since most people here seem to be against mainstream politics - and since we oftenly get shut down / fired / socially segregated / shamed / etc. shouldn't we be thinking about starting a community? i often think about that, but i don't seem to find the right people
pic related
Starting a community
This is how kekistan started and then cancer infiltrated it to unusable proportions. Sup Forums is too popular for this to work these days I think.
Shit costs money and yall Wana larp until it's time to do real shit then bail
I actually have this plan. I am actually working towards this. It will take an immense amount of money and a high level of strategy. Disney wouldn't have been able to get all that land in Florida without some trickery.
One of the most important decisions is finding a place where you can control as much of the government as possible. In the US that would be township/county/schoolboard on a low level. If you don't control those you'll get fucked on taxes and mudbloods will migrate next to you and suck you dry.
This homo knows what he's talking about. You need to control the town economy and tax policy. Find a small town, maybe even be the mayor.
A good portion of Alaska is still unorganized. We could just buy a bunch of plots and establish our own local government
if you guys have the same selflessness midset and are eager to do this, i'll happely join in.
north of spain and portugal has many small abandonned villages in the mountains and next to them, most of the buildings still standing sturdy and what's rotten we tear down and rebuild, just new roofing clean up the roads, enough fields around and other things to maintain ourselves + some extra to trade and pay taxes.
basicly, all foundations are there and it's a all around beatyfull enviroment to bring up children and to live.
I've been there for exploration and asking around and goverment would actually be happy these regions would be populated again by serious people.
now.. it will take mostly handlabour, but small excavators max 1.5tons , cranes and bobcats can drive there, bigger has no use and you can buy them here for a nice price second hand up to price of the metal weight.
I'm in the US and plan to stay here, but the Basque region and it's people aren't a bad choice for a surrounding region.
Unfortunately I think any manual labor dependent small finance endeavor is likely not going to succeed in the long run. You're not going to be able to keep people around if you can't provide 1st world medical, and being dependent on others for it means you'll get fucked in the long run.
indeed, but it starts somewhere and first you need to build everything up and you start with your hands, weither in europe or i the us, we have internet, we can communicate with eachother and exchange ideas and experience since same mindset.
i've been thinking Alaska or any simillar cold region for a long time myself actually.. i miss the cold , winter and snow.
This this. If shit ever went real sour we could get sweet ruskie aid too
If you build slowly you will have to interact with the local economy for food, electricy, goods, ect, ect. This will attract attention. If you pull in more followers that puts even more money into the neighboring local economy. That brings more non-joiners to the neighboring local community.
Slow building doesn't have a means of keeping the shitheads out. You have to own and have the means to keep owning an area big enough to create a big enough buffer zone so that the outside world won't build some kind of leech city within short distance to your community.
Basically, it needs to be a plan in comparable size to what Disney tried doing when he wanted to build his city of the future. Of course he died and it just became a giant tourist trap.
i'm not talking about build slowly
houses and infrastucture don't pop out of the ground all of a sudden, ofcourse you need to be many, without looking like a moneygrab. that's what scare people off
You need square miles of land with no upstream neighbors (own it to the origin of the river). You need to control all utilities. You need actionable plans to create all the necessary community functions (hospital with doctors, judges, ect).
It's far better to build a network of people who are ready to move, and when you get a critical mass have everyone move all at once to land that has already been secretly purchased.
if you wanna remain cucked within societies, go ahead. i'd rather form my own or live by myself.
No, I think he's suggesting we should start a cult.
Yeah, if I talk about that while I'm still in germany I'd get my door bashed in and my stuff stolen.
They recently raided a
> extreme right
camping in the woods
ofcourse and it's also locical
we all know that
you need a group of people with different skills
hence the plan if if want to go independend.
how many people and what's the minimum to bring in besides tools, experience and skill?
and the willingness to leave everything behind?
You need money and power
the old news thing? or a similar event happening again?
sadly enough didn't saw any news about it and we all know pretty shure why.. are we not?
These are the last people you would want to start a community with
>Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, paramilitärische Zeltlager - sogenannte Waldbiwaks - im Südthüringer Raum zu veranstalten oder an solchen Biwaks teilzunehmen.
been there.
thank you hauptmann ersichtlich
ofcourse we do
Nukes have alway been a convenient narrative: either as an excuse to siphon off money from the government, a geopolitcal tool "he has/will have nukes therefore we must stop them", and a heavy
fear factor for the masses. The manhattan project consisted almost entirely of jews, headed by (((oppenheimer))) whos family aided the rothschild financially when they were on hard times before the napoleonic wars. Einstein's crackpot theories somehow ended up being considered one of the greatest laws of physics after the success of the A-bomb. Yet before that, back in Germany he was expelled from his university for plageriazing, being an overall shitty scientist and saying that germanics should be exterminated.
I know nukes are part of the whole "americana" identity but cant you tell that there's a huge nose behind all of this? Remember the holocaust! Stop global warming! Diversity is our strength! We cant let Iran gain nuclear power! Do as you did with the holohoax and do some research. Its a really hard redpill to swallow, it was for me at least.
hmm.. nothing, only things like account suspended and so on
a link about Rosa Luxemburg though... wow..
Build a monastery and make cheese and beer.
>A subset of the least desirable men and some bitch with a YouTube account vollentarily remove themselves.
No one will stop you...
A community of antisocial neets with no women around. Interesting idea.
One thing I've actually been fantasizing about is forming some kind of neet army where we take over some cheap urban nigger area and troll them into leaving in order to gentrify it. I doubt many neets have the funds or location independent income to pull it off though.
Do you have more details?
>Zumindest einige der Beschuldigten sollen zudem Mitglieder einer international agierenden rechtsextremen Bewegung sein, erklärte das Landeskriminalamt. Diese habe sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Staats- und Gesellschaftsordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und anderer europäischer Staaten abzuschaffen.Weitere Einzelheiten nannten die Ermittler bisher nicht.
Sounds like they browsed Sup Forums
oh silly me.. how did that h from http missing all of a sudden lol, found it
Social Order Against The Anti-Culture
The anti-cultural forces remain dominant. Given this unpleasant fact those natural and good things inherent to life are directly assaulted at every turn. The individual is taught to despise his civilization, race, neighbors, family, and himself. Anyone who doesn’t is a hateful nut. In an insane world sanity is treason. Traditionalists are at a loss as few coherent traditions remain. In order to create a new tradition we must look at the old one and determine how it came to be and how it died. It came to be naturally from decentralized and unplanned social interaction. It died from the twin forces of modernity and cultural marxism. Modernity remains on autopilot where innovation are directed only toward economic continuity and social engineering. Cultural marxism killed the traditional western world by tearing it down, from the ground up.
We cannot expect a modern community to come into being from organic means. We must deliberately create that which our ancestors took for granted. We need to deliberately make ourselves, our families, and our communities in a culturally and spiritually sustainable way. We free ourselves from the toxic lies that have been bromide for generations. As individuals we need to reject Marxism in every form. Rejection of something bad is necessary, but insufficient. We must accept and embody something good. Good being informed traditionalism.
We need to form families. We need to marry right and for the right reasons. Political views, like many other parts of our personality, are partially heritable. We cannot afford to be blind to politics anymore than we can be blind to race. We also need to have children and raise them right. One child raised well is a good start. A large dysfunctional family is a success only according to biological matrices. We must have quality and quantity. Our children will not by dint of our love be exceptional. Many will be ordinary, but we can raise them extraordinarily. Nietzsche said the commonest form of stupidity is to forget one’s own purpose. Among our children will be leaders and followers, thinkers and doers, athletes and artists. Some will be blessed with intelligence, beauty, strength, and health while all will be blessed a stable family (and loving) structure and community.
Our families need to form communities.
Objectives: 14 words, the destruction of liberalism, self-sufficient and sustainable communities. All levels reinforce each other, buoy against partial failure, exploitation of any advances
Personal: Rejection of cultural marxist values, understanding of race and IQ along with JQ, sexual morality, selfless virtue toward the family, community etc. Knowing one’s place in an organization. Helping advance the cause. Seeking to form healthy families and communities.
Familial: Monogamous, mono-racial, traditional, and productive. Healthy marriages need to be a reflection of the values you support. Paternalistic and accepted hierarchies. Traditional gender roles are paramount. Men need to be economically productive and community leaders. Women need to keep the hearth, have children, and build the social fabric of the community. Having children and raising them well is paramount.
>>how many people and what's the minimum to bring in besides tools, experience and skill?
Look up threshold population requirements.
Absolute bare minimum is 1000 people. That is assuming you can get the perfect mix of doctors, lawyers, plumbers, ect. It's better to shoot for 10,000 with a clear plan.
>international agierenden rechtsextremen Bewegung
what do they mean with this?
I'm seriously cocnerned they mean Sup Forums
Tristan da Cunha
It's basically the most remote inhabited island on the planet, only about 300 people.
White, Christian, English speaking. No airports, better part of a month to sail there.
Many of the 300 are old and are asthmatics. We could take it.
Wouldn't be hard to do.
Community: Neighborhoods and small towns. Self-sufficiency should be a goal economically, educationally, culturally, traditionally, as well as for defense and public order. Economically the community needs to be productive and self-sufficient. Ideally their are industries and employment that we can either dominate as a niche or infiltrate in part. We also need to create a parallel safety-net, in the event of personal and familial crisis we need to ensure we can support our own with need of state services (we may still request these services, but we need to be wary as to the fine print). Educationally we need to have plans for home-schooling, internal private schools, and parochial schools. Civic life is also a must. Churches can help provide this, but we should have our own pastors/reverends/priests to guard against subversion. Civic groups should include a mutual aid association, gun club, athletics, debate/public speaking, business association, gardening, nature, home economics, women and children. Plan for a population of ~150 to opitimize the Dunbar Number.
Count me in, bro.
There won't be internet in your commune once you run out of money
What skills and funds do you bring to the table OP
>start redpilled community
>get instantly identified by cia
>get kidnapped for experiments
>get btfo by the jew
No thanks. We will infiltrate and destroy jewish machination from within.
You're gonna get fucked everywhere by that countries government. You need some indigenous fucker with land rights otherwise shafted. Get him to invite you to his clan then start a casino business and become a jew. Once you're on the inside, work to bring down the empire.
Congratulations society wins...
that's what i thought
a bare minimum of 1000
but groups of100 to start will do with minimum 10.000 15.000 euro each, wil go a nice way if spread over these villages in spain for instance. and start there, even if not at a total of 1000.
amazing when you chop off the h off a http:
nice accidental discovery
that link for instence, something about scottish law, more things about jews, german law, german rules of journalism... clothes ofcourse...
hmm.. i will do this more offen this "h" shopping
something about.
seems like it.. you never know
noo, just making people aware of such a movement to scare people and to keep this raiding and lawmanipulation alive..
but one thing i can tell you, learn to read bodylanguage, how to learn to recognise when you are being watched or just how to recognise people watching other people.
i'm in
>one thing i can tell you, learn to read bodylanguage, how to learn to recognise when you are being watched
great, thanks, this really calmes my nerves
>if you can't provide 1st world medical, and being dependent on others
or you just accept the fact that people die
You might consider organizationally centralized communities that begin as physically decentralized. Take a US town of 100,000 and you'll have about 5,000 hardcore redpilled WNs. If you have meetings where you begin to organize, perhaps as an athletic club as cover, then you build personal connections to each other. Over time focus on moving in next to each other and building a doxing proof network. Organizations do not have to be overtly political in their charter. They probably shouldn't be.
Starting a community in a world where the (((Central Bankers))) and (((Mass Media))) control all the money, entertainment and education is a fools retreat from combat. You either break the mind control, then the money control or you run away and wither away in a world almost totally owned by people who hate you for just being white.
It's the Jews, stupid. Wake up the other whites or fade away into obscurity.
Life is so great outside fucking cities porra caralho!
t.former Mexican living in rural Kentucky doing aviation maintenance
Even with trips I wouldn't live with you. Hue
no, seriously try it, it will calm you in some way
a great inviroment to try and learn these skills are working in horeca, bars restaurants retail, shops exetera or just sit on a bench in a park or sit on a terras having a beer, take something with you like a book and watch people.
if you have friends who wan't to try the same or are interested, pick out clothes you never saw eachother in before and play the spygame with eachother.
>is it only for Anons
>in what country
We could mount a resistance along the Hezbollah model. Hold on FBI, I mean their political wing. Focus on creating a system where your community can exist without dependence on the established state. With a shadow government providing the services a state would withhold from us would allow us to rebel from the state without going into direct conflict. The trick is creating enough independent communities to starve the system.
Hutterites have been successful keeping their colonies around 150 people
exactly and bobby clubs are an excelent cover for this while making money of visitors exetera, like a trainclub, bowshooting, exetera, let clients spend money and you can sceen them in the proces.
here in europe it could be doable with small towns to begin with, here are many on the countryside dying out with old people left, move into these when something is rentable or on sale and take over in time. obviously local economy, politics, security exetera and yes... beer and cheese =) lol
I recommend either city or just outside of a city. Three in particular are important but may be too far away for a lot of people.
Baltimore, MD. Washington, D.C. and Richmond, VA. The task should be to get the residents of those cities, yes the black ones and other non whites too, on the same page as the anons.
The non whites are not just going to vanish anymore than the anti white (((government))) will.
You can also pick rural communities around those three cities and stay clear of the dindus and bureaucracy. If you can't educate those three cities, your Kung Fu is weak and you need to take more politics and rhetoric classes.
If those are too far away, consider red pilling your local community. Get facts and sources. Point out logical contradictions like how diversity worshippers almost always live in white parts of the country that are barely integrated. Point out how Jewish many members of the Banking/Entertainment/Elite Class are in the whole world.
The mind control must be broken before any physical progress can truly get going.
sorry, something demanded my attention..
>bobby clubs
hobby clubs obviously
hence the 100 i mentionnend
could easely gatter over 1.000.000 euro's together and with that you can go a long way and with a good start if you know what you do.
but the main purpouse here is to grow in time and retake our clay back, wright? or is it just putting fences up and leave us alone thing?
>I recommend either city or just outside of a city. Three in particular are important but may be too far away for a lot of people.
this reminds me of a post around december last year from someone who shared his boredomon pictures with us and what to do. living in appartment building blocks in latvia or something.
appartmentbuildings with enough land around, i suggested to move into these buildings with likeminded people and work the soil into comunial gardening, chicken pens and stuff. this might be doable too, building after building, cleaning it out and make it nice and tight
Infilitrating local governments will be critical. I like your idea of resettling redpilled urbanites rurally. The great challenge that many WNs have is that Whites from diverse areas are more likely to be redpilled than Whites in majority White areas.
I agree that those would be great places to target. I live far from there which is both good and bad. I'm actually pretty good at communicating my ideas and am working on building a network.
As for non-Whites encouraging separatism, self-reliance, and Jew awareness is helpful. They cannot be regarded as natural allies. They can be single issue allies, but they really shouldn't be part of your long term plans. They don't act like we do when redpilled.
But the colony should not grow too large
once it gets too big you need to break of and start a new one
I had an idea to deal with that proactively. In you community of 150 have groups of 30 to 50 that live nearby each other. That way when the community grows the bands can easily become communities themselves. Plan for growth.
Where are you going to get the women retard
exactly.. expand and retake
local politics, that means any seat in any party working together to backbone any nationalist party and or anty eu party when everyone needs to vote.
specially the green party, make it obsolete by inplementing a green and pro nature agenda in your party
sounds nice
we would all speak english and some would form their own neighbourhoods where they could talk in their native and official religion would be catholicism
This is actually a good and realistic idea guys,
How would you protect yourself against "muh discrimination" laws when it comes to selling property? Or getting rapefugees relocated by quota to your jurisdiction? Basically how do you keep it from going toxic if ((they)) get an idea of what's going on?
I'm already planning something like this, however I don't think I would want to get involved with most of you faggots. A lot of you are incapable of being the change you want to see in the world and are often more dysfunctional and degenerate than the very people you criticize. A community of Sup Forumsacks would crumble in a day.
>I like your idea of resettling redpilled urbanites rurally.
It's harder than you think. Rural economies have taken one hell of a hit the last 30 yrs. Unless you can roll into town with a couple million in your pocket and start up a business.
there must be some traps on this board. that's probably good enough for OP
>"muh discrimination"
i already dealth with this, here in belgium we have a law that requires 1/3 basicly a non white male working in your compagny ratio for muh diversity.
i simply hired a woman next to my 2 guys and i won my case at the courthouse. And yes, she does an exelent job with the paintbrush.
For selling property and renting property, you simply answer "the other client has a better deal and i choose the better deal" and you can drag this on and on. just use their written laws against them
The majority of the metro area with sub 3% unemployment are not large
It does not take millions of dollars to go into business as a plumber or electrician or do freelance web development