwashed the left are. It's what we have to do.
>1/3 It cost £750 to decorate 2 cars, mainly paid from diversity budget
>diversity budget
>literal thought police
Is burgerstan the only place safe from this dystopia?
Meanwhile muslims gather in shitty improvised mosques to literally preach hate speech.
Does being British mean anything anymore?
What happens there other than explosions, civil rights suppression, cucked policing, vandemonium and group knifing? And I mean that in the sense that every time I watch news about Britain it's something about that globalist, hag PM or the limp wristed cuck of a beta male Corbyn.
Everything just comes across as lifeless and unremarkable. It pisses me off because it's never great, good or fucking awful. It's just "here this is." I hate that place and for no particular reason.
All right lads, WHAT THE FUCK is hate crime sergeant?
Yuropoors get fucked
No, not really.
Shit happens, sussex is where Brighton is. Brighton elected the Green Party to represent them in parliament. Brighton is the gay capital of the entire UK, just like how Tel Aviv is in Israel or California is in the United States.
What do you expect from a predominantly homosexual, leftist shit hole that has no coloured people but champions DIEversity and faggot rights?
Do you have any links about officers bitching?
>Does being British mean anything anymore?
It's never meant anything other than being "Northern Irish" or being an immigrant.
Most identify with their regional areas or their country.
Or mongrels that are mixed Irish/English etc will say "British".
Fuck that term, I hate it.
>we stand together to control your thoughts like a bunch of children
I don't worry. The majority of swiss people hate muslims.
I hate mudslimes. I wish them all a painful death.
See? Nothing happened.
I don't have to, "hate speech" isn't a crime in my country. Fuck Muslims
Americans are owed some credit for the very anti Muslim tweets they posted (appreciated, genuinely!) the people of the UK responded to sussex police with anger and disgust at their priorities.
So take some solace in knowing that the people don't like or want or endorse this shit.
They used to be a country of knights,warriors and men.Yea they fucked the Boers,but Jesus Christ what happened to Britain.
The Supreme Court and U.S. Constitution disagree you faggot nigger.
Is what I really meant. "Tell me all about the Welsh!"
This shit really makes me mad.
Hate speech is best speech
Fuck off you can't tell me what to do your not my dad
Irish, Scottish, English, Welsh are all the same geentically anyway, maybe the English are a little bit more mixed from Vikings/Normans.
But we're all British, it's absurd you hate the term.
Then call us English if you want to refer to just England.
This England = UK is annoying to us.
After WW2 a Labour government got into power. Churchill was very anti immigration and built a campaign on well "if you want a nigger for a neighbor, vote Labour". They were promised free stuff after the war by Labour, so people voted Labour because they are idiots.
Then with the collapse of communism, the unification of Germany, Soros causing black Wednesday, Tony Blair and well yeah.
There you go.
>99% Northern European
I hate the term because it's been bastardised so badly.
Anyone that comes in off the banana boat (Abdullah ibn Jihad, Jalifa al Majaharoon etc) all get called "British". I wouldn't object to the term if this wasn't the case but it is. I've grown to loathe it. It also has contributed to the dilution of the English identity, whilst the Scottish and Welsh identities have been allowed to flourish without insult/criticisms of racism.
It's all very biased against the English.
Serves him right for posting illegal opinions!
Fucking die infidel white scum!
I paraphrase, but it was "let's throw these unspecified muslims on a bonfire"
It doesn't matter what I say here, FSB cannot read english anyway but they will protect me from your agencies.
YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MAN!! *Carl the cuck voice*
>Eyebrow piercing
Into the trash he goes
I know that they have been going after people who make any negative comments about Islam. I don't know if he said anything inciting violence, but frankly it doesn't matter that much.
google it... if you dare
>France is the best
Well maybe if the great Boer civil war happens in South Africa,we can do right by them this time and help.One last stand.One last stand for my kids being able to go to school and not get beat because they are white and therefore racist.One last stand for news reporting white murders and not sweeping it under the PC rug.
In the UK they've started arresting people for reporting possible terror attacks if they find out they are false.
e.g. calling the cops to tell them there is some muslims acting suspicious at a train station could lead you to get charged for inciting racial hatred if it turns out they weren't planning an attack.
Fair enough, chap.
But in reality we know Black and Paks or Indians and whatever muds aren't British.
They can live in rainbow and unicorn PC land but it's ridiculous. And you're right it is biased against the English, my mothers side.
Anyone stupid enough to incriminate themselves online deserves to go to prison.
Our local police have no powers to do anything against your government. Or any government no matter what country you're in. Fuck even the commonwealth.
It is your own country that will punish you for any rules you violate in your country. Do people not get this? Not hard to grasp Ivan.
luckely here in belgium you're merely shunned or scolled you should be more tolerrant, but even then... they look away in silence. thankfully brought back down to this level because of the things they are doing here.
let that sink in indeed...
i think, when ranting about muslims or critiseze it, always repeat over and over to remind people that mohamed the founder is a childrapist warmongerer... always