Sort it out for fucks sake.
Muslims in the UK are literally impregnating white children on mass
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It's hard to sort out when the vast majority of your countrymen are completely ignorant to the issues.
Youre in the uk
You have people of another tribe literally invading your lands and raping your women.
What do you plan on doing about this?
>terror attacks don't target Muslims
>Terror attacks don't target the Elite
>Police are there to protect Muslim rights
>Police are there to imprison anti-Mulsim speech
It's so mysterious
I guess thats what you call assimilation.
This is the guy that impregnated this girl by the way, he is roaming free around the UK still. He also impregnated a bunch of other underage white girls.
If you are wondering why he is in a wheelchair, no it wasn't a revenge attack from white Brits, he just got into some gang violence.
>*sips palestinian blood
Thats Sikh!
This is Hitchens level of defeatist.
There is a huge classical libertarian/burkean conservatism movement in our youth atm.
I mean, not HUGE, but bigger than you'd expect.
>*impregnants 20 black chicks to further the Jewish race*
What did (((you))) mean by this?
Good, you know what he looks like and where to find him.
To be honest, a lot of the 'normies' I know are apolitical but lean towards our views and 'classical liberalism'. Like you even see some glimmers of humorous common sense 'racism'. Any cool person doesn't like sjw's, they might not say why but it is largely for the same reasons we dislike them.
This is literally the opinion of a large amount of Muslims, perhaps the majority in the UK.
Not so BEADY any more are you now?
It's also a matter of learning more about parties.
For the ones that support Labour and Corbyn, once they realise that he's supportive of totalitarianism and anti British they'll defect. For the ones that support the Tories, basically the same.
I have a decent amount of hope that this coming generation of youth will result in the reformation of a true conservative party.
Nothing short of a genophage is going to save you now.
None of us are beady anymore.
Who cares?
They'll breed themselves out of existence in the next two generations anyway. Is it really that much of a loss, really?
At least British guys have plenty of continental girls to fuck around with.
That's suck. When this thing happened, PPL may raise up riot.
A lot of young people are being bribed by the left offering to pay for their student loans also.. In a few years when they have a job this kind of thing will probably be less appealing.
I definitely do see the new brand of conservatism you are talking about. I think this is essentially what I have formed into, after previously supporting the Green party and liking the idea of the Venus Project lol.
10-15 year olds.
In my cunt.
Returning to Hitchens also, I'm actually surprised by how defeatist he still is given the amount of students from universities that invite him to speak.
Lol venus project, that shit is textbook utopianism
Nope... All of these Muslim men impregnating British children have at least one Muslim wife and children. The board is stacked against us, even if we were to presume that mixing races with these inferior inbreeds has no consequence.
dat virus
Well, my opinion on Peter is that he is so tired of being hurt by constant disappointments that he resigned himself to defeat to avoid further pain. This being said, I still think he hops deep down for things to change, but the possibility of failure is too much for him to bear.
Ha yeah the Venus project, I was probably aged about 15-16, it is a kind of Communism. It's funny, a few years later I was deeply into Stefan Molyneux who is in the complete opposing side, even debating The VP's Peter Joseph and getting into a feud
Problem is how can you reverse cultural changes. Christianity and white population is on the decline which is the roots of this country. The only solution is a country like russia or poland to colonise us to return to a white culture. What can we do when the government is stacked up against white men. Every race is out to get us and we cant do anything to retaliate.
england is totally fucked. i was born there and my mother still lives there. a while ago i sent her a letter discussing life in general and very briefly mentioned something about the "situation" there in regards to islam. she responded and i seriously wondered if the letter had been intercepted by (((them))) and had propaganda added to it because it read like an apologia for the islamic infestation of europe and defense of the peaceful asian gangs. my grandparents who lived there, who have since passed on, had friendly muslim neighbors who were genuinely nice to them and mourned their passing perhaps more than we did due to their living proximity of many years. so #notallmuslims is true, but the fact remains that islam is a cancerous religion.
The state is raising these English white girl Mohammedean rape babies using your taxes.
really tickles my amygdala
Were fucked we can't discuss the muslim issue on social media without fear of the thought police catching on to us, yet the muslims can go about preaching sharia law and wishing death to the west all they want.
When at a friend's birthday BBQ the other day some issues came up where i had to hide allot of my power level. Mentioned how the quran has over 100 verses to kill non believers and shit, the response was but muh bible says to kill gays.
There is no point in trying with these people there worldview is so full of sunshine and happiness that they are blind to the true horrors of the world and have no interest in their ignorant bliss to look into it
Why don't make an abortion? Stupid cunts
I don't think the culture is too big an issue, it will work itself out, our culture is innate to our genetics so we should be able re-calibrate. The issue is whether we will be ready to do anything in time to prevent the demographic destruction of the UK by Muslims and Africans.
Because white people being racially bred (in this case raped) out of existence is encouraged by all of our state institutions.
Have they ever heard about abortion? It already worked in the post wwii Germany and Hungary to prevent soviet rape babies.
This is a fucking war situation, we are at war with the kebab.
>she gave birth to a son aged 15
How is she still alive?
Yes you white pussy rape is the natural form of human reproduction.
Where abouts does she live lad? She might not have many Muslims around.. Also Muslims are friendlier to white women, of all ages and sizes due to wanting to have sex with them.
>board is stacked against us
It isn't.
I'm an Anglo-Celtic guy and I have money, a decent job and whatever else that women could want.
I've never had a problem with women but I could never find a girl from my gene pool.
Our women just hate our men and that's all there is.
lol Europe deserves it for the decadence. Arabs are better trading partners anyway
I've seen some promising returning to Christianity in our youth as well actually. It a weird, almost Pentecostal version at times, but it's real enough that they have reverence for scripture and concepts like chastity.
In terms of whiteness, I don't think that's necessarily lost either. We're still 90%ish white. With cuts to immigration from poor nations, and reworking of our welfare system to not benefit muslims who don't want to work/have 20 kids each, we'd see their numbers start to drop and perhaps even leave the country.
Remember to stop fighting war for (((Elites))) that don't protect you. Whites have been slated for replacement so don't expect any justice from the courts or law enforcement.
I'll say it another way. If you want revenge on (((those))) who have done this to you, stop protecting them and stop making excuses for them.
If you really want to get revenge expose Central Banking and the advantage it gives its (((controllers))) over everyone else.
You are correct. Everyone out for themselves, to have a happy life as possible. Trying to change society in this way is costly to an individual, it is even more beneficial to go one step further and delude yourself out of recognizing the problem as doing so would have personal implications.
Seems like he'd be exceptionally easy to kill.
I guess you'll let us whites rape your women pregnant then.
>le reddit asterisks
I wish I was a Paki in Britain all the time.
>the response was but muh bible says to kill gays.
I don't understand why people let this slide.
There is no new covenant in Islam like there is in Christianity. Further, this means old testament law and punishment can be seen in a historical context.
This distinction doesn't exist in Islam. Again further, the calls for WAR and discrimination against Christians, Jews, and non-believers SPECIFICALLY is explicit within Islam. Comparing the two is either ignorant or dishonest.
Yeah a lot of them do, but we are still their kin.
I am talking about the larger picture though, none of their women mix race, but some of our women do. This means they will maintain a pure core whilst injecting their genetics into our pool. This is how the board is stacked.
>better trading partners
Yeah if you want to be pressured into haggling a bad deal for you.
He is a sitting duck just roaming around the UK after targeting, raping and impregnating a bunch of white children. Bizarre.
>I dont think the culture is too big an issue
I disagree. Our education system barely scratches the surface our history and what it means to be British. We allow savages to protest anti-british values and commit murder to our british man, yet we cant fight back in preservation of our culture. The government is so anti-british we cant even reduce net migration. I do hope you are right for everyone's and this countries sake.
Dude we are literally destroying the oil market but everybody thinks the saudis own us and there is no leverage on our side. A) there is.
And there we have some race realism.
Doesn't matter what muslims do or say, it's just WE WUZ banter. The real problem organizing all of this is (((them))) and their leftist puppet goys.
That's literally just London, my daughters primary school ha 700 white English kids, about 24 Polish kids, 1 half black boy and 2 half Turks.
Take the blackpill, its over. The european countries are in they death bed. The only salvation is to leave all of it behind and start a new state, America 2.0. Too bad there is no land to do so.
It does seem strange, im currently going through the phase of converting to Christianity in hopes of connecting with this countries history and im only 21.
Also the idea Islam is just going through a phase and will be reformed like Christianity is such a wig view.
maybe if you could spell 'en masse' properly, they'd have a reason to be interested in you
If we to go to colonies, certainly Central/Northern Slavics and Germanics won't want to share those with Iberians
I think British people have an innate nature, and our best mind can channel this even when completely disconnected from the past. This being said, with racial element, things may be irreversible. Time is of the essence.
Join the EDL
It just shows how much of an adversary they are, whereas whites are in a dream world, focused on transcending themselves.
God I wish I was there
deflowering JC girls and impregnating them is my fetish
when will the Brits export their (virgin) slaves to Asia?? 1470?
Western Europe is not pro-abortion though. It's literally some trash tier white nigger behaviour to not make an abortion after rape/when preg-at-14/16
this is the truth - this is why we have to clean up America - there is no other place
We need a civil war and to grind up the commies
we need to educate kinds in a way that turns their minds away from being zombies and group think
if we have enough smart kids who are free enough to think for themselves then America will survive
but it won't - because common core it literally a psyop designed over time to evolve and kill the thought processes of kids
it's the optimum way of masking all education and critical thinking to LOOK like education
is not anti-abortion **
Fine by me, they would find a way to cuck the colonies too
>They'll breed themselves out of existence in the next two generations anyway
What?? That doesn't make any sense, you fucking kangaroo.
>America 2.0
Fuck off, Richard Spencer. Britain for the Albions.
Do you know of Adam Wallace?
I am not a filthy continental. A proud speaker of philistine English.
America is worse than Sweden, England, Germany and France combined, what the fuck are you on about?
This is race realism folks. And they wonder why there are 'white supremacists'.
No it's not it's just less white.
You literally left even more mongrelised Brazil behind and your PM is a fucking Indian. Your only non-existent far right party attracted only arab looking subhumans and skinheads. Talking about cuckolding, Cuckvao
It is just another sign of the idiocy and cowardliness of our adults.
You still have hope? How exactly are you gonna cleanse England? People will only get more cucked and liberal, you cant reverse it without force which wont happen, its fucking over m8
>Sort it out for fucks sake.
>UK flag
>He's on the internet telling other people to sort it out rather than doing anything himself.
Frankly shameful.
Why would we become America 2.0 and not just be British?
Young moms are hot.
Not everyone in Europe is a passive negrified piece of shit like Portuguese are. In Central Slavia shitskins (and that includes Meds) are hunted down and beaten up by locals for sports.
You sort it out niguh'
How do you give birth to a baby 15 years old? its not even a baby anymore
America is the most cucked of all, they are the zionists's muscle. Americans are all jewish puppets, thats why you are all circumsiced, the jews like to mark their cattle.
Since it's been waging violent jihad since it began, yeah
>even the based doggo is scared
this is the most western civilization pic i've ever seen
Dude seriously?
America 2.0 has in a new land on which we can create our own system, im not talking about burger land 2.0
Impressive for anyone to birth a 15 year old baby, honestly.
Well grammar'd.
Bro you still replying? Russians are degenerate bleached mongols, go get drunk in Siberia and commit suicide.
I think we should definitely consolidate some states in America at least, but we have to protect our homeland.
I hear girls wet their panties at the sight of a man with faultless spelling and grammar
I think he mentioned British girls, not Muslims.
At least call it Brazil/Uruguay 2.0 because there were things like 1924 immigration act to prevent Southern "Europeans" from coming over. KKK was running pogroms on Spaniards and Italians even