How do we solve the white trash problem?
Give it more guns and nigger killing permits
good education, capitalist ideals, stormfag genocide
This is one of last things people should think about on West.
What is the most redneckest state?
I'd say TX or LA.
LA gets bonus points for drive thru daiquiri shops
Zero indication that the pic related is white trash. Truck is clean, yard is clean, house is well-kept on the outside at least, Christian, fit.
What drive a nice truck, wear a belt, have a job???
Your a stupid nigger
Fuck off
I see nothing wrong with your picture. He does not look like a Wana be nigger and he is wearing white people clothes in the back of a pickup. Your picture looks like how white people should be.
Nothing screams more redneck and small dick than a truck
Yup... this guy is a responsible job havin dude...
I'll take white trash over non white shitskins any day.
At least white people can be reasonable.
Shill thread fuck off.
>t. neet cuck who doesn't understand the meaning of hard work
This. He's clean, Christian tatt? high chance he's worked hard for what he's got. Should have picked a better picture
How much experience do you have in agriculture or blue colar work?
They dont seem like a problem at all
What does hard work have to do with trucks?
This guy can date my daughter... no problem...
But he's in a truck, he looks problematic to me.
How fucking far have we fallen where just not being morbidly obese is considered fit?
Nothing screams tiny dick like not being able to fix things yourself and calling people out who drive trucks while driving a scooter or Prius. Go outside faggot and clean your room.
National Socialism
Someone has to pay for it, its new or well cares for. (The bed is clean and undented) ... gimmie dats dont take care of anything...
OPs pic is just some dude sitting in the bed of his pickup truck. He's not really representative of white trash.
White trash is a problem.
Bro driving a big car just means you're compensating for something else, especially when you need to show off.
>1 post by this ID
>will reach bump limit
I wish you stupid faggots weren't so god damn retarded sometimes. Stop replying to obvious slide threads you cock gobblers.
How about we worry about "white trash" when all the lefties & RINOs lie dead or hangin' from 'em trees along with the nig nogs, muzzy rats and mexican spic shits eh?
But he's right. Look at the guy in OP's pic. He is sitting in a truck, he is white trash.
Yea but its fun...(i know i know)
Its just a regular truck, its not all jacked up with some stupid lift kit.
make them work. if they don't want to then kill them all.
He riced it up. Look at the rear window. He glued some stupid text to it already.
Cuck. You want to know why only America has trucks? Thats because a truck represents Freedom. You see that road? Fuck the road, you dont need it in a truck. You can drive out side the lines. You see that refrigerator, you dont need to wait until tomorrow or pay a delivery free, you can just take it home right now, fuck their minimum wage illegal aliens that will scratch your fridge and floors and probably come back later and steel your patio furniture.
You can do it all in a truck, the ultimate expression of freedom in the consumer market. Its just something Eurocucks would not understand. Enjoy your hate speech and legal mudslime rape, cuck.
hai mars inapoi la reddit
>How do we fix the statistical inevitability of some white people being on the left of the IQ bell curve
You don't m8
Bro? I'm not your bro. Europeans would not understand driving a truck because you all ride scooters because your gas tax and cars are expensive. Maybe they use a truck for work or offroading. Maybe they like to camp or pull trailers with horses ect. Saying someone has a small dick for driving a truck is pretty pathetic. Maybe you are calling people out for driving big cars because you have a tiny duck yourself. Explain to me why driving a truck is degenerate without bringing other people's cocks into your argument.
>Nothing screams more redneck and small dick than a truck
Trucks are ideal rural vehicles. You clearly don't understand how convenient they are. Fuel is dirt cheap and American trucks are roomy, very comfortable and quite pleasant to drive. Petrol is two dollars a gallon where I live. I can daily a truck and not care. You probably think no one hauls with trucks either. I move metal, machine tools, welders, equipment and more with my trucks so explain why I should want a car for anything?
Cars have no advantages over a truck IRL. Trucks are easier to work on (I'm a mechanic) so why should I want a car? I have motorcycles for fun. My trucks haul those too since I build bikes as well.
Free healthcare
Trucks are probably the least efficient cars. They use more fuel and pollute more than even race cars. They have minimal to no use.
As for what you said, it makes no sense.
>capitalist ideals
They have to go back
>How do we solve the white trash problem?
You move to Liberia or a similar African country of your choice where there's barely any whites.
Average guy. Minding his business. Paying his bills on time. Working. Paying his taxes. Keeping his home, yard, and vehicle clean.
Dressed casually yet respectfully. Clean shave and groomed. Tattoo is not ugly.
Looks like a pretty good guy to me. The only problem here is OP who is probably a nigger.
>See truck
>Get insecure about your shitty car
>Reminds you of your small dick
>Maybe I should get a truck too!
>No wait then people would think I'm a redneck who actually works for a living yuck
>Wait what if he's thinking the same thing I am
>he has a small dick too!
Not that you mentioned that I can tell you don't care about the environment which is enough to realise you are, in fact, white trash.
Let's solve our nigger and muslim problem first. Then we can debate whether whites are an issue, becausee we aren't.
When you own things, you need to move them around. Also you need to move other things to feed the things you own, for example hay bales for your horses. To put it in Romanian terms, you could put your family in the truck bed and take them to town so they can beg.
Those are only traits that are important to a cuck. Enjoy your Paris Agreement and sending billions of dollars to 3rd world nations and your road tax.
Again, what does hard work have to do with trucks? That's silly.
Grow up
You're paying 600 bucks a month to spend 100 bucks a week on fuel
You're at the top of the idiot mound
>the environment
You are nothing more than a shit stain on the planet that will be washed away in a relatively short time, stop being so narcissistic as to think you could have any negative effect on the Earth, other than breathing the white man's air.
>Let me tow my welder around with a horse and buggy.
Trucks are useful for many different types of work.
Going as far in order to defend your inefficient vehicles..Why are you so full of hatred?
You seem mentally challenged to me.
>Stop having money! REEEEEEEE! All your disposable income should be mine!
Reverse image search brings up article "Women are most attracted to guys who drive pickup trucks"
OP is confirmed a nigger driving a stolen 1987 pinto.
Europeans pull their trailers around with their cars. You know what we call those people here in America?
White trash.
>They pollute
>You hate the environment
Your prius's batteries pollute more being manufactured than a truck could ever pollute driving. Also some trucks can run for over 400,000 miles without being replaced so you are not wasting resources. Go clean your room and go outside your arguments are easily deconstructed. I spend more time outside in nature than you ever will. I hike, hunt, backpack, fish, and four wheel. I donate to my state and national parks. What the fuck do you do for the environment? I pick up trash and throw it in the back of my pickup. You are a stupid person who could not possibly understand when they sound like a bleeding heart liberal beta male.
I hope you realise even tractors have better fuel efficiency and lower emissions than trucks these days. As I mentioned before, you must be compensating for something for having a large truck.
Stop illegal immigrants coming in so they can get a job and improve infrastructure. Education too if it's through a state funded program because if they have to pay for it they can't if they don't have a full time job and if they have a full time job then they won't have time or energy to get an education.
>Trucks have minimal to no use
Well when you linger in the sewers producing nothing and feasting on rat poo, you don't really need a truck that's true.
Education and organised welfare and maybe for ALL kinds of underprivileged people?
You don't need 8 cylinders, or a massive diesel, or 6 wheels, or something 20 ft. long and 8 ft. tall to tow a welder
You just don't. It's stupid
Yeah but he's white, drives a truck, is Christian, and wears a hunting hat. Fucking white trash.
>Does not find any use in having a truck
>Calls others mentally challenged
Romanian intellectuals, folks.
That's the thing, you don't have money
And this is why
i'm white and passed two black teenagers one day on my bicycle and one said to the other "that's a nigga".
the meaning of this cryptic statement still haunts me. maybe i'm lacking self-awareness and am, in fact, a nigga.
That dude looks neat
Firstly, you assume I'm driving a prius, which is wrong. Secondly, you resort to weak insults in order to defend your contradictory arguments, so I'm going to block you since this discussion's productivity level is close to reaching 0. I hope you are proud of yourself.
>Gas prices
I actually make money using a truck while being self sufficient. Trucks paid off num nuts. I have no boss or manager that tells me what to do. I worked hard to get to this point. I work how I want when I want. What have you done or do that makes you better than me?
Nothing screams more gypsy and small dick than a romanian flag shitposting
It's possible in this context "that's a nigga" means "that's a dude." Maybe they thought you were a chick.
It's also possible they meant you were a real G on your bike. Congrats. You've been accepted into their tribe.
>so I'm going to block you
There's a reason people insult you. You truly are fucking retarded and they can just tell from the start.
Not him but I drive a truck, dont have a payment and pay 30 dollars a week in gas.
Oh so you're a NEET
Damn okay, carry on
>ITT: Sup Forums goes flaming gay for some hayseed in the back of a truck.
Pull yourselves together guys
this. op is a faggot as usual.
West Virginia or Kentucky. Places like Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, or the Carolinas have some of the most red neck people you will ever meet, and they are also the originators of being a back woods inbred plebian. The problem, though, is that the Deep South (AL, GA, MS, LA, SC, TX) is absolutely infested with KANGZ. The presence of blacks here is unbelievable. Therefore, the traditionally "red neck" states aren't really becoming less redneck, but rather they are being blacked. Also the blacks here are much more abundant; but they are more docile, mentally fragile, and friendlier than the coons up north. Lived in Baltimore and now am in Columbia, SC. Blacks in Columbia are mainly just general rapscallions; drinking Steele Reserve or King Cobras all day. They are most bothersome because they are constantly begging for money and other shit (last night some homeless nig with maybe one tooth in his mouth asked if he could drink some of my tea, he said that he had walked 200 miles that day for his sons birthday); but even that can be amusing considering the outlandish excuses and sob stories only a absolute brain dead jigaboo could even think of.
In Baltimore, niggers literally shoot people dead if they look at them the wrong way. They are all also strung out on heroin rather than being drunken buffoons.
You must be mentally challenged too, I've yet to see someone become this angered at someone who was not even engaging in a discussion with him. I'm about to block you too, have a nice day.
Nothing scream shitlib degenerate like having a Subaru. Because that's your other choice if you need something that can get out on the snow in the morning in January.
>People who drive trucks have small dicks
> You resort to name calling! Stop hurting my feelings!
Go outside, clean your room, buy 2 inch rope, and promptly kill yourself faggot.
That's because you don't drive a fullsize elephant v8
White Trash are only Whites who are actually defending their race with pride and respect
What did Sup Forums do to save the White race?
Created most autistic thing on internet called Kekistan where 12 year old Redditors are LARPing as White Supremacists who have no fucking clue what White Supremacy is so they just straight up go Civic Nationalist which is nothing better than Liberalism
>Created some >dank may mays
wow what an achievement surely that will stop niggers from killing us
Diesel all the way. Faggots are jealous
As an inherently superior city dweller, OP? You don't. You secede and form your own city-states, so that you don't have to deal with those kind ever again. Do it. Do it, faggot.
How is driving a planet cancer inducing truck and laying in sun all day, doing nothing productive, defend a race?
First white people is not the problem, most people referred as such are more American than anyone stating that racist nigger slur.
Money, invest in the people, the US spend millions in international scholarships and universities fight a capitalist war to receive that inversion by accepting millions of foreign students every year yet an American have to pay for his/her education.
Not everyone that owns a V8 uses it as a daily driver and even if they do, their gas bill is none of your business and not all trucks are V8s.
God please, OP and all OPs like OP, please break away from the Union and form your own city states, hell we will even built a wall to keep you i, I mean to protect your borders!
>anyone who wants to have fun or some kind of personality is over compensating for something
>everyone must drive a boring silver econoblob like me
How dare those little dicks have personal preference!
You retarded gypsy you really think White Trash are lazy?
They're called Trash because rich hippie Liberal kids from Commiefornia think they're stupid but in reality people like guy in pic are a reason why America hasn't starved to death yet
They also love guns so any nigger who tries to attack them is gonna get 12 gauge up his ass
And don't you dare call any American "Trash" you filthy Gyppo
>(Firstly, white people ARE not the problem)
Agreed, lack of education is the problem. How can you come here and have an opinion when you can't spell words correctly?
That's why I don't live in Columbia. Cities, all of them, a shit. I've lived near Manning for twenty years with zero problems and can target practice in my back yard. Columbia is for businesses. Wise owners live in gated communities or in the country as they prefer.
I left northern New Jersey where I lived in a very nice suburb (Rutherford) but there's no freedom in cities.
>Also the blacks here are much more abundant; but they are more docile, mentally fragile, and friendlier than the coons up north.
So much this. There's good reason SC didn't get riots when LA blew the fuck up. SC is /k/ paradise and superbly armed.
I'm a unionized plumber and steam fitter. I weld for a living. I have a hefty 401K I've invested 75K in a mutual fund and have a six figure savings account. I can travel across the country with my truck and trusty Lincoln if work dies down in the winter. My truck and rig was an investment that pays for itself.
Firstly, you never answered my question. I didn't ask for statements, but rather, reasoning.
Secondly, I'm blocking you.
Better question is how do we solve the fag problem
Driving has a very minimal effect on the environment. There are 10 super container ships that pollute more than ever single car on earth. Do the world a favor and kys faggot. Your liberal bleeding heart will not save the world just ruin it.
Yes you do when you're hauling a giant 57 hp stick welder and a cutting torch and two 150 ft leads.