>wins civil war
>about to deport all of the niggers back to Africa
>assassinated before he can do this by butthurt Southerner
Are Southerners the dumbest segment of American society?
>wins civil war
>about to deport all of the niggers back to Africa
>assassinated before he can do this by butthurt Southerner
Are Southerners the dumbest segment of American society?
Proofs he was going to send them back?
He planned on giving them 40 acres and a mule (in the US)
Albert Pike is the asshole here - and the faggot, baby-eating rothschilds.
Was he elite or shit ? please answer me seriously. when i was a student, i was taught He is the GOAT of America president history by our cunt education.
Depending on who you ask, hes either the 1st or 2nd best president
>implying lincoln and jefferson davis were not the same person
That was Sherman, dumbass
Lincoln planned on sending them to Africa/Brazil
>unleashed 4 million dumb angry niggers on civilized white society
dumb gook
Not even top 5
1. Washington
2. Polk
3. Teddy
4. Jefferson
5. Jackson
>about to deport all of the niggers back to Africa
This isn't true. Lincoln gave up on colonization by the time he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. After he issued it he never pushed for, or even spoke about, colonization again. There are several reasons for this. 1) His two serious attempts at colonization were disasters. He tried to colonize them in modern day Panama, and it never got off the ground, for a bunch of reasons, not least of all that the Central American countries refused to accept to be a nigger dumping ground. His attempt to colonize Haiti was just a scam by a private landholder who wanted government monies. 2) The Republicans increasingly didn't support colonization. The Congress withdrew all funding for colonization well before Lincoln was assassinated. 3) The black leadership considered it an insult, and said so loudly and repeatedly.
The idea that Lincoln was going to pursue colonization after the EP is a yankee myth designed to guilt southerners over his assassination.
He wanted to deport them, retarded
John Wilkes Booth is the one that released niggers onto society by killing Lincoln
Preddy good list actually
Really? But when i enter Sup Forums, most of them not rate him so much? Why do you think he is the either 1st or 2nd?
It's not my opinion but my cunt education.
>Proofs he was going to send them back?
He intended to send them here too.
We eventually got loads of negroes thanks to the United States anyways (Panama Railroad and the Canal, the French imported some too).
Sup Forums is not most Americans
why do they even teach u about lincoln in korea?
Lol no
>Abraham Lincoln wanted to ship freed black slaves away from the US to British colonies in the Caribbean even in the final months of his life, it has emerged.
Every time a southerner slanders Lincoln just remember they're the reason niggers infest our cities. They wanted cheap non white labor no matter what. Today they want cheap Mexican labor so they flood us with spics
Like I said. A yankee myth designed to guilt southerners.
Pick up a fucking history book, you boob. Lincoln dropped colonization when he issued the EP and it was defunded entirely by Congress. Nobody wanted niggers, and African transport would have bankrupted us. It was a pipedream that never went anywhere and was never going to go anywhere.
Smart guy, but definitely overrated, as is anyone who reaches such a meta human level of legend.
I'd put Lincoln before Jackson. He kept the country together, sure Jackson expanded it, but Lincoln kept it from falling apart.
The eternal southron is the real problem in america. Who brought the niggers here? Who got attached to them and wouldn't let us get rid of them?
Wrong. Yankee lies. Congress defunded colonization, and Lincoln never said a single solitary word about it after he issued the EP.
Never understood why he was so celebrated.
Dude plunged the country into civil war by violating states rights. Didn't even have an iron clad plan of what to do with the newly freed slaves.
Because it is a Korea SAT subject.
>Who brought the niggers here?
European Jews.
>asking that stupid of a question
Geee I wonder
Recent evidence has come to light showing Lincoln supported deportation until his dying day. I already linked evidence you're just in denial because you are emotionally invested in a retarded old system that did nothing but pollute north America with niggers
>African transport would have bankrupted us
More like keeping niggers in the country bankrupted us you stupid fucking larping Confederate
>civilized whites
>gave been killing each other over stupid shit for centuries
Most ppl rate him tht high because he freed the slaves and kept the country together. He also ended up giving blacks rights
>instigating conflict leading to 650k deaths to unconstitutionally prevent the right to secede
>a good thing
The south left right after Lincoln took office and they attacked first. You clearly don't know shit about history.
Plunging the US into civil war is the opposite of keeping country together.
And who bought them?
Southerns are literally fucking dog shit retards.
>hurrrr durrr muh slavessss dduurrrr
Fucking inbred retards.
Spanish slave trade
The South started the war.
Post evidence that Lincoln was going to force niggers to leave.
That link doesn't tell us anything we don't know. Everyone knows Lincoln preferred colonization, but it was no longer practical. It was never practical to begin with. And yes, African transport of 4 million ex-slaves would have bankrupted us, which is why African colonization was never pursued, only colonization in the Americas, and both of those attempts, as I explained above, were disastrous abortions. He had no money to do it, no support from within his own party for it, and the blacks didn't want to go. He gave up on it, and never publicly spoke of it again after the EP. That he had words privately about it, clinging to the hopeless, means nothing. He was not capable of achieving it.
>1st or 2nd best president
>after the fucking catastrophe that was the homestead act
Jesus, i'm not even a fucking burger and i know this
Several southern state's were leaving the Union. So the country was already falling apart.
His failures are outweighed by the Civil War victory and the abolition of slavery.
You think northerners didn't buy slaves?
Fort Sumter.
I already linked the article proving you wrong
If you reject all evidence that runs contrary to your emotionally held beliefs, stop pretending to be objective
At one point yes. By the Civil War, most northerns were against slavery.
"On the other hand, nothing has emerged to prove that Lincoln ever repudiated colonization, even as angry voices in Congress challenged him to do just that. They did not interpret his continued silence as a tacit show of nascent racial egalitarianism, but simply as a sign that he had not changed his views. The closest thing to proof of rejection is a diary entry by John Hay, one of the presidential secretaries, on July 1, 1864: “the President has sloughed off that idea of colonization.” Probably inspired by Congress’s decision to repeal the relevant appropriations, Hay’s full entry reads less forcefully than its common excerption, hinting less at a tell-all conversation with Lincoln than at Hay’s own inferences from the effects of corruption. Evidence exists that the president actually considered the repeal clause an “unfriendly” rider to an otherwise needful budget bill.
Lincoln’s colonization agent, James Mitchell of the Interior Department, reported at least one conversation with Lincoln in late 1864 about the future of the colonization policy, in which they agreed that the Confederacy’s mooted plan to enlist slaves provided reason enough to delay reviving it for now. Yet Mitchell alleged that Lincoln had also refused to accept his resignation pending a departmental shakeup and consultation with the attorney general, Edward Bates. That finds corroboration in a November 1864 communication from Bates, which also indicates that the president asked whether he could continue pursuing colonization even with the money gone.
Finally, Lincoln’s attachment to colonization resurfaces in Maj. Gen. Benjamin Butler’s recollections of two April 1865 meetings, in which the men resumed a similar conversation of early 1863 about the policy."
Nowhere, except in the misleading headline, does that article state that Lincoln was going to FORCE ALL niggers to leave.
The spanish brought niggers to Alabama? Consider my almonds activated.
>Not putting Action Jackson behind Washington
the assassination was part of (((their))) plan. Booth had ties to Italian Illuminati, and the whole thing was orchestrated by members of Lincoln's own staff
It's not an emotionally held belief. You simply do not know what you're talking about. You're basing your entire historical understanding of this issue on one article in a British newspaper. It's silly. Go read a fucking book. All support for colonization evaporated by the time the EP was issued. The money was pulled, and his own party did not support it. He didn't have the political capital, or the literal capital, to do anything about it. Which is exactly why his public support for it never appeared again after the EP.
Washington will always be on the top.
Yet again, no public support, a mere two examples of private discussion of the matter, as if that means anything. It means nothing at all. The money for it was taken away and it was never coming back, because the Republican controlled Congress did not support it. What do you not understand about that? Do you understand how our government works?
Most slave owners were jewish actually
Hahahahaha.... A fucking shit-skin mudslime calling someone a retard. As far as inbread goes, just look in the mirror faggot
So? You were claiming the south was responsible for bringing them here and providing the sole market for them, but that's not true.
It was always practical
Lincoln financed the entire costly civil war with greenbacks that the treasury printed at will. Not only did it win the war, because it expanded production, but it helped the economy.
Southerners are also retarded because they believe that "muh gold" is the only "true" form of currency. Of course the CSA also printed money to fund the military, but since they had no industry due to the fact the economy was based on ass backwards agrarian cash crops, it didn't do much and the CSA dollar collapsed once they started losing battles.
>about to deport all of the niggers back to Africa
>implying that would've happened
Remember when Lincoln suspended writ of habeas corpus and arrested political dissenters?
I'm not saying that. The North was guilty too. I'm just saying, by the time the Civil War started, slavery was viewed negatively in the North.
If African colonization was practical, he would have pursued it early in his administration when he was trying to plant them in Panama. Why Panama and not Africa? Cost. It would cost a fortune to ship slaves across the Atlantic, rather than send them south. That, and Liberia was a well known failure by then and the Republicans, who were already hesitant about colonization early in the administration would not have supported it.
>Fucking inbred retards.
>Muslim flag
>hurrrr durrr muh slavessss dduurrrr
Or are you just upset at the cultural appropriation? Inbreeding and slavery is HUGE with Muslims.
Lincoln only freed the slaves with the EP to gain support from the Russian people, in order for Russia to send aid during the war
How convenient for the north. Bunch of hypocrites. Always have been.
Only because the country was in the middle of fucking civil war.
>Declare a war
>Violate the Constitution left and right
>It's okay because he declared war first!
The North was largely supportive of abolition.That is how Lincoln got elected in the first place. He ran on abolition. Also the EP was to inspire southern slaves to rebel.
>By the Civil War, most northerns were against slavery.
This is why the fucking navy had to shell downtown manhattan--because they were so pro war!
>Sources I don't like are invalid
They needed their slaves even after slaves were freed, they didn't care about future. UK also needed Indian slaves, now it's too late to practice authority over them.
Only because the south attacked Fort Sumter.
The government can finance whatever it wants see: civil war
Doesn't mean you get to lock up anyone who disagrees with you. He arrested thousands of Americans including reporters, editors and elected politicians for the crime of having opinions he didn't like and held them without trial. He is responsible for 600k+ dead Americans and he's the worst tyrant in our nation's history, easily.
It's not that the source is invalid, it's just that it doesn't tell us anything new like it purports to do. It's not disputed that Lincoln preferred colonization, and pushed for it considerably early on. But disaster after disaster, and complication after complication, resulting in the defunding of it and the loss of support for it forced him to retreat from the position.
>assassinated before he can do this by the jews
I would be pro-war too if a bunch of southerns started their own nation in order to keep their slaves. You're a fucking idiot if you support slavery. Hate niggers all you want, but slavery is wrong.
Apr 12, 1861, George James, Captain in the Southern Army fired the first shot at Fort Sumter in South Carolina
After attempting to negotiate payment for it but being refused by Lincoln. And after warning the USA not to provision the fort. And nobody was killed.
Lincoln would only do it with their PERMISSION. quit spreading lies Yankee faggot. never forget what John Wilkes Booth did for our country
You are a child.
>cuck spotted
I'd say the south was equally responsible for those deaths. The war would never have happened if it wasn't for southern succession.
Go back to fucking your goat then try to cook it over an open flame in a high rise.
he is responsible for more American deaths than any man in the world. fuck Abraham Lincoln. long live John Wilkes Booth.
sic semper tyrannis!
You're the one defending a nigger loving tyrant and distorting the historical record to do it.
Pathetic yankee.
they were brothers. Lincolns dad got cucked
Do you really have to ask that? What about forcing humans to do labor for you sounds moral to you?
Not to mention that Ulysses S Grant kicked Jews out of areas under his control. The Union was right the whole time.
John Wilkes Booth wasn't really a southerner
Fucking eternal Anglo strike again. Just remember us Germans in the north fought to send them back to Africa. The next civil war is b/c of the South's greed.
Lincoln didnt support sending them away forcibly. stay out of Americanh history if you are going to be retarded
>slavery is wrong
And killing your own countrymen isn't? How is civil war better than slavery?
Liberia existing is proof.
Liberia happened under the Monroe administration, decades before Lincoln was elected. That's why Liberia's capital is Monrovia.
Booth is the reason we're so fucked today you fuckin nigger
he was lilled by a crazy liberal actor
Fuck this war criminal.
Sic Semper Tyrannis