Taxpayers money hard at work
>live in britbongistan
>get attacked by muslims
>police run away and go home to play with legos
I want to die. Women ruined work environments. As did phones.
t. phone addict.
Public social media (i.e. social media where you have a real identity attached to your posts and the content is visible to everyone) needs to fucking die.
It always leads to the same fucking shit. People can't help themselves but constantly lie in an attempt to make themselves look better. At least IRL most of them fail at that because they can't think quick enough to make those lies up on the spot.
Don't be so cynical. There are still plenty of police ready to kick down the doors of people who post mean things about Muslims onl
Kek don't forget how they waste their budget on gay shit then cry about funding
it's lego not legos
how dare you speak to me
Faggiest countries earning themselves a rainbow colored butt plug
>just to clarify: you're all adult Law Enforcement officers, right?
they really sound like retarded tumblerinas
No more user. Only taxpayers now.
Our police are completely cucked
I made a good call because I thought this thread was created by a British
t. neckbeard
I sure as fuck hope that these Twitters are not actually run by officers but instead some retarded woman from public relations
>being yourself is not a crime
>gets arrested for (((illegal opinions)))
wh-where's the black or muslim lego policeperson? Racists!!111
Meanwhile our police is asking people to stop playing Despacito
Unfortunately not, the guy is an chief inspector
Fucking hell man...
Are the chief inspectors at least just useless political puppets or did they actually get promoted based on merit?
you get promoted if you arse lick the right people
They get promoted based upon merit, usually in command of a district. Unsurprisingly this guy isn't based in a muslim hell-hole.
Lego my eggo mother fucker
they sound like giddy fucking schoolgirls
>diversity budget
>police in the UK split their time between role playing as gay Lego men on twitter and arresting people for mean words
Also I checked @mun1nn's twitter, he had a post to the Sussex police who had been boasting about jailing someone for an anti-Muslim post asking if they'd arrested any Muslims who'd expressed hatred for non-Muslims: silence
Then someone else in the comments piped up asking if they would arrest for anti-semitism. They were very eager to confirm that they would
I want to die
If such a small percentage of people are gay why is it pushed so hard? Restaurants didn't stop serving bread when gluten free became the norm.
Based Lloyd
flag does not check out
>Then someone else in the comments piped up asking if they would arrest for anti-semitism. They were very eager to confirm that they would
Considering that Muslims are anti-semitic as fuck, that sounds like a good place to start.
I'd bombard their twitter but they censor any dissenters!
>diversity budget
A gentle reminder diversity costs the taxpayer money, that.
The fact that they didn't reply to the message about Muslims hating non-Muslims is a pretty good indication of just who they would be arresting for anti-semitism. The post asking about anti-semitism that they replied to was further down in the same thread, so they had to have seen it
He gone bye bye
Better watch it.
World around them is burning and they're just playing around
>He hasn't seen Hot Fuzz
It'll answer all your questions about British law enforcement.