I bet you didn't, but you do now. These white Christians FORCED gender roles.
Did you know?
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Who gives a shit what a bunch of savages think? They got wrecked and now only exist to run casinos.
and we all know how that worked out for them
No they didn't.
I've studied native Americans and early settlers for two decades.
This was completely made up. They were spiritual yes, but didn't believe in tranny stuff.
Join Laci. Take the Red Pill.
I'm callin buffaloshit on this turd of a "fact"
>Christians say two genders
>Natives say five
Okay so why are the natives automatically right in this scenario.
And the natives had gender roles you stupid fuckwit.
>"remember when faggots were revered and were the elite of the society?"
>this was never the case
>my feel when
No they didn't. They killed their faggots too. Same with Aztecs. They only kept a few faggot ladybois around to play priestess.
Lol... Didn't know native americans was going through this liberal SJW bullshit phase too when they were being colonized Oo
exactly, the state of a rotting society ready to be replaced. except back then they were replaced by superiors
You can't beat biology with this Yiddish trickery. Two (2) genders: male & female.
Everything else is degenerate fiction.
what do those fellas born with both genitals and shit do?
I work on a rez, there are strongly defined female and male roles on any rez. A female here literally isn't even allowed to fish or hunt.
This is like me saying that humans have 2 arms and 2 legs, and then you come in saying "B-BUT WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WITH BIRTH DEFECTS WHO HAVE ONE LEG AND THREE ARMS?!?!?"
It's a genetic/developmental anomaly.
>remember when faggots and trannies were sacred gifts from the gods?
>Pepperidge Farms remembers
Too bad. Shes not thic now that shes a nazi
>"They thought a person who was able to see the world through the eyes of both genders [...]"
>admitting that there are only two genders
She's thick now.
She was straight up fat before.
it was the same here if we go back real far.. transgender people would always become shamans in those times
>Implying there was only one native American ethnic group or culture is extremely racist
Did you know that natives with their multi-gender society got wrecked so hard by the primitive whites with their static two-gender society on every single front that whites pay welfare for them out of pity?
the indians also practiced scalping and went to war often with the other tribes.
also the natives had gender roles.
there genetic abnormality's for the same reason we dont call somody born with 3 arms a new species of man.
look how well things turned out for those featherheads
No primitive culture thinks being a femine man is a 'gift from god', since men being men is what keeps them from fucking dying and getting their women raped by the tribe next door. Really makes you think..
Funny thing about scalping. When the first whites noticed this practice(Spanish in about 1530-1540's) they obviously asked why are they doing this.
They've asked several tribes. Later other tribes were asked by other people. The answer was always the same. Other tribes do it and so do we!
Then you've had practices typical for some specific tribes concerning their enemies corpses, from cutting tongues to and decapitation to cutting limbs off and cannibalism. Clearly a peaceful bunch.
So you're making an unsourced claim about a culture we don't really know much about, knowing that nobody gives large enough number of fucks to check it (which I suspect would end in no evidence supporting the claim in OP). Everything checks in, that's what libs do all the time.
You dun' goofed tho, because we don't respect nor admire indians.
yes they did
many many many other cultures have had something like a third gender, generally for effeminate men
If even this one true look where it got them, they got btfo
>#occupy shit
>facebook filename
post discarded
Thats wishful thinking faggot.
Yeah they also ate each other we shouldn't be basing our understanding of the world on the practices of fucking savages.
>comparing attention whore tranies
>To a people's religion which viewed these people who had these urges as religious icons who have direct connections to the spirits and were believed to be hosted by dead ancesters ie the equivalent of Jesus walking around on the earth to modern christans
before you post ass retarded stuff like this you probably should do some research you nigger
Many ancient cultures used religion to explain the explainable
^this user has it spiritually embodied not tranny
>Berlin wall
dude wat
It's a joke, retards
>Occupy Democrats
But, OK, I'm willing to by your affirmation
But, the First Nations were made up of dozens and dozens of tribes and tribes within tribes.
Which ones are you referring too?
He's a jew!!!!
They also believed in magical forest spirits and windigo. Your point is?
its actually kinda true in that it was practiced by a few tribes in ironically I shit you not California.
Two spirit means you do male and female jobs and ceremonies.
example: Tomboys are two spirit, not all tomboys are lesbians.
>something like
Yeah it's called "not normal"
How's that always it's the unsuccessful people that come up with the idea of more than 2 genders?
I only watch her muted vids for the tits jiggle.
Am I the only one?
>Occupy Democrats
Even politifacts debunked these cunts
Because societies that normalize and glorifie mental / physical disorders do not succeed.
Yup physical disorders caused by endocrine dysfunction correlate with homosexuality, pedophilia, etc. caused by circumstances other than the prenatal conditions, and that's why it seems so easy to identify homosexuals or pedophiles from the way they look.
Not sure how I made that mistake. Was making it plural and changed my mind but didn't fix it. It's early
native americans had ftm and mtf operations... right... mtf I can see, they stab you with a spear and you keep the hole open/closed right?
Dude, that was just a stealthy jab at the feminists and left. Don't overthink it.
what you did not now is not all tribes had the same culture or beliefs, stop being racist and tell your bigotry to fuck off.
And yet Western culture, the one that embraces the two standard biological gender roles, is the one that thrives globally. HMMMMMM....
I've heard that Australian abo mothers did some shit like that to their sons sometimes. Some user showed me.
Feel free to call me a faggot tho cause I can't find source
>muh savage morals
Sexual dimorphism and related disorders interest me and I read a lot about them.
If you guys are going to stay here you're going to have to be able to tell satire apart from the real thing. Posts like this make me lose faith in Sup Forums.
This. And they certainly didn't promote cutting your dick off. Leftists love to manipulate the red man's History for their own ends.
BWAHAHA they had five genders but no wheels?!?
And nothing of value was lost.
Isn't it racist to lump all natives into one group since there are over 500 recognized tribes? Im just a white man though so what do I know
No I enjoy the cow tits too
is that way there's so many native trannies here in leafland?
>Isn't it racist to lump all natives into one group since there are over 500 recognized tribes?
Sure, but they have to. It's only as a monolithic group that natives can claim prior ownership of the whole continent; taken as individual tribes, the whole narrative crumbles. For example, the current white and the native populations of southern ontario, CAN, settled that area around the same time.
Fucking libshits, a handful of tribes believed that horseshit, and now they're trying to shill that my ancestors were faggots? Fuck I hate liberal college students.
A bunch of prairie-niggers who squatted naked in the dirt, banging rocks and sticks together "revered" transgenders? Well that changes everything.
who cares, science literally says that there are only two genders so it doesn't matter if 90% of the human population believe in "two-spirit females", because, objectively they do not exist.
Hello Sup Forums, as your designated expert on this issue I can assure you this was a thing, but two spirited is a far more profound and spiritual function in native american society like a priest, it was nothing like the traps you see today, lol, those people are not becoming traps to become holy or spiritual, often it the very opposite, so its actually quite ironic.
Someone on Sup Forums had also spoken on the esoteric/occult meaning of the transsexual - there is an element of truth to that , which reminds me of my culture, but by far in large it was never this largely "degenerate" or non-spiritual interpretation of expressing 2 genders in one body, today your transexuals are more focused on the base of sexuality itself and nothing more. They are feminized to create a new segment of submissive citizens. This is degenerate.
>timber niggers who never developed the wheel or a written language believed ___________
Why should I care? They were savages.
Indians make more than your shit heap of a country LMAO
I would go check kikebook to see if this is real or if you made it up for keks but I'm heading to gif to jackoff.
yo bro ill Timber your girl with that BRC (Big Red Cock)
>tfw work at a said casino
Go to Roman History and you find a Syrian emperor who had a crone whit a dick in front of it, donĀ“t know how this fag was named but he was brought by his mother in power and got killed after a few years because he was such a faggot. Somewhere in the time of civil wars.
The thing is that they still recognize two genders. Male and female. Just because you can control and see through both doesn't mean there are more genders. it's the same in India with the Hijra. There are still only two genders, it's just that the Hijras took the female gender role as their own.
Gender is the specific role / characteristic of a sex. As there are only two sexes this means that there are only two genders (so the cultural part) as well.
wow something happened, amazing