We must secure the existence of white/western children, I mean you must! Not me though

What is going on here? Is people with the courage of their convictions so hard to find?

Is "saving the west" just LARPING to these people?

Even the lord and savior of the alt-right Jared Taylor only managed 2 children, most feminist baby boomers managed that.

What is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 quality over quantity
no juden in thread please.

This is a perfect example of just how moronic the nazi larpers are.

If Adolf Hitler rose tomorrow, he would not make the cut. If these people had a real Adolf Hitler, he would be called controlled oppossiton and a Jewish shill. Adolf Hitler - no children. What a failure for national socialism.

Literal shills or the pathetic excuse for national socialists, it's irrelevant. Their posts are equally retarded.

Yes it is quite clear they're all doing it for the shekels instead of actually just doing what they themselves are preaching.

>spend 99% of their time talking about the destruction of the west and white people
>no one reaches the obvious conclusion of having babies

What are the exceptions? Varg Vikernes and Gavin McInnes? lel

So Adolf Hitler was just a Nazi larper?

Got it


if you care about muh white people then you have children

>As far as a revolutionary-conservative movement is concerned, there is a need for men who are free from these bourgeois feelings. These men, by adopting an attitude of militant and absolute commitment, should be ready for any-thing and almost feel that creating a family is a "betrayal"; these men should live sine impedimentis, without any ties or limits to their freedom. In the past there were secular Orders where celibacy was the rule. We should also appreciate the validity of Nietzsche's dictum: "Man should be trained for war and woman for the recreation (or rest, Erholung) of the warrior: all else is folly!" In any event, the ideal of a "warrior society" obviously cannot be the petit-bourgeois and parochial ideal of "home and children"

- Men Among the Ruins, page 271

>plz faggot

Saving the white race means doing as much babies as you can, educating those kids that every white human is your brother.

Everything else is bullshit.

Hitler started a eugenics act which produced a number of blonde blue-eyed children. He even paid the parents. His number is technically higher than all of those people combined.

>If these people had a real Adolf Hitler, he would be called controlled oppossiton and a Jewish shill.

It's scary how true this is. The white nationalist movement still has no defined leader because they actively refuse to elect one. Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer are probably the two closest they've had, but even they've been slammed and disavowed by a large portion of the movement for being too cucked on certain issues or for being "obvious" controlled opposition. The alt-right is disjointed as fuck and it doesn't seem to be fixing itself.

Ironically, the only ones pumping out kids are the ones chronically unemployed

>Worried about white race

fuck off

It's mostly because no sane woman or man would want to give birth to a legit nazi's spawn

real conservatives are still having children, so you little white nationalists have nothing to worry about

2 kids is replacement level. Nothing wrong with that. At least Spencer has one and is young enough for more. The rest are lost causes it seems.

>there are Argentinians with more white children then white nationalists

>not being a pregnant man

Guy was a faggot neet. You aren't helping you aren't supporting your cause with that line. Nietzsche had syphilis and was a chronic masturbator in a time when there was no porn.

What a supremely kosher attitude.

Remind me, what do "real conservatives" conserve?

Are you serious? Almost all of these people are quite young.
Even so, if their voices encourage many of their fellow-Europeans to have children, then that will be a huge success for all of us.
Please stop being a (((faggot))), OP.

Do as they say not as they do. Helping to bring about the conditions necessary for higher white fertility rates by agitating for pro white interests doesn't necessarily entail having a large number of children yourself. Generals don't personally have to fly planes.

This is basic shit. Shills are desperate to besmirch pro white voices in any way they can.

Reminder that Richard Spencer is controlled opposition and an FBI plant

It's because most people calling themselves "alt-right" are actually just centrists.

Could see it perfectly well with the AfD here in Germany. The same people who kept calling for a shift to the right and to ditch the guilt cult shat their pants when Höcke actually did hold speeches briefly touching these aspects.

They immediately disavow everyone who expresses opinions even close to those they demand otherwise.

Some are but like Lana is near or in her 40s. Could be she cant have kids which is ok but this is no different than Jews saying everyone should have open borders but then keeping their own closed. Maybe she needs more Pagan LARP to get Freyja to bless her.

7 of the "people" in the picture are nonwhite subhumans, my man


based Jared Taylor

Conservatism is about small government and adhering to our Constitution. All your racial stuff distracts from the fact that the Democrats are trying to destroy our American values and eradicate our Constitutional rights.

I'm pretty sure Lana and Henrik have children, they just intentionally don't talk about them because Sweden has some laws that Child Services can come take the kids away if they're being raised by "extremists"

>Implying Sup Forums nazi roleplayers will ever touch a real woman

kek does that law extend to all those peaceful muslims they have?

That's understandable but a bit strange. Why would you risk living under that kind of threat?

Love of country and tribe?

They conservate white conservative population for one. White conservatives in the US have an above replacement fertility rate.

Reminder the Republican Party is full of cuckolds

>muh Constitution

Civic cuck

What are American values? Diversity, pretending to be equal with niggers? Paying for shitskins? Hollywood?

Your newfag is showing. Richard Spencer is a nobody faux-intellectual and Jared Taylor too weak on the JQ to be of any value. Dr. William Luther Pierce had actual potential, but died too soon and without a proper line of succession.

How many black grandkids do you have? Accurate count yet?

>America began in 1965

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are the pillars of American society. All American citizens deserve equality; if certain people are inferior, they will fall to the bottom. Racism and hate is not the answer.

Go back to masturbating about Rockwell or other WN 1.0 losers from the 90s that never went anywhere, you people are ridiculous. When you're in a desert don't pick and choose which cactus you will draw water from. Spencer has been agitating for white interests while you were still shitting your pants.

Just looking at those figures it seems Mormons and Evangelicals are doing far more for the White race than these E-Celebs and they're 20,000 views per vid.

Not old enough for grandchildren, but why would I care if my daughter grows up to have children with a black man? As long as he treats her well and is a productive member of society, why would it matter?

"I like what this person is saying the most" does not equal "actual potential" you retard, it just means you personally like them the most. What ultimately matters is power and traction with the public. Pierce never gained any.

"I DON'T HAVE KIDS! SO NEITHER SHOULD YOU!" What kind of logic would that be?
Having kids and encouraging others to do so is not mutually exclusive.
They can do only one or the other and still be more productive than you bitching and whining about them.
>Lana & Henrik
Proofs? No assumptions please.
>Tara McCarthy
Give her some time for fucks sakes, she is still stuck in Bongistan.

We pay welfare for your niggers that are supposed to die off. Stop sending money to Africans and Israel as well

>the authors of the constitution were civic nationalists

Naturalization Act of 1792
>Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof

Jefferson on slavery and the future of America
>Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be pari passu filled up by free white laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human nature must shudder at the prospect held up.

Lol, troll harder

>stop advocating for white interests

Your founding fathers would not agree.


>This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians

Hard to dedicate time to raising children when you're busy countervailing the work of leftists. I would almost rather they NOT have children if they can't dedicate the time and energy to them. Otherwise they will just end up being another brain-washed commie.

See, this is why you white nationalists aren't having children. It's not a choice; when you act like this, no woman is going to want to touch your shriveled dick.

You wont be securing anything of the sort in the UK. Read the Cardiff university studies and the study that put black women as most unattractive. both studies had black men as most attractive. The white Birth rate is declining while the mix race population is booming

Game over, birdshits

The muh constitution boomers don't like to remember that part.
They forget their shitskins mostly came after 1965

Considering he isn't much older than I am, that is quite a feat. Don't get your panties in a bunch. The fact is that Spencer isn't leadership material. That doesn't mean he isn't or can't contribute in some ways.

The men can't find women who aren't far left and crazy. The women can't find men who aren't effeminate and cucky.

More and more I think that if anyone actually has to annunciate the need to propagate one's race in the first place, the rot is already terminally advanced. The only hope is to amputate the death flesh, and rehabilitate whatever is left.

The struggle is avoiding the black pill while recognizing that things are going to get much much worse before they (maybe) get better. White's WILL descend into minority status in all parts of the west outside of Europe, and in at least a few European countries as well. White's WILL lose their prestige status globally, as East Asians take the opportunity to secure their own futures as the west diminishes in the short to medium term. The center of culture, media, politics, and economics will shift to the Orient, and the Occident will sleep.


Don't be surprised that we closed visa free travel to your predominantly subhuman nation

>I hate this pro-white activist because he doesn't agree with all of my viewpoints even though he's done more for whites in his lifetime than I could ever dream of!!!!!
Thanks for proving my point faggot. I'm not even a white nationalist; I have no clue why I'm even providing tips.

Thanks for the dating advice, Elliot.

Pierce kept white nationalism alive for decades. I never said he was politician material or could have made it mainstream.

Aren't East Asian fertility rates even lower than Western ones? Don't second generation East Asian women marry outside their race at around 50% of the time in non-Asian countries?


Most of these guys are kikes, shills and assorted degenerates.
they are just interested in the donations for "muh movement".

Dailystormer is a honeypot remember that

In some places, yes, but they are WAAAY more numerous than whites. Becoming a minority is still off the tables for them.

>calls Rockwell a loser
>yet thinks Richard fucking Spencer is an admirable public figure

Yeah, except it's you white nationalists who are the incels. No woman wants to date a racist ethno-nationalist. There's a reason why there are so few women in your movement.


Found (You)

Nice assumption. Almost all Slavs are racist and not being one makes you look like a weird cuck ( you are). You are weak and should die so you weak seed corrupts this planet no more. Darwinism and nature will take care of 'people' like you eventually

left to right

>southern is still young. she has a couple of years left
>who tf is that mongoloid... also probably a faggot
>not a real person
>some hispter faggot. almost certainly queer.
>not white
>young like lauren, still has a chance.
>has kids no? At least I thought she did.
>is that her man?
>faggot. low-T. Clearly bad quality sperm
>manlet and massive loser. No self-respecting woman would touch that little faggot
>not all women can pop out multiple babies desu.
>NOT WHITE AT ALL. Also clearly infertile.

Are you going to start jerking off about Hitler next?

You people are a joke. Not much different than commies who can't stop idolizing Lenin or Mao.

Why are so many white nationalists so short? IF you are under 6' you have no right to call yourself part of a "master race".

There are millions of southern white women who hate niggers and spics. Is it that slow without an antifa rally that you have to troll this thread ,Gassed Schtickman? Don't you guys have to "beat off" someone in a proud boys circle jerk?

Yes, but the genetics of their homelands are intact. Populations are declining in East Asia because they will always decline in any post-industrial 1st world county. The difference is the East Asians are not importing 3rd worlders by the millions, and shifting their demographics by entire percentage points year after year.

Whatever happens in East Asia economically, or with respect to fertility, in 100 years, those nations will still be inherited by the descendants of the indigenous inhabitants. Also, I suspect that a great deal of Asian interracial marriage outside of Asia is due to the relatively small Asian populations from which people have to chose mates. A lot of the time, an Asian will be the only of his or her own race in their entire school until they get to college. Whereas IN East Asia, there is still an overwhelming preference to marry one's own, even when choosing between Asian men and white men. Korea even has a soft supremacist notion of their own racial purity. Racial awareness is on a different level in East Asia.

haha have you seen Argentine women, you stupid fucking teenaged burger NEET autist? They are some of the most beautiful in the Western hemisphere...

>using a nazi flag while calling Rockwell a loser
gas yourself

This is something that's always bothered the hell out of me as well. I'll give a pass to some of the younger people like Laura Southern (she's only 22, even if she looks older) but then you have those faggots at Red Ice Radio constantly talking about "making white babies guise!" while having ZERO children themselves. The bluepilled good old boy conservative boomer in the south with 5 kids is doing much more for the white race than all these people.

And then there's the issue of how many literal faggots are involved in the "alt right".

Weev also advocates violence against women

Read the post. I wasn't referring to Rockwell as a loser.

Either way he's wholly irrelevant and long forgotten. Plastering posters of him in your mother's basement is pure larp.

True, wouldn't a person who's obsessed over these certain issues basically be pushing a white fertility cult?

>Rockwell or other losers

Höcke did nothing wrong.

I don't have hard proof but I've heard this several times

Lana and Henryk have 2 kids together.

>Only 2
>Replacement rate 2.1

Literally sub replacement tier.

Forget all this E-Celeb pagan larping. Come to Church, White Man.

>If Adolf Hitler rose tomorrow, he would not make the cut. If these people had a real Adolf Hitler, he would be called controlled oppossiton and a Jewish shill.

It's insane how very true it is that Hitler in real life was controlled opposition to the communist conspiracy, which in the cold war became controlled opposition to the Marshall plan; the act of American tax dollars financing the creation of new governments in Europe and alliances that would become the European Union.

If Hitler rose, he'd be an anti fascist.

>Come to Church, White Man.

I did, and pic related is pretty much what i got. Never again.

Fuck off with that Mainline shit

But he would have still long knived your faggot ass.

lel, church is for cucks. Even the most conservative denominations still love their based spics and niggers as long as they're christcucks.

I don't believe that. Apparently people who actually have met them IRL know they have no kids. If anything, them saying they have kids on the down low is just a way to pawn off this obvious criticism.


I don't really care about worshipping e-celebs but the constant tearing down of anyone raising European's awareness is retarded. Churches are a main contributor to flooding Europe with Africans and Arabs as well. Besides, even if you have kids you still have a growing, extremely violet parasitic group living in the country which needs to be tackled rather sooner than later.

>as they have an above replacement fertility rate

Don't you guys get it? It doesn't matter what you vote for or what books you read. Literally having a family will help save your people. The people who are doing that in the US are conservative Christians.

that "2" triggers me

>"Most feminist baby boomers managed that"

No they didn't you clown, the birth rate decline began with them.

> Churches are a main contributor to flooding Europe with Africans and Arabs as well.

Really? Really? It's the main problem? It's not ahistorical secularists who worship vague humanism?

Recognize your binary privilege cis-number