Norway is a freezing shit country where we are so miserable that we spend most of our time plotting how to kill ourselves.
Drug use and overdoses are skyrocketing.
We are not in EU, but we are still EUs bitch.
The whole economy is driven by oil and weapon parts.
The oil discovery was and is a fucking curse, before the oil our economy was based on agriculture, timber and fishing and it was highly productive and similar to other Nordic countries our quality of life was high, and educational levels were still superior.
Oil has made us globalist fucks, before oil we were pretty nationalistic, even our left parties were pretty based back then.
Multiculturalism has ruined our pride, there is a invasion going on, but folks around here are to brainwashed by left propoganda to understand it.
If we say something against immigration, sandniggers and left people threaten our families and friends, if we contact the police about they do absolutely nothing.
If you say something bad to immigrants, they press charges and we must pay a fucking expensive fine and/or go to jail. Our justice system is cucked as fuck
Our police is shit and cucked.
Our non-existent military is cucked
All parties are cucked. Immigrants have gained influence in all significant parties.
We are spoiled communist brats.
Norway is only going downhill, and after left wins election later this year and centre-right lose their government position we are fucked. Immigrants will flood in like a tsunami, rape and murder our citizens like a disease resembling the black death.
Before you call me shitskin, i'll let you know i'm white as fuck. I am Norwegian and i hate the sun.
I wish i could say i'm proud of my country, but i'm not, far from it.