why do people who support all kinds of edgy stuff like guns for everyone/disability benefits cuts/deportations based on ethnicity and religion/etc hate abortion?
I mean, it all boils down to 'muh feelings' but still, it's strange
why do people who support all kinds of edgy stuff like guns for everyone/disability benefits cuts/deportations based on ethnicity and religion/etc hate abortion?
I mean, it all boils down to 'muh feelings' but still, it's strange
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I support infanticide because those who would engage in it shouldn't be allowed to breed in the first place
>edgy stuff like guns for everyone
The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental human right.
This guy would let his daughter give birth to a rapist's baby
Abortion is eugenics. Only christcucks hate it.
>muh based church-going niggers
This is a shill thread. Deportations are necessary to stop white genocide. Civil war is your alternative, pick wisely. sage
women should be held accountable for there actions
but not men? fuck off
>wanting my family to be safe us edgy
What's so hard to understand that I don't want to be forced to live around shitskins that almost always bring crime and filth to a community?
It's not 'muh feelings.' It's a K-selected suite of beliefs. They all go together.
But it doesn't register that the "right to bear arms" wasn't a right at one time in history, only because people thought it was important. Likewise, abortion surely doesn't seem like it should be permissible on the surface but when you talk to doctors- ya know the people providing abortions- they will explain in detail why abortions exist and why women go down that gritty path. It's just that neo-Conservative types are literally too retarded to just talk to a doctor, that's why I fucking hate them. Neo-cons are quick to wage a war or kill abortion because of their fee fees then turn around and act like people who care that there are 200k preventable deaths due to insurance fraud, that's evil because I'm not sucking corporate jew dick like you are. Hitler had universal healthcare you dumbfucks
Because most people can't make logical arguments, and will only make decisions based on emotion
LoL I support a woman's right to kill a baby. As long as we all agree I don't have to help her do it and she has to call it murdering a baby. I firmly believe if you can discuss the topic without sweet flowery words then you have taken personal responsibility for it. Fuck female emotions, admit you want to murder a baby because you are worthless selfish trash. Then I'm all game.
>edgy stuff like guns
It's like the unholy trinity of baits. You deserve the (You)s.
>guns for everyone
the right to do with your own body as you wish is a real FUNDAMENTAL human right
more fundamental than the fucking constitution because it's the only thing that is really yours in this world
*tip of my maga hat to you*
my body my choice
tell that to your local ATF agent
If you don't trust your fellow citizens with guns (At least a load out that could function as a soldier: rifle armor ammo etc), your country should not exist
>b-b-but what about men
what more do you want from us
Your body belongs to the Volk.
A lot of people feel like they have to buy ideology by the package, so they feel pressured to be pro-life and LARP Christianity just to be right wing. Especially Americans.
The reality is that being anti-abortion is dysgenic since the people who tend to get accidental pregnancies are lowlifes who are a burden on society.
Atf let's CA own these
Checkmate rest of the world
I don't care abou abortion, it's eugenics afaik, i care about state funded abortion of healthy pregnancies/children.
I don't care what you do with your body as long as I don't have to pay for it
It's literally not your body. It's a developing human. You are its support system. You can't violate the fetus's NAP by denying it its basic right to live.
And it's the state's responsibility to protect its living citizens, thus you can't have an abortion.
Live in 2017 where believing in the constitution is edgy
Your body is only your choice until it affects another person, born or soon to be. I think abortion should be legal, just declared evil and called unborn child killing. I'd even pay taxes for others to abuse it if it were called UNBORN CHILD KILLING. Show the world who the demons are real quick
How original. I forgot to mention that abortion should be mandatory for non-whites.
Save a child, bin that pistol grip
I'm pretty hard right in most cases but abortion is one of my few 'progressive' stances.
If I accidentally get a bitch pregnant, I'm not risking my life being upended just because of that. Abortion should be legal so long as contraception isn't definite. Once we have condoms that never tear/leak or birth control that never fails go ahead and make abortion illegal.
Sperm is a building block to an unborn child. Without the egg, it never becomes more than energy and matter. Fertilization begins life. Killing that life should be legal, but public.
good thing I live in a state with no unconstitutional laws
How about you just stop having so much degenerate sex you selfish hedonist.
This is the first time I've been accused of having too much sex on this site.
Struggle breeds strength. You ever tried to defend yourself with only ten bullets locked inside a seperate container than your unloaded gun in your cars trunk?
>I'm pretty hard right except when it comes to personal responsibility
>Why should I inconvenience my life or accept responsibility for my actions when I can just murder the baby and pretend it never happened?
Why are you having unprotected premarital sex with someone you don't love?
You must be new here. Kys degenerate
>t. child who still lives with his parents
No one strolls into an abortion clinic and merrily has a baby sucked out of them.
Considering the way you clearly turned out, your parents would've been better off removing you from your mother's filthy uterus.
Oh well I guess as long as people do terrible things and feel bad about them it makes it okay.
you clearly don't get it
even infants have no awareness of their own state, why should I care about a couple of cells?
I never said it's unprotected, I said that modern contraceptives aren't absolute. If my condom tears without me knowing, if there was something wrong with it's production and it has a fault i'm unaware of, if my partner's birth control fails, if my vesectomy (if I had one) doesn't take, why should I take responsibility for the failure of others? I was responsible, I wore a condom, I practiced safe sex. In the case of a failed condom; that child is just as much Trojan's responsibility as mine.
Don't worry. All these absolutist fags have just never had sex or have already let their little mistakes be birthed unto this world.
They don't understand pragmatism because they're all autistic and so lack empathy.
none of these are edgy
murdering a baby is edgy though
guns for everyone/disability benefits cuts = less government
abortion = more government
deportations based on ethnicity and religion = ok now you're baiting.
I don't believe I have ever seen a more loaded question.
It's obvious bait, but still.
Clearly you don't get it
Passed out people have no awareness of their state, why should I care if they get killed?
don't worry you can't have babies with men
Times have changed, people are crazy now. Not trusting your citizens with guns for the greater safety of the wider population is much more important.
>I practiced safe sex
Seriously? There are people this fucking retarded?
By practicing sex you basically always risk having a child. Thats what sex is for, so don't whine if something happens that is fucking supposed to happen, even though you try to prevent it.
alt right neo nazis have no awareness of their state, I won't care if they get killed
She should be free to do it and I should be free to call her a baby killer.
>why should I take responsibility for the failure of others?
So you aren't even responsible for your own actions?
Sounds about right. You are a victim. Someone else is responsible for everything.
>talks about arguments based on "muh feelings"
>makes argument based on "muh feelings"
If you don't trust your fellow man with a gun then carry one yourself.
If I shoot someone, I'm responsible.
However, If at a gun range; a brand new (never fired, straight from the manufacturer) pistol misfires and breaks launching metal into my neighbors arm; is that MY responsibility? No, It was the first shot out of a brand new pistol. If I properly handled and loaded it, it absolutely should've fired properly. It would be different If it was the second shot; since It could be argued I should've run maintenance on it before firing it again. However that first shot's success is the gun maker's responsibility.
>Hammer isn't retracted
Good luck killing anything like that.
You might as well point it and saw "PEW PEW!"
Actually, knives are more edgy.
Because we don't believe these things to be edgy.
We believe them because we think they are correct.
Are you actually retarded?
Do you know how few modern pistols actually require the hammer to be drawn back?
Do they not let Aboriginals own guns in Aus?
Ahahaha holy fuck your country is screwed.
I need to make a meta, I keep seeing this thread.
It's because of women. There are natural consequences for misbehavior and being a whore. STD's and pregnancy being the main ones. Being a single mother used to be a great shame so women made sure to know the men they slept with if they slept around, which was uncommon. Condoms are used to prevent most STD's but most people just stopped caring. Pregnancy was really the only thing keeping women in check. Now that they can literally create a human life and just abort it there is absolutely no consequences they have to face for being whores. And I fucking hate whore. Every "woman" I know is a complete whore, they brag about it. They need to realize the consequences of their actions. Abortions is an unnatural fix.
Long winded, I know. I'm tired and don't have all of my reasons and data collected.
Involuntary manslaughter is still manslaughter. Yes you are still responsible.
How is it considered to be an accident or involuntary to knowingly kill a child you do not want?
Stick to what you know, don't use gun analogies if you don't know anything about guns.
Also we need to ban welfare for single mothers, alimony, amd child support. If you make it you pay for it. We've created a complex system just to make sure women are allowed to be worthless cum toilets. It's an abomination.
>what is double action?
How exactly are you trying to prevent women from being "worthless cum toilets" if a man can pump and dump without having to buy condoms because he isn't required to pay child support?
You do know it takes both a man and a woman to create a child, right?
Man without guns is slave.
Thats why Commies and left fush so hard for de arming people.
Look at EU.
Post-natal abortion should be forced on undesirables
Everything about your post is wrong
Kys ad hominem faggot
Many people do consider abortion nothing but their choice
You dont care about anyone but yourself, you should die
>greater safety
Good goyim
That's why I trust other men with guns, because I am allowed to own one too
I support abortion because it kills mostly niglets. It's as simple as that. If you are concerned about the shrinking White population in America, you must support abortion.
If only you were aborted, good news is that it still is on the books to abort you!
Because when there are consequences to actions people are less likely to do them, especially the ones most affected by it. Women will stop being whores (in time) when they start going hungry because they aren't getting money stolen from my paycheck if they whore around and aren't allowed a subsidized infanticide.
Women are really the ones with the choice now. Women have much higher partner counts than men on average. I hate whores.
>women have higher partner counts
Wrong unless you compare them to betas like you
Males are polarizing to fucking anytime anyplace and virginity 4ever. It's not a good design, but you need to stop sucking.
You're a couple of cells.
Your consciousness or awareness cannot be proven.
Therefore it's completely legit to dismember you legs first and up.
That's your logic.
Just admit it, you'd rather let it be legal and ethic to end human life (aka homicide), if the human fits through arbitrary criteria.
Admit that abortion is the death penalty of having done absolutely nothing but what your parents forced you to, and subsequently punishes you for.
When life begins is not debatable, because it's subjective. Life itself is an abstract concept, that philosophers have been discussing for thousands of years. If you choose to say it begins at birth, you just drew a line some random place that looks like a milestone to you, and say "THIS IS THE ANSWER".
One thing is factual though: when the zygote is formed, a human being will pop out of the vagina is formed within after 9 months. If you cannot see how killing a zygote is the same as killing a baby, I suppose you cannot see how killing a larva is the same as killing a butterfly, which makes you fucking retarded.
Excessive explanation but well done. I never understand people who say birth = life because that means they can kill and eat their baby the day before it is born and just laugh as a tax paid doctor has to help them do it every 9 months.
Thats some fucked up logic there. If you hate niggers you should just support gassing them, or returning them to africa. Abortion hurts whites a lot more than it hurts niggers.
They know perfectly well that it's a human being. They just choose to ignore it.
Case in point: shooting and killing a pregnant woman right in the womb - at any time during pregnancy - counts as double murder. Why? Because she wanted the baby, or at least hadn't ripped it out of her cunt herself yet.
What? That made no sense.
Men generally are the ones who try to inititate sex and aren't very picky, because men can get away from the consequences. Women are the ones who stand to lose something (naturally) so they're sort of the gatekeepers men must convince into sex. Nowadays the system is fucked, with women whoring around because they can just get abortions if the worst case scenario happens.
It's a very simple concept. People of your intelligence are why I support eugenics.
You refuted your own argument. Men face a lifetime of consequences for getting a woman 'accidentally' pregnant.
Women can have that 'accident' corrected without consequences.
Abortion is murder you stupid fuckhead. Retard.
>I mean, it all boils down to 'muh feelings' but still, it's strange
It doesnt boil down to that, that is only your incorrect opinion. It is murder.
Sounds like remorse for a poor decision which is not limited to childbirth.
I'm looking forward to a lifetime of joy and fulfillment raising a child.
You din't even state a point, and no stating an argument is not refuting it because you have a specific opinion or perspective that you didn't even bother to describe.
This. Who is more likely to get an abortion, a conservative or a feminist? The answer to that question is self evident. The types of people who perform abortions are unlikely to be able to properly raise a child. If they were forced to reproduce, we would just get another degenerate raised by a single mother. Another criminal, another terrorist, or another mass shooter or serial killer. Abortions are a stroke of luck, really, because they ensure that human garbage ends up never producing viable children
>but they can have children later!
Even a single abortion greatly increases the chance a woman will not attempt to reproduce again until they're already post wall. If they're single, they're fucked. Women over 30 are quickly becoming the new untouchables. If they aren't single, the child is at a greater risk for birth defects and mental disorders if they're borne by someone over 30, which ensures that the child, in turn, will likely not ever reproduce. Abortion is awesome. It's a feminist genocide, and the best part is that they are doing it to themselves.
>it all boils down to 'muh feelings' but still, it's strange
nogs commit more gun violence than anybody
its not "muh feelings"
you're just trying to use that argument because it's an argument we use
>Abortion is murder
>wants to murder every non white
Not all men have to work as hard as you do for sex
Women openly admit these days that some men they just want to get fucked by and then worry about everything else. Those men get to fuck almost all the women you betas don't. It's just a bad wasteful distribution of love though.
Not all men are denied, women just choose fewer men more.
>WOW why do other people have different opinions?????????? it's so strange
This thinking is idiotic. Ideology isn't hereditary.
Someone who comes from a country where pregnant teenage girls die from chinese 'Baby Kill' pills has no right to talk about abortion
Fix your own problems Ivan
Do you even speak English fluently?
Your sentence structure is horrendous.
>It's a communist with a grand total of zero ethical evaluation in his statements episode
>It's a failing to recognize Western society and Christianity as the structural basis of his current comfy lifestyle episode
>It's a pretending morality is relative episode
>It's a children are less valuable than adults episode
>It's a failing to realize that a man with his current ideals could and would have shot and buried him at any point in time before he reached adulthood because m-m-m-m-muh morals dont exist and children offer nothing to society episode
Fucking kill yourself. You should be ashamed to call yourself a russian. Go squat with the Chinese and eat your children like the savage babboon you are.
You're pathetic. Believe it or not, I dislike whores. I don't like turned out sloppy 23rds. I hear sluts talking, I know many women who've admitted to fucking 50+ men, and most have fucked at least 10, ugly women or not. I'm sure you'd be happy to stick your dick in a whore like that, with an empty disconnection in your heart. I would strive for something higher. But if meaningless sex with a whore is something you enjoy, you need some introspection. That's not healthy. You're part of the reason our society is falling apart.
And believe me, fucking a whore is no accomplishment. Anyone can do that if they try a little. It's nothing to be proud of.
Who said fucking a whore was anything to be proud of? Still makes you a beta if you can't do it though.
Some of you nerds are a little bit "triggered"