Could it be? Can it be?
Something is going to happen
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing has going to happen
when was the last time a congressional interview done a single thing?
is comey behind bars? is lynch behind bars? not even hillary's server guys are behind bars
all these really serve as are a way for the house to say "hey we're doing something that justifies our jobs" *asks dumb questions and gets obvious boilerplate answers in response*
if you want something to happen what you need to do is get prosecutors involved
m sure they are just looking for artistic advice
Feels good that some prayers are answered.
This guy was an advisor to Bill Clinton, Barack , and Hillary.
He is Lord of the Scum.
He's an international power broker.
He's in control and pulling the strings behind the scenes constantly.
If he's before Congress it's because he wants to be.
He's probably setting up some 765 D Chess move that we won't even been able to figure out till it's all gained momentum and is bringing down a world of shit.
she lost
Nip gets it.
He was going to be sec. State..
Podesta The Moletser
Nip is on point.
Big waste of time.
Your forgetting that the Dems are at their weakest right now both power wise and financially and on top of that their trafficking network is being busted up left and right.
If there was ever a time to strike, now might actually be a good time to do so.
It better be
Timing is perfect. They got lawsuits against them. They keep spending money like mad in losing campaigns and their donations drives aren't bringing in the big bling like it use to.
I bet nothing happens
Sadly, fpbp
>This guy was an advisor to Bill Clinton, Barack , and Hillary.
And on Twitter publicly humiliated with allusions to throwing him under the bus.
He's toast.
Do you smell what's cooking on the stove?
>Smells like
Rothschild publicly humiliated him.
i got u senpai
(this is what Podesta's special multi-projector screening room is for)
Whitehouse insider made thread about a happening last night.
I accidently deleted the screencap of it
he's just being interviewed about the election hacking shit. this isnt about pizzagate or any other dirt he's involved in. i hate him as much as the next goy but this isnt anything.
>This guy was an advisor to Bill Clinton, Barack , and Hillary
All he is now is a Wash Post hack.
Uh oh time to start reminding politicians of the pizza related maps with their dna and kiddie dna on them.
It's behind closed doors, so nothing will come of it.
Honestly, Podesta is probably just there to administer hand jobs, not to testify
Kill yourselves dumbass reddit the Donald faggot fuck off with this shit
for once I agree with one of the "back to rebbit" larpers, although I dont think it's so much a "rebbit" thing, as it is a failing demoralization campaign by butthurt/sockpuppet former DNC staffers (CTR)
of all the democratic machine people I hate, it's John "big bowl of cum soup" Podesta the most.
You people really think something will come out of Podesta testifying behind closed doors?
Get a clue
It's a closed session.
He's just there to coordinate stories with Schiff and the democrats
Now, if all the sudden Mueller called Podesta in front of a Grand Jury and Podesta lawyers up an pleads the 5th or some shit then my butt would pucker up in anticipation of happenings
But, that's not happening
Shit, that insider user was right
Wow, another big ol' nothingburger. Can't wait to see these drumpflets run around like idiots thinking chief liar liar pants on fire actually did something in their interests.
>inb4 shareblue shill
I've been around the world and am a bit more educated than the rednecks and white trash that infests this board.
Can you tell me about the countries you've visited and the degrees you have accomplished?
Reddit cancer
You're obviously a redditor
Cry more, faggot. I'm thirsty.
Drop the meme flag leaf
Show your colors
Nice try nigger go back to spamming >BASED
>Le What did he mean by this XDDD
or do us all a favor and hang yourself
>le flag argument
>le leaf argument
Got anything else, Skippy?
You want to discuss Podesta and his upcoming house testimony or do you want to be a flaming butt pumping faggot?
I think I already know the answer
Kill yourself
Also: Podesta Da Molesta
>> house intelligence committee
If this were anything hed be getting interviewed by actual cops
you're about to get flamed for speaking the truth
Don't feel bad, my hard drive died on me last night. I hope I can recover my... umm memes, yes my memes.
Being a "power" brojer doesnt mean there arent people from the other side of the isle gunning for him. Hes not God dude...
Why don't you have a sear over there, John?
Pedosta doesn't control shit. He's a mid-tier manager at best for those who actually do.
many Republicans share a certain "hobby" with Podesta
Look at what happened to the one Republican that was actually gunning for him...ask Steve Scalise how his child trafficking investigation is going right now
Speculation is a waste of time nigger. Show me facts or shut your fuckhole
no coincidence Steve Scalise who was leading the probe into child trafficking was #1 on Hodgkinson's list
Steve wasn't the closest target to the 3rd base dugout on that field
Steve was the primary target