This is War-pride Industrial Military Complex propaganda bullshit. Fodder targeted to stupid grunts for continued support to keep feeding the hate machine.
This is War-pride Industrial Military Complex propaganda bullshit...
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>Islamic State insurgent
lol wot
Doesn't killing the enemy go against official Canadian military doctrine?
Canada just lost the war
That's just an anomaly, the doctrine is to be as ineffective as possible
> The government of Canada's Liberal Party Prime Minister Justin Trudeau halted air strikes against the so-called Islamic State in 2016.
I thought Canada opposed our war of terror in Iraq.
Slide over to your left about 2 feet plz, and look out your window fgt
I thought so too, but it turns out Justin Trudeau never actually said the quote you're referring to.
>Forgot to mention it was with a Finnish .338 Lapua Magnum bullet
Must be newfags. Weve seen this repeatedly, first it was murrica, then Canada, then Britain IIRC, and then Canada again. The record keeps getting longer, I think the first story was when Bush was still in office, or at the start of Obamas first term.
Except it wasn't
>This is War-pride Industrial Military Complex propaganda bullshit. Fodder targeted to stupid grunts for continued support to keep feeding the hate machine.
He killed an ISIS militant which Israel supports so you are wrong
Is Canada the most brainwashed western country? Link is a canadian saying we should go all-in on syria to teach russia a lesson.
Who gives a fuck?
A white guy shot a brown guy and it was awesome.
the press reported it as a .50 BMG round
It was a Mcmillan TAC 50.
Sorry Genghis not you turn yet
One thing leafs do have is a great snipers. Maybe make one of them Prime Minister next time...?
When did he say that?
They should make this in to an actual game.
They could strap sniper rifles to some robots or some shit and people can pay to remote control it and take shots at the goat fuckers.
You're all wrong. He did it with a Mosin Nagant that he bought at Canadian Tire. If you leave the cosmoline on it shoots better.
Every day...
Please make this a meme...We need patriots in office that love this country not sell outs for sheckles.
>Every day...
go back to larp flag posting you leaf.
No. Its badass you limp dicked loser.
why are anglos the best snipers
Yea, snipers can suck my ba-
I unironically think that crowd-sourced remote piloted armies are a great idea.
>tfw WW3 will be fought from my living room with a PS controller
best weapons and best training i assume
Yeah, shooting from 3.5 miles away is just plain eas
fluted barrels are for fa
>Lapua instead of 50
why? Brits do it for the money, but you guys are throwing money out the window with the army anyway so...
Since when does the army operate inside of its own country?
I don't know exactly. Is this publication accurate ever?
Also he says lots of things;
They're just repeating the quote. It's no better than sourcing Sup Forums. I'd like a time or a place or a specific speech when he said it.
It's your country, have you no ability to research it? I think it's funny, and equally possible that he said something similar to this. He doesn't make decisions on my behalf, so I don't need to care that much about it. If you care, find out and show us. But this meme is all over the internet so good luck, leaf.
I have researched it. I've come up empty handed, and have drawn the conclusion that it's a made up quote.
If anyone has any proof to show me otherwise, I'd love to see it. That's why I'm asking.
I honestly dont understand either. Why would they parade this around the news? It makes me proud as a canadian to know some of my countrymen still take pride in marksmanship, but this is very abnormal of our government to throw this around as an achievement
wow how did they fire a .338 lapua out of an american designed and made precision rifle chambered for an american cartridge? those canadians sure are geniuses with holes and diameters
it's a surprisingly good bullet
with the precision rifles, you'd usually use solid copper if you intended to go 3000+ yards. that one M2 kill was probably with crap ammo, which is why hathcock was so impressive at the time.
It's better than golf, BP.
No... We're opposed to the encroachment into Syria. Iraq is fine since we were invited.
Guys I think something's wrong her
If battlefield taught me anything, it was probably the only kill he got the entire battle
Daily reminder that redpilling has everything to do with spirituality, self-realization, sovereignty in accordance to the laws of free will and love.
Glad to see threads dealing with lifting the veils; keep it up.
yo fuck the record
the last dude fucking did it with a god damn machine gun
Don't listen to this fraudulent extraterrestrial telling you that only world peace is our goal. Obviously as a human species we must be proficient in war as well to defend ourselves against potentially hostile space aliens
News accounts said he had to account for the curvature of the earth, so I know this is just Fucking Leaf propaganda.
The A-Max is unreal in terms of accuracy, and the newer Tac-50s group 5 inches at a 1000 meters
No he never said it directly. It is a paraphrase of when he said islamophobia is what ISIS wants.
>see busy market place 4miles ahead.
>take random practice shots for hours
>accidentally hit something
>One of Hathcock's most famous accomplishments was shooting an enemy sniper through the enemy's own rifle scope, hitting him in the eye and killing him
Ah, OK. I see...
>muslims harass, molest and rape women on the streets of our cities
>our goverment ethnically replaces us
>laws against racism, islamophobia and transphobia
>we won a contest of who can cowardly kill illiterate pashtun peasant from further distance
Military people are low IQ primates, get your limbs blown off and die for Israel fuckers, total disrespect
>the record for "World's Longest Sniper Kill" is broken twice a month for 20 years straight
>the distance is always approximated to within a few tens of meters of the previous "record"
>most don't even break previously-mentioned record
>there are never any pictures or evidence of any kind
>nobody thinks anything is weird about this
Another "story" like this is the whole "the enemy ran away from the battle while wearing women's clothing" routine. I've read different versions of that one at least 50 times in the past couple years.
Almost definitely a British made L96 AI.
The most accurate rifle in the world, used by everyone.
It doesn't matter about the bullet, but the quality of the rifle firing it.
.50 is just too heavy and unnecessary.
I don't think its even that accurate.
>It doesn't matter about the bullet, but the quality of the rifle firing it.
Both matter. A lot
>it turns out Justin Trudeau never actually said the quote you're referring to.
No fucking shit, it's a meme that arose after a speech he gave where he implied "killing your enemies means they win"
the bigger you go the less affected by wind you are, super long range you want 20mm or even bigger
once you go 3 miles plus the most accurate thing is a tank round
The article says it was a McMillan Tac-50 shooting A-MAX .50. Most of those ultra long range kills are made using .50.
>Listening to a bong about guns
The heavier round retains more energy long range and is less prone to vibration's during flight, after it turns subsonic, from air currents and the such.
I'll agree that the lapua is better designed but the sheer weight of the 50makes it superior at long range.
The rest is up to the rifle and shooter.
The A-max however is unreal in terms of accuracy.
I'm talking 15 inch groups at 1000 yards with like sportsman 50 bmgs and 5 inch with A-max.
We are being invaded already.
The power of a free thinking, free individual is anathema to any force of evil.
Which speech? I've looked for it. Can't turn it up.
Yeah I dont even know why I bothered and im definitely not after
I'd love to see that guy's firing solution though
Yeah, how was he able to recognize that at this distance?
>tfw you can snipe a Rothschild central bank controlling family member from 2.5km away
wtf canada just lost
He used the Eva's automatic guidance system. He just had to line up the reticles and pull the trigger.
The confederate record on the wiki is nuts
he hit something that far with something so inferior
They could be using the glorious 408 but the whole system is stupid fucking expensive and most of the acquisitions departments don't like shelling out for high-tech shit that is going to be dragged though the dirt.
>Someone from our military just made the longest sniper shot ever guys. What's that? Let people see proof? Nah, we can't do that. Just take our word for it. Why would a (fucking) Leaf lie?
>bullet takes 10 seconds to reach it's target
fire the round, sit back & enjoy some coffee waiting for the bullet to hit
accurizing rifles is extremely interesting.
from bolt lug and locking lugs that lock up parallel to the action block sliding in the stock on the first round fired because temperature caused a dimensional change in the stock around the block.
ammo temperature is important too.
Sounds good. I approve.
>McMillan taking 4 of the top spots
Where does gun end and artillery start?
Because otherwise the longest kill be the guy that fired this baby 50 miles into France.
mfw Marxist-indoctrinated feminists learn that The Force doesn't work very well against islamorapists.
If it's not with the Lupua magnum then it doesn't count
I managed to go through the entire Rex saries over time. It is pretty autistic but interesting at the same time.
>Quantity 10/Bx
>Price: $83.17
It's pretty serious long range shooting when you start factoring in the coriolis effect in your firing solution.
I don't believe you.
you're confusing Gustav with the paris gun, which was used in WW1. Gustav was used on russia
Modern artillery shooters further than that pile of shit
finland is a meme but a cool meme
with rocket boosted shells maybe
>If you kill your enemy, they win!
Get down! SNIP-
You have to go back.
How does lubing bullets with astroglide affects external ballistics though?