And it's been like that for 12 hours now. Wew!
This was just some kike con artist insulting you in public Carl. You should consider that as a badge of honor rather than sperging out over it.
And it's been like that for 12 hours now. Wew!
This was just some kike con artist insulting you in public Carl. You should consider that as a badge of honor rather than sperging out over it.
how is pointing out anita's hypocrisy with tongue in cheek outrage a meltdown?
tongue in cheek doesn't really work when you are an awkward spaz
>that flag
delet yourself
neck yourself shareblue shill nigger
What a dumb thread
Why is discussing what happens on Twitter notable or important?
>not understanding sarcasm
Is anyone surprised that OP is a faggot?
Because twitter is the only resource modern (((journalists))) use
He is satirizing the way leftists play victims you utter fucking moron. How stupid can you be?
Eh. Not really, lots of shills today attacking people today. Sage.
It's just a JIDF/CTR/Shareblurr hybrid.
Sargon, she wants to fuck you, it's what girls do when they want to fuck someone.
Sargon is eternally based and a true ally to the alt right, libcucks and fem fags on sucide watch, praise kek!
>complete meltdown
OP did not deliver
That doesn't look like a melt down to me senpai
kekistan xD
fuck off back to cucktown
>Kek flag
>doesn't understand sarcasm
Finally there is a bit of internet Drama. I was going thirsty for too long.
Who would have thought that "garbage human" would be the two secret words that'd bring down the Carlgon?
As expected from a frenchie.
You do not understand sarcasm.
Are we really sure this is only sarcasm?