Hard Brexit will cost (((German))) car makers £6 BILLION and 18,000 jobs.
All this after constant Aryan shilling that Brexit 'won't work' and this is 'the end of Britain'. But the Enteral Anglo strikes again.
Hard Brexit will cost (((German))) car makers £6 BILLION and 18,000 jobs.
All this after constant Aryan shilling that Brexit 'won't work' and this is 'the end of Britain'. But the Enteral Anglo strikes again.
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Merkel only cares about bringing Jihad to Europe.
Merkel is more interested in letting in millions of Turks
Source: archive.is
>tfw no Hanover greatest allies
watch that hate speech m8, you don't wanna be reported to the police believe you me.
Ahhh, suck it you natioon wrecker. How has this bitch not been strung up yet?
That are made up numbers. We will actually make even more money though the brexit
How do you plan to do that when your biggest cash cow just escaped the slaughterhouse?
How can you work in a factory and not get dirty? It seems wrong.
Hahahababa fuck you eternal ARYAN. i for one, support our new Anglo overlords. Fuck Merkal and fuck EUropean 'people'
>made up numbers
Tell me again how the Brexit bill hasn't just been pulled out of Merkels arse?
You know what cost German car makers? Lying about efficiency OHHH SSCHNAPP
EU bureaucrats don't care. They care about autocratic power. They will punish the UK to intimidate others.
>Punish the UK
That worked well the last 2 times.
The other states will see that we will put up a fight and we will fucking win it. We might suffer for a short period, that's fine by me and many others in this country. But in the end we will beat them, however long it takes.
Other nations like Greece etc didn't have any leverage, we actually do. The EU thinks it can bully us and they can, because you know what Australia? We can handle bullying, we'll burn the fucking mainland of Europe down if we have to remove that ugly, saggy jowl'd cunt from her position.
The rest of Europe will see this and they can hate us, it is irrelevant but if the Germans or other pro EU nutcases think they are going to get out of a battle with us unscathed?
Oh boy are they in for a surprise.
>you know what Australia?
>can't even name the colonies right
fucking narcissist mohammeds.
I'm really sorry America.
Churchill is that you?
EU bombers over UK, when?
We can't let them get away with this.
Britain shall be EU's slaves
Good,keep making money for us,Kraut
27 vs 1. we'll stomp little england into the ground for good.
if the anglos manage to successfully flee from our wrath, we will take our frustration out on you greeks like a alcoholic husband on his stay at home wife
Ha so that's how the bill is so colossal
Fuck you Germany. Try it again. we have defended our fortress island for a thousand years m80
>Not on Poland for not taking in refugees
Meanwhile you let assassins from Middle East in through the backdoor
That doesn't scale quite like you think.
27 countries = 27x more levers to pull.
I would say we just have to play Divide & Conquer but the EU is doing all the work for us.
Not on Poland as Poland might hit back.
>we have defended our fortress island for a thousand years m80
Its what this cunt industry deserves they pushed HARD for refugees and later when mostly lazy cunts came they basically said "lol we made a mistake, not our problem now lol"
Polen will be putsched, we'Re working on it right as we shitpost. NGO's are doing a great and wonderful job
I wonder if this is one of the reasons they are building a Mersedes plant in Moscow region...
It is my child, I am back from the grave and want the Germans to attack.
Please do, start with London, once you've done that? Then we can eradicate you.
That's the deal, take it or leave it.
Sincerely doubt that any country will join you in your masochistic war to ensure their own demise at the hands of the insane german autocracy that is the eu
Can someone photoshop Hitlers hair and mustache on Merkel? I'm convinced she looks like a tranny Hitler.
Mainly your newspapers pulled it out of their asses. The EU never said any specific number just an outline of what would have to be paid then a few people calculated the estimate of how much that cost. So literally every cent in the brexit bill is accounted for and none of it is made up.
Germans act tough but they know damn well that they sell 1 million car to the uk each year, they try to save the EU project trying to punish the uk but they better watch out because other of other competitors in the car market that don't care about their EU shenanigans, and that will eventually win this market.
The germans one way or another are losers in the brexit, either their union is weakened,or their industry is crippled.
They are scrambling for Euro Clearing which the US has categorically stated that they don't want. They want it to stay in the UK, should the EU take Euro Clearing to the mainland (on shore) it will cost them 22 billion Euros per year to maintain this and that will be passed onto the customers.
They have no regard for business or the citizens of Europe, they only care about saving face and ensuring the Euro project survives, even if it harms them.
That is dangerous to the mainland Europeans who will follow Germany into thinking we're the enemy.
Well Poland decry'd us for ages before the referendum and just after it, praising the EU for all its wonders, I've noticed they've changed their tune because of the financial sanctions that will be imposed upon them for refusing to take in refugees. lel...
Let them, could do with a fucking laugh.
I myself have stopped buying anything made in germany, that is best way to revenge those fucks. Too bad we dont have many polish or brit products here but i would buy them instead.
>So literally every cent in the brexit bill is accounted for and none of it is made up.
For real? So why is Michel Barnier, Guy Verhofstadt and others changing the bill price.
It was raised to 100 billion Euros, then dropped down to 36 billion recently.
Our media gets its information from your beaurocunts.
And all of this at the same time Germany's power costs are skyrocketing because they abandoned nuclear.
Now they're begging Trump for more natural gas exports. Just brilliant policy Merkel, brilliant.
Is Germany still going to adhere to Paris and cripple it's manufacturing base? Germany acting like it has power is adorable. No fucking leverage at all. If Britain has the backing of the US, Germany is even more screwed. Unfortunately for Britain, all of this relies on May not being a cuck, and we've all seen how that turned out. Muh crackdown.
turkel turned mercedes benz into hyundai tier cars for short term financial gain.
normies will realize this sooner or later.
Germany tried the same shit with Trump and got smacked down by Canada, of all countries. It turns out trade and national security are more important to most countries than climate virtue signaling, who knew?
Merkel has a funny habit of pretending her hand is much stronger than it actually is, and then overplaying that hand.
Westminster needs a good purge too, but a recent poll shown that 70% of British people are expecting sectarian civil war soon.
At least we're attacking them back now you weak german cuck :^)
>Unfortunately for Britain, all of this relies on May not being a cuck, and we've all seen how that turned out. Muh crackdown.
May is a totalitarian cunt, but should she ally with the DUP, well the DUP are (all shit aside) very good negotiators, they've been doing it their entire political career. They want a "hard brexit" but they want the common travel area (that existed before the EU) to stay in place, that's the free movement between the entire UK and the Republic of Ireland. I want the DUP involved in the Brexit negotiations. May's bullshit can fuck off though, weak cow.
Jap cars have allways been superior compared germanistan shitcars
>All this after constant Aryan shilling that Brexit 'won't work' and this is 'the end of Britain'.
M8, most Germans here either don't care about the brexit or were for it.
The reason why we give you shit for it is because you get incredibly buttblasted in literally every obvious trollthread about it.
It's just too much fun to resist.
I prefer Japanese cars to German, never actually had the chance to drive an American car.
French cars are without a doubt the fucking worst. Not even trolling you, they are absolute shit. No offence to France.
Hey dad, need some help? Just let us know. I would take a plane to Britain tomorrow to participate in reconquista.
>the rest of the UK
M8 my area is 98% white British and like everywhere else we hate london and want it to fall into the sea
It's not about the thread content that gets people annoyed, it's the frequency of the threads. They are constant and it needs to be clamped down upon.
Maybe there should be a new board created dedicated to German autism.
This is nothing compared to the economic shock mutti's caliphate will suffer when V4 leaves,taking cheap workforce and market away.
You won't do anything since you don't decide what your goverment does with your money.
Also,Grexit will cost around 50-100 billions,so you don't have a choice.
Come home, yank man
pay debts
Considering it's literally illegally to be ethnic nationalist in Britain, what do you expect? Meanwhile in Germany there is virtually no dissent to the islamification of your country. At least Britain has folks like Tommy Robinson.
American cars are only good if you're going for a muscle car.
brits will pay that cost
No :^)
We have this car joke in Finland, youll get best fries from the grill ( fries=ranskalaiset=french).
All eurocars are same shit that are broken most of the time, same as murican cars.
He's not wrong though, the temperature in this country is now at fucking boiling point. People can look at a few stories of people getting arrested but all those stories do is turn up the heat more until eventually this shit goes up faster than Grenfell tower and it's slightly nerving.
NATO debts, London agreement debts and our share of EU assets please.
I've heard this.
It's true, you can't really get a good car without it breaking. Sadly the car industry is more focused on quantity over quality.
Germans are bombing us again! But seriously Jap cars have never let me down (so far).
I would like to screencap this for future reference, but i am to lazy und you are to unimportant. Could be a good laugh later on.
But in reality it is just sad for the non- moron brits.
> the temperature in this country is now at fucking boiling point.
Any excuse to post this
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Very slowly, then all at once.
Can you place an EU flag under that turd?
See, this defiance that you display here is the reason that we need to play hardball with your defiant folk
Well isn't this good news? The head of the organisation for German industry said a few years ago that Germany needed all those insvers so that they could work in the car industry. No car industry= no need for "Syrian refugees".
I call that a win. Commie Merkel BTFO.
Also, when Merkel was head of the agitation and propaganda organisation of the Communist party youth, back in the 1970s and 80s, wasn't her job to sleep with West German and other foreign politicians in order to blackmail them? So if the German economy crashes, she can just go back to her old job as a prostitute to make extra money.
She wants to destroy Poland worse than Hitler did.
Except Poland made a comeback after the War.
Don't forget Trump whispering sweet nothings into the ears of V4 countries about bilateral trade deals if they leave. And now Central Europe is talking about banding together in an anti-immigration bloc. And G20 is shaping up to be a disaster in the making. Merkel's chancellorship might not even survive it. Canada doesn't even to talk about climate change anymore, but Merkel needs to.
The EU experiment is going to come to a crashing halt in the next 5 years.
Media has some blame in this too.
Can you imagine her ego after all the media basically called her "the now defacto leader of the free world" just to shit on trump?
What if she actually believes it lol
Do you want me to go into great detail about swaps and regulations and how a few years ago the LHC was involved in a legal battle with the ECB over this issue and won.
Do you want me to show you the recent Mark Carney warning to Europe (even though he was a remainer and doom'd us about leaving so he shouldn't be saying that shit considering he's a pro EU shill), or how the US has warned about this harming European/American investors? Clearing turns over about 1 trillion per year, it's lucrative and it works well now. It moving to mainland Europe would be damaging to Europe and the US and of course to us to an extent. No one wants it to move except for the French and Belgians. So you can screenshot all you want. Ask for links and you'll get them but probably dismiss them.
Central europeans will do what they told. They live on EU handouts.
Very much applies to the state of shit going on currently.
He's been doing that with the V4? Fucking hell lol.
Oh no, what we're going to do without the EU's funds black hole that is V4. Now realize that the only reason you're even in the EU is because the eternal anglo tried to sabotage the whole project. You are literally the Perfidious Albion's trojan horse.
First and last panel need to be swapped.
Careful Nigel. You're dangerously close to having too much to think.
You realise that those gibs given to the V4 and other nations are promissory's that the ECB expects back. It only got the permission to issue that money on the promise of a return on investment, contracts for firms to build etc. If the V4 or any other group leaves then the ECB will be spending years trying to claw back cash that it can't possibly ever get back. You think it's all just about gibs? It's not, the money they print out is pegged against all kinds of things, house prices/savings etc etc etc etc.
How the fuck do you think central banks can just print money? I've said it before, they'll speculate how much a migrant will be worth and use migrants in order to print cash.
This is a reason why the EU needs to expand, so it can get more land, more workers, more resources, more properties etc etc etc so the central bank can carry on printing and propping up the ponzi scheme that the EU is.
Germans will deny it but it's the truth.
I have seen one with her smiling.
top kek
Britain fell from 86% White in 2001 to 80% White in 2013
you are getting mongrelized by the minute
Our bureaucrats don't put out these numbers. Your media does. Our bureaucrats put out lists of things that need to be paid and your media calculates how much these lists would cost.
Keep telling that,maybe you can sleep better.
V4 being dependent on the EU financing 40cm tall lookouts is only true in mutti's dream.Having free market again without being forced to buy french and german shit will result in a new golden age.V4 was weak after communism,looked at the west as the savior they believed them to be.You fucked our markets,destroyed our industry in return.Then,slowly,it dawned upon the citizens that the west is really falling and even the communists didnt had to lie about it.
Now,you all scream like imbeciles,because Orbán outjewed you in your own game.
Hungarian Industry
do you moron know why you had Russian Guns when you were in the Warsaw pact ?
because you were to stupid to make your own
Do you know why you have NATO guns now ?
Because you morons are to stupid to make your own
I wanna see this "Golden Age" when you dont buy shit from Western Europe, no machines no Tools
That´ll be Comedy gold
Bin that post lad
I would say that burger land would invade germ*by to protect our m8s, but were already there, so....
Go on,master race.Scream,like an imbecile,throw temper tantrums.
Thats the only thing you can do.You got outjewed in your own game.End of story.