is that guy really The Golden One?
niggers B T F O
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I don't believe that one man can take on multiple men IRL, unless he's a prefessional boxer/martial artist.
You just need to be first to punch, normally it's niggers who land the first punch out of nowhere.
the last punch was powerful but indeed slow for a professional fighter.
i think the guy in the video is not trained, at least not as a professional
I've heard that video is from Australia so I strongly doubt it. It sure looks like him though.
He even admitted it wasn't him.
Looks similar but The Golden One is an aryan beast, even more ripped than that dude.
Here's another angle:
You mean he denied it. Typical Swede.
Exactly. If you charge them, take out one of them fast enough, the rest will break in fear.
This happened in Australia
What's his name Sup Forums?
Highly doubt it since if this was Sweden there would be more blacks and cucked whites trying to stop him from attacking those poor doctors and scientist.
This happened in my town Newcastle NSW. They settled Sudanese here in the early 2000s but we are some of the most racist people in Australia so it completely backfired. Niggers getting beat up is a regular occurrence here, cops don't really care either because they are racist too and don't really give a fuck. The niggers in my neighborhood I follow around with a camera and they never say a word. If you treat a nigger like dirt then they fall into the place they belong. None of this is rhetoric, all true stuff. Niggers here probably wish they were back in Sudan.
Alex Jones
real name is Marcus, dunno about the surname. The Golden One on YT
Fatolf Joestar.
Blonde Bluegums Bomber
nah, it doesnt look as hench him and if anons are saying this is in oz then i doubt it's marcus. would be cool if it was him though
why are you making this a race issue?
go to any licensed district on the weekend in Australia, and you'll find violence
no one mentions race when numerous white kids have been killed by 'coward punches'
but when the lefts chess pieces get hurt its suddenly a race issue
if cunts cant handle dumb drunken dickheads blood sport then don't go out to places where it occurs
>the reason why I don't go clubbing anymore
>why are you making this a race issue?
because he's battering niggers???
It was an Aussie, Latsbrah even said it wasn't him on his Farceberg page
A real Aryan Warrior.
The Nigger 'Nihilator
Wow, I always thought this guy looked like a faggot. Very impressive.
I didn't think so when I first watched it.
GO is ridiculously huge, like comic book character proportions. Guy in the video is decent shape but nowhere near that size.
>Retarded liquid snake look a like
Ugly and probably a fucking faggot, but props to them for getting that strong as long as it wasnt done by cheating
how tall is GO?
>inb4 insecure OZcunts try to claim this guys Australian
Nice. It's moral to kill and torture non-Europeans in Europe. They are not really human. You can steal from them, do whatever.
All Europeans should be like him
I seem to recall a similar teaching in the Talmud.
Im assuming hes over 6 foot with a 50 inch penis, it would be kind of disappointing to find out hes a manlet.
New UK anthem...
man, I'm all for the final solution
but this shit got twisted by the left, you should of seen all the kikebook and twitter snitches posting it to NSW police page, next minute theres demands for black reparations and revenge
instead of saying hey guys, when you go out to licensed premises and random segments of the public are consuming alcohol in the same vicinity, its common that violence may occur....just ask any security guard or police officer'' etc.
now thanks to social media its victimisation propaganda and further evidence of evil whites
fuck the left
its not good
They took it from us. See old Rus, Hellenic and Nordic laws. Foreigners of other race didn't enjoy legal protection
Besides, it's our NATIVE land
Do you sincerely believe a swede cuck could punch like that?
That's the work of an aussie alpha
It depends on a lot of factors. My college friend took on two scrawny nigs at a bar because he's huge and he was too drunk to feel pain. Like that other guy said a big factor is whether the lone guy can KO one of his opponents or whether he has to fight both simultaneously
Kangz Killer
I always wondered what the story behind this was
Russians are not people though so this video doesn't really disprove anything
Pretty sure apex gang is in Australia.. And the title of the version I saw was apex gang vs Thor so yeah. It's Aussie. Sorry faggots but this boy is ours.
Golden One is a pretty cool guy. eh is Sup Forums + /fit/ and doesnt afraid of anyone
Good on you. Every coon, gook, curry nigger, wog and abo must be a subject to an attack in Northern shaped Australia
No. Those are aussies.
he restores my faith in Europeans
That's definitelly not the Golden One. The guy in the video has a smaller body. It doesn't look pumped with steroids like the golden ones. Second, look the "boxing" videos of him. He can't do any strong punches as he never had any professional fighting lessons. The only thing he is doing is ruining his body with drugs (steroids) and make edgy youtube videos. Every professional fighter who is half his size and weight could easily knock him out.
FUUUUAAAARRRK latsgeneration etc etc
>Every professional fighter who is half his size and weight could easily knock him out
can be applied to litterally everyone who isn't professionally trained
He is though
That's the whole meaning of being a professional fighter/ex-mil, Kanake
He's 188cm (6'2"). He said it in one of his Q&A videos.
Strongfats spook me
Here's another nice one
Fatty strength is real
Pretty sure is right, the guy goes by the nickname Thor.
Seth Rich
There are more than one blonde person in the world, Mario.
A dangerous combination indeed.
>can't read the video's title
legit question. now get lost you literal faggot
It just proves your stupidity, believing text before your eyes.
the guy in the video looks like him. legit question fucktard
>no flag
i smell a nigger here
Beats up a bunch of skinny straight out of Africa blacks and you guys think he's some fucking super warrior. He wouldn't have lasted a minute against an American black that wasn't malnutritioned.
Yeah typical fags Euro's taking credit shit Australians do, to make themself look big
That's not him.
Mario please, Italians are 2-4% Niggers, no need to project.
This video is from America. You can tell from the signs. Doesn't this caveman live in Europe somewhere?
sorry achmed
It depends, if you can intimidate your enemy and then taking each one out before they all gang up on you is possible. The tactic is to overpower 1 on 1 before all 3/4 use their combined strength.
t. boong