Why don't muslims like pigs?
Why don't muslims like pigs?
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The bible says pork is unclean to us, Muslims think you can't even go near a pig because of this and had them all killed in their lands.
>you can't even go near pig
I hunt pigs in the hunting season, it's just that we don't eat them because their meat is filthy as fuck and their diet is literally eating shit
Because pigs remind them of Americans.
Pigs find Muslims to be filthy creatures
>70% unsaturated fat
>the best amino acid profile of all animals
>safer to eat than chicken
Not to mention its the tastiest mass produced meat
Nobody likes americans
Because pigs remind them of Russians.
because they're delicious
>because their meat is filthy as fuck
Ive never come across a pig that smells worse than arabs. Is showering against your beliefs or something?
Bacon is good though. Stop being a flaming faggot and gobble that shit down you turk piece of shit.
Muhammed's first wife was a pig. She left him for the Big Boar Cockā¢ and now all Muslims hate pigs.
trychinosis, obviously. back in the day they saw someone eat some undercooked pork and fucking die.
That's not true, studies show kosher food has less toxins than non kosher food, pig and all red meat is a lot unhealthier to us than chicken, God knows what he was talking about when he said it's unclean
No bacon isn't good, it has fat on it which is forbidden To eat
>Why don't muslims like pigs?
>Smells like shit
>intelligent animal
Obviously they remind them too much of their women.
They like it if they don't know they're eating it... I remember working at a fast food with some other mudshits who just arrived, they didn't even know how cut ham looks like. I offered one to try some and he did, his eyes were shining with joy and he claimed it tasted really good, he asked me what it was and I told him it was pork. He nearly vomited right there, went home to cleanse him self and nobody saw him since then. Ahh good times
Because pigs have no fur. They need mud to cool themselfs. Mudslimes ironicaly they have no mud because of the lack of rain. So pigs cool themself in piss and shit. People get sick. That's why Mohammed doesnt like pigs.
I have Intestinal permeability and leaky blood brain barrier.
I am extremely sensitive to foods and will continue to be so until i heal up. I cant have seafood because of this. Pork is the other meat i cant have because it gives me back headaches and inflammation.
I plan on avoiding it when i get better too.
Because pigs eat other animals.
Fish dont count
Do you like every member of your family?
Where the hell you got your facts from?
We wash 5 times a day, and should shower completely almost daily and shave all hair except beard. I'm cleaner than you'll ever be in you lifetime
I eat beef or sheep bacon, it's much tastier and cheaper
You guys act like pigs are the only meat out there
God said these foods are unclean to us for a reason, shrimp are basically cockroaches of the sea eating it is like eating a bug you find in your house. Pork is a dirty animal, yeah piggies are cute especially piglets but the meat isn't healthy like chicken is
Only homos shave their legs and armpits kek
And I've never met a Muslim who shaves his body hair, he's always got back and neck hair and chimpanzee arms
Because pigs remind of of us Americans.
The Koran wills it.
It's in there in the first place because it was dangerous to eat these animals in previous times.
Because the Jews were a nomadic people who couldn't keep pork safely in such a climate constantly moving around. Since "God" is a way to control people it was easier just to say God doesn't want you eating pork.
Today it's unhealthy too, look it up red meat increases the risk of heart attack
If I recall correctly it was something something pork gets spoiled in the sun something something it gets you sick if you eat it something something lets just ban it instead
That's 100% false atheism was designed to control the masses, with no God there was only the state to lead the people now, an atheist is a blind sheep accepted everything the media says, he's being led to the slaughter and accepts this fate without question
pork is literally the most tasty animal they are filthy but fucking good here in eastern europe people eat salted pork fat and we like it with a hard drink vodka usualy
No God said it's unclean he spoke to Moses on mount Sinai and told him
Fat is forbidden that's why Eastern Europeans have such a low life expectancy I've never met a Slav who lived beyond his 60's
>red meat
>I'm cleaner than you'll ever be in you lifetime
The corkscrew vaginas bend their penis
Because Muslims are people who wanted in on being Jews but didn't make it. That's why they hate everyone.
i know religious people friends who wont eat pork but without knowing i gave them some and they love it
They can't have shell fish either. It's a shitty life to be a muslim.
really people here live well in to the 80 all it takes is to move your fat ass i live in the country side
You can like food you're not supposed to have, it doesn't mean anything, if you love it but are strong enough to say no to it that shows you're a strong willed person, you're better than someone who says no to something he hates
>be allah
>worshippers keep getting sick from eating something
>they continue bitching that their god has abandoned them and start losing faith
>instead of telling them to be responsible about what they can and can't eat meaning they don't need godly intervention if they exercise self-control and long-term assessment of health risks + an idea of nutrition, get brilliant idea instead
>outright ban it and continue blind submission
what a lazy god
Chickens are cannibals. They re as bad as pigs. But Muzzies are too stupid to recognize that.
Faith - belief without evidence
>Kills poor piggy
>not even eating it
That's not hunting you fat ass
Muslims can have shellfish, their unholy book deleted most of the laws God gave
There's no fat people in Canada, it's very rare most fat people I see are Russian immigrants
because a book told them to hate pigs. don't u know the more books you read the smarter you get? look how intellectual muslims are now!
There is evidence open your bible
The fact that you even exist is evidence
God didn't forbid chicken I don't know about Muslims since their cult was started by Satan I suppose he wanted to keep it close to the biblical laws familiar to those in Arabia since people might question a God who brings something completely different. Change something but keep something familiar you know?
Maybe you meet pakis, it depends on the person and I'm talking about the religion.
Personally I don't shave legs, but shave armpits and balls, it's much cleaner and less smelly
I do it for fun, but I eat bunnies that I hunt
>their meat is filthy as fuck and their diet is literally eating shit
Yeah, and fasting "detoxifies" your body.
And the Qur'an told us about all ten planets in the solar system.
And the Jinn are microbes.
It's so sad when Muzzies try to rationalize their religion.
At least own up to your superstitious shit.
Even when you would wash you hands 50 times a day you would not be considered cleaner
>should shower completely almost daily
Is the fact that I exist also evidence for the other 100s of religions or only Christianity?
it's western ignorance
Muslims have nothing against the animal.
they're just not allowed to eat it
I'll just leave this here...Keep in mind for your own misadventures.
If Muslims didn't focus so much attention on their genitals in the shower maybe they wouldn't be disgusting rapists, God never asked us to shave our body, only in certain extreme cases do we have to, you're following the cult of Satan
Because cannibalism is bad.
Retarded unclean meat myth due to their religion, hundreds of millions of people all around the world eat pig meat but apparently it's bad for them cuz Allah says so.
There's only one religion and that's the one God created
You retarded muzzie
Apparently you never been outside or in a forest, pigs are fucking disgusting, if you give them trash they'll eat it, and sometimes they eat each other's shit
Great argument, you win
They're jealous because they're more attractive than they are.
I really like pigs. They are very intelligent, clean despite rolling in dirt but I love a bacon sandwich and a pork chop.
It's not "bad" it's food, you can survive on pizza too but it's not ideal, pork isn't a healthy meat to have that's what God said it's unclean to us we should not eat it.
fish will eat decaying fish and chickens will literally eat anything
but piggus are bad cuz the Koran says so
So now being healthy and checking your own junk is a rapists thing?
Nice, real nice
You're a retarded muzzie*
Trichinosis was very common in pigs back then. It's practically non-existent in modern farmed pigs.
>he asked me what it was and I told him it was pork. He nearly vomited right there, went home to cleanse him self and nobody saw him since then.
This. It's the best way to get rid of them, it drives them crazy. Also, any gummy candy is made with pig fat. Works just as well.
You keep touching your genitals everyday for no reason no wonder Muslims are so sex obsessed
>Not shaving armpits
I find it weird how Jesus said that you should not eat pork, but some (((Christians))) just ignore it, and they say that they love Jesus.
Lol, what?
I only touch them when I pee or shower, like any other guy.
Wtf you're talking about? And Black are more sex crazy because of the testosterone.
No because I'm not a queer, here you'd get beat up for that
Niggers are the beast of the field you can't say "well at least I'm not an animal XD" that's not an excuse
You said you shave your genitals do you just let it all hang when you shave? I doubt it you'd need to move things into place. Muslims are sex obsessed animals, you're asked to fondle your genitals everyday while you shave and then you can't masturbate or fornicate but then you remember Satan allowed you to rape "infidel" (Godly) women. Islam needs to be outlawed, every Muslim needs to be deported any Muslim guilty of any crime should be hanged.
A lot of products are made with pigs
Just like a lot of products Vegetarians use are made from animal parts, it's all hypocritical bullshit if people bothered to do the research
do to not allowing to eat them they're a huge pest and ruin crops and can be dangerous
a female pig with babies will charge you on sight
Hogs don't do anything other animals won't do.
And apparently you've never seen a Middle Eastern butcher shop because that shit is filth given form.
They do it all on the fucking streetside, they don't wash the tables, they don't do anything against flies, they transport the uncovered carsacces on fucking pickup trucks, for Christ's sake.
I'm sure a basmala protects you from disease though (:
People were eating pork for several thousand years before Abrahamic religions existed.
That's funny since Pork is the most widely eaten meat in the world (38% of all meat consumption is pork)
That's true, that's why it's important to do research these days on what you buy.
Because the prophet mohammed was a pig human hybrid.
>No because I'm not a queer
Bad looking hair isnt going to make you manly you fucking barbarian
>here you'd get beat up for that
Literaly nigger behaviour
Kek, so if you became a muslim, you will surprisingly become more sex obsessed animal?
And rape is punished by 100 lashes publicly
And people eat pizza and junk food all day everyday in America, doesn't mean it's good for you that's just an indesputable fact, red meat is not as healthy as other meats that's just a fact look it up, kosher diets are healthier
If you don't cook pork correctly it can kill you.
True, but I've realized only muzzies and hindus have a reaction when they find out. Hindus mostly get sad they contributed to hurting an animal or something. But muzzies get so angry, make themselves barf, go confront whoever sold/gave them the product. Really shows their true colors
Rape is punishable by death in the bible
No I wouldn't become a Muslim, but if I have to shave my body to look like a woman and fondled my genitals every morning yeah most people might get horny, combine that with your animal instincts and it's no surprise Muslims rape.
How is body hair bad looking hair?
People were eating kids and each other for several thousand years before Abrahamic religions existed.
You're right, we should go back to being animals and follow our instincts
You get it wrong. They think them as relatives. You don't eat your own brother.
>Muh unclean animal
So Wait you never shaved your genitals before?
Wow... How old are you?
wasnt good in the desert
Not when u move to Europe to rape some white bitches it seems...
>free smells
the cherry on the top of the cake
No thanks, I'm not interested in converting to Islam.
There is no abrahamic "religions" there is just one single religion.
The Talmudists don't have a religion, they murdered Christ Gods only begotten son and then started their own cult that's basically a LARP of pre Christ Christianity.
The Muslims prophet never even spoke with God, he just spoke the angel of light, who 1,000 years before Islam existed the bible warned about, it said Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light.
It's funny that those thought bubbles don't include pedophilia and stealing your adopted son's wife, two of the shittier things Mohammed definitely did.
I'm 24, no I didn't only homos do that. It's becoming normal in Canada but when I was in high school it was a gay thing to do, it was only by around 18 that guys started to trim now they shave it all