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Is taxation theft?
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it's slavery
but the first is mugging and the second s just a nigger getting removed.
Of course it is none of us should pay any taxes at all. I think this would work well.
Without taxation he wouldn't have a badge. Figure it out yourself
Taxation is not theft.
State mandated usury that the citizens have to pay in the end, is theft and slavery on the other hand.
Taxes are voluntary. If you don't want to pay them, then all you have to do is leave the country
Yes. Unfortunately, it is also necessary in order to maintain military initiative.
>Being robbed is voluntary
>If you dont like it just leave :)
its extortion, but so is rent
This. Welcome to the rice fields.
Yes? If a street mugger would let me leave with my belongings then it wouldn't be much of a robbery, would it?
Yes. By definition.
People who disagree aren't worth arguing with.
People who understand that there is some degree of theft most will tolerate are.
you can kys, so life is voluntary
this guy gets it.
Income tax is basically the government telling you that they own you, and are taking their cut of what you generate as is their right.
Not theft, just slavery
The state provides you with services that need to be paid for.
Now taking my money and giving it to someone else, that's theft.
Taxation is no more theft than property is.
Theft assumes there is some greater authority that gives you a right to property. You can make all kinds of philosophical or axiomatic reason, and they might even be good reason, but niggers will just mob together and attack you.
The world works on Power. Whites are genetically built to form communities where most feel guilty even if they aren't caught. Keeping a harmonious community of whites together requires insuring a safetynet for the randomly unlucky. You need the poor whites to fight off the mongrel hoards.
Taxation is the right and proper way to control commoners and other filth.
Its theft when it comes to taxing millionaires and billionaires. US government literally steals thousands and even millions of dollars from them every year just because they're successful. What kind of lesson does that teach the public? Once you become successful it's time to hand over your success?
Poor people and lower middle class I could careless if there taxed. There bottom barrel scum anyways.
>implying big business doesnt benefit from big government
Taxation is charity. It allows people who don't give to a charity that helps the poor to not feel too bad about themselves and get on with life without feeling greedy.
They're not leaving without having taken some of your belongings and if you resist, you get beaten up. Much like with taxation, there is no option.
>Forced charity
So theft then. It doesn't matter where the money goes, theft is theft.
yes, but some people (we call them socialists but you might call them republicans or democrats) accept violence as a guiding principle for organizing society -- thus they create the antifa that they deserve, as there is no way to establish "might makes right" without tacitly admitting that power can just be taken from you with _more_ violence and no legitimacy is inherently lost on behalf of the usurper. any old robin hood will do; the people will accept it.
you're wearing the wrong flag, you absolute faggot.
>we unilaterally decide what fair is
>if you don't like it you can't opt out :^)
at least in europe they never had actual freedom. americans are actually worse cucks in every way, even if every last white person vanishes from the rest of the earth.
you can renounce your citizenship when you become an adult, whats the issue
>Much like with taxation, there is no option
I already told you. You do have an option: leave the country. It's not my fault that your retarded ideology is based on easily refutable memes
>the state waits around to see what the most profitable monopolies would be, and then takes them by force
>no voluntary groups could ever have achieved a monopoly in those businesses before because violence IS required, and they'd rightfully be called pirates or mafia
>literally every single thing they do was invented and operated voluntarily first; they create zero wealth; ALL of human history demonstrates it plainly to anyone who isn't fucking blind oh wait i guess that means you have to have an actual white person's IQ to understand it
hmm fixed that for you but now we have a bigger problem here
>you can just suffer the violence of a different gang. no problem??? duhh???
this is what we're dealing with. what do we do about the low IQ question?
The fact that I will not be allowed to reside on the land I own after having revoked my citizenship is a big proglem.
Here's a hint before you reply: The land the government SOLD to me is no longer in their posession, they've no right to decide what I can do on my plot of land.
Taxation is not theft. That's a heavyhanded reductionism akin to saying "execution is murder!"
You live in a society. There is a social contract. You sacrifice something for the good of your family. Your family sacrifices something for the good of the local community. The local community sacrifices something for the good of the state. The state sacrifices something for the good of the nation.
Why not go here?
No country, no government, no taxes.
There is literally nothing stopping you from going there right now and getting away from this "MUGGING" you call the social contract
You can go live in your ancap paradise. Oh no wait nobody is actually retarded enough to take ancap seriously
As for the low iq question, kys. That should bring up the average iq
go find your own island then
well maybe you should put 2 and 2 together and realise that if you pay rent, you are the tenant and not the landlord
that bait is fucking weaksauce, but fuck it
let's just assume you use roads, have a car that emites CO2, or you need to go visit a doctor. Maybe you hop onto a bus because your car broke down or it's just more convenient, then you have government employed police to protect you in your day to day life. In short, you use all those services, created not by you as a single person, but most likely by the society that you are living in, take on a city scale, country scale, whatever, it all applies the same way.
Now you use all these services that the society you live in provides, but expect all of those to be free? Roads need repairs, schools need budgets and the list could go on and on. Taxation is the communities way to guarantee a steady flow of income in order to maintain all of these and many more services. Not paying taxes is a fucking theft on your society
To some degree yes, it's involuntary. But I wouldn't say taxes=theft just because it's legal and supposed to be "fair".
Thats because that land is protected by the Military, its nearby infrastructure is paid for by the government and its also protected from burglary by the Government.
You benefit from the government and the only reason you "own" land is because the government protects your claim.
Don't like your taxes? Fucking leave!
State is the biggest criminal organization ever created and we are just tax cattle
so you don't have any bit of complaints about your nation's texation?
It's both theft and slavery and anyone who disagrees is a retard.
Tax isn't rent, you spastic. The landlord can't rent a property he himself stated that he does not own.
If I do not pay taxes, I don't expect government services. I wouldn't mind not having the shitty military of my country protect me.
No taxes + No government services sounds like a great deal to me, too bad I cant opt into it.
No. And even if I did, I could always either vote or leave
Thats right, you can't because all the land around you is protected and thus you indirectly are.
You benefit thus you owe. Unless you can completely cut yourself from the government, you owe them money for their service.
And I invite you to go here: google.com
There is no government to benefit off of, so you won't go as you like to leech.
>i dont own the land
>but you still have to pay me for living on it
>but i rely dont own it trust me
looks like the dumbfuck is you
>dont pay tax and declare yourself sovereign
>troops arrive and annex your land
Who are you quoting?
It's no different than paying rent.
Oh indirect benefit, huh?
The computer I'm typing on now was purchased from an IT-company. The growth of this industry ,which I helped, has provided you with affordable and quality electronics, it's a benefit indirectly caused by me. I guess I (and everyone else who bought electronics at some point) am entitled to some of your earnings now, huh?
Like if we should pay bribes to the mafia that is protecting us because we are forcefully using its service
It's not even close to paying rent.
>Tax isn't rent
What's the difference?
no because you implicitly consent to the tax when you knowingly engage in a taxable exchange
It's basically the same concept.
"If you're going to live in my house, you're going to pay rent for upkeep, plus some extra so that I can make a profit."
>OMG what a fair voluntary transaction
"If you're going to live in this country, you're going to pay taxes for roads and military protection, plus a little extra to help out the less fortunate."
It's the exact same fucking thing. You just choose to sperg out over one and not the other.
>I guess I (and everyone else who bought electronics at some point) am entitled to some of your earnings now, huh?
Yes, yes you are. I used a part of my earnings to buy this computer, and if you worked on it then a part of that money made it to you in the form of salaries
Can you rent an appartment that you dont own out to someone?
Can I sell your shoes? No, I don't own them.
Taxis are part of the contract for using USD. If you don't like them Don't use USD. 100% voluntary.
There is no theft without law, which requires the authority of the state. Likewise, taxation, cannot be theft, since it is authorized by the state. Carrying a basketball in your hands and walking ten steps is only considered travelling within the rules of a basketball game. It's not wrong if you're not playing basketball, and if you're playing basketball, the rules are legitimate.
you aren't obligated to pay rent, you can choose the house you want, you can buy a house and never pay a rent
"The mafia protect us from disorganised crime and other competition and thus regular payment can actually make me safer in the long run"
"They protect everyone around me so I indirectly benefit"
"It's not protection money, I benefit thus I owe"
>he doesnt know about subleasing
If you are taxed 100% of your money what are you?
If you are taxed 99% of your money what are you?
What percentage does it have to drop down to before you're no longer a slave?
>>you can renounce your citizenship when you become an adult, whats the issue
this is false, it is the liberals who decide if they allow youto be nationless. and you need to gain another citizenship in another country evne to travel, because liberals are crazy about borders. in fact, liberals refuse the change in citizenship if there is no other citizenship secured beforehand.
can you even fucking read?
The government can't be my landlord, because I have a contract with them that says that I OWN this specific plot of land. You can't rent something out that you don't own, how difficult is this?
>voluntary transaction
Probably because i chose to live in the house, and agreed with the owner on the terms of the lease (VOLUNTARY CONTRACT ALERT)
If the house was shitty or the terms weren't satisfactory, i have plenty other options available to me.
I don't want to pay for your shitty roads and military.
Nigger steal your money and buy crack
The state "steal" your money and build bridges, hospitals, roads, schools and gives money to the poor
>you aren't obligated to pay rent
What did he mean by this?
I don't see your point. You have the ability to pick which country you want to live in. Hell, if taxes are so terrible, you can choose to live on a boat and not ever pay taxes.
lol wut
liberals? wtf are you talking about?
you renounce your citizenship then you become stateless and go to jail, but hey you are sovereign in jail
You purchased land ownership rights, given to you by the state. Those right include a requirement to pay property tax. It was in the contract when you bought it. Though any rural land is easy enough to get out of paying that tax.
We've had the tools to set us all free for a very long time. What do we need? Food, water and shelter. Focus on the solutions
Humans have always had a cast system, don't let modern living standards fool you into thinking we aren't all slaves
>belief in government's good will
Case closed.
>I don't want to pay for your shitty roads and military.
That's fine. You have the ability to leave the country if you want to. Nobody forces you to stay.
>>You benefit from the government and the only reason you "own" land is because the government protects your claim.
false, the only reason I ''own'' land is that I pay the tax created by the rulers under threats of prosecuting me before their recruits to assert their power over me. Any day the rulers can choose do take the land from me.
>I don't want to pay for your shitty roads and military.
Then all you have to do is fuck off
It's people like you that keep me dreaming for the day of the rope. Peasants are just low class scum until theres a thousand of them dragging you out of your house and lynching your family
or you can create your little country somewhere else.
OK -- where's my refund? and isn't it going to be given to me in gold? since i am an independent nation now, will i be afforded the same diplomatic authority and respect as the entire government i am leaving and all others in good standing with it?
so i can have an embassy here in your country, right? that's mine, i claimed it, but i don't need to be there. this is all voluntary, as you say, so defending my country with a monopoly on violence in that geographic location isn't actually required. it's more convenient for trade for me to live here at the embassy -- which of course i don't have to pay taxes on.
so, asking everyone again -- what do we do about the low IQ problem? or, is it maybe public education that's the problem?
so what youre saying is the government sells you land that you pay tax on and the reason you say they cant is because the government said that "you own the land now".
sounds like you got scammed
Rape and murder isn't that bad either! You can just move out of areas where rape and murder happen instead of removing the people who perform these immoral actions.
A state, by definition, controls all land within its territory. When a private citizen "owns" land, what they are doing is purchasing a certain package of rights pertaining to a specific plot of land from the state. Then that citizen can sell or transfer that bundle of rights to another citizen if he wants to through a process which is facilitated by the state.
How about we tax low IQ people and smart people can just get out of paying taxi...o wait that is the current system.
Educate as many as you can on our current state of technology.
We are capable of mass producing carbon nano-tubes. Solar technology is now more than capable of taking care of humanity, energy-wise
Hemp, Is the ultimate textile. And it doesn't ruin our land-base. The future generations aren't going to give a fuck whether you voted left or right, they are going care whether or not they can breathe the air and drink the water.
Sounds like they failed to uphold their end of the contract and should be held responsible.
As a side note. Why is my family not allowed to tax you and your family in Singapore. Why would it be wrong if we attempted to do that?
Grow food, not lawns.
>independently buying things like toll tags, security guards, tuition, instead of being forced to pay for them is theft
>b-b-b-but people wouldn't produce the things they do actually produce unless we forced everyone to be consumers even though literally everyone wants those things
you're way out of your element here.
but, it isn't. that's a leftist lie.
>Remove the government
>Society falls apart
>New government forms to pick up the pieces and restore order to society
You can't "remove" government from society. Whenever a government is destroyed, there is a power vacuum and a new government eventually forms to fill that void. And the new government might be worse than the old one, like how in 1917 Russians destroyed the Tsardom only to end up with something even worse.
sounds like you dont understand the terms of contractual ownership
>so i can have an embassy here in your country, right? that's mine, i claimed it, but i don't need to be there. this is all voluntary, as you say, so defending my country with a monopoly on violence in that geographic location isn't actually required. it's more convenient for trade for me to live here at the embassy -- which of course i don't have to pay taxes on.
Yes, you can do that if your host country wants to have diplomatic relations with your shitty country (pro-tip: they don't).
Give it up son this is getting ridiculous, your ideology is shit. Stop the strawman arguments and admit it
Stop deflecting and answer the question: Why aren't you moving there to escape the tyranny of taxes?
No it's not.
Theft is taking someone's property without any reimbursment.
Taxation is taking someone's property and providing services in exchange - such as policing, healthcare, education, defense etc.
the other thing you're totally overlooking is that leaving or staying is irrelevant to the point, which is that anarchy is already real and already what you live in, and there is no escaping it: youtube.com
god designed the world that way. the question isn't why don't i leave, the question is why can't you realize it? and i think ultimately if too many people can't realize it, they need to undergo physical removal.
>Why aren't you moving there to escape the tyranny of taxes?
The constitution says I don't have to.
Okay great, then US taxation is theft, since the US taxes based on world income. (i.e. they tax you even after you leave the country)
Q.E.D, right?
see this is a question of what is true, not what is my most rational decision in light of what is true. the literally is, "are taxes theft?"