Liberals act as if there's this overbearing mountain of proof of Russian interference in the US Elections. Where is this proof? I haven't seen a single shred, not one IP address, nothing.
Can people honestly not accept that Trump won based on the Electoral College system? That Democrats put forth the most unlikable candidate in history, and are still surprised that they lost. Why is it that this hasn't died out in 8 months?
Why are they still so desperate?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's pretty simple. It's because the media is the propaganda arm for Liberals/Globalists. They push "news" that supports their agenda and suppress news that goes against their agenda. They've successfully brainwashed a large portion of the American people. Not as big a population as they want you to believe, but still a large number.
1. They didn't get their own way
2. They're kicking and screaming like babies, clutching at straws, doing whatever they can – no matter how ridiculous it may be – to get their own way
3. They think it's helping them but it's actually making them look more and more retarded to the majority of sane people who see their entitled temper tantrums for what they are
Trump won because liberals punted their working class base on behalf of identity politics and post modernism because they miscalculated the demographic shift and jumped the gun one cycle too early.
Due to the email leaks/hacks though, they feel as though the scam has been found out and are trying to bury it under a bunch of noise, and obv that works because most of their base it mentally ill but it's clear they are using an outdated strategy and have shit tier tactics so it is backfiring.
>Where is this proof?
I get that the vast majority of sods that say this are not being intellectually truthful, but for those of you that read that and think:
"Hmm, he is right. I haven't either...."
The evidence has not been made public as doing so would compromise the relevant intelligence appartus that found the evidence.
The response that the intellectually dishonest will make to this is:
To which I would inform you:
Even the White-House has had to concede that what has been shown behind closed doors is conclusive enough that it happened. They debate whether or not it had any effect but any attempt to make the point that Russia did not attempt to interfer with the US election is a lie, plain and simple.
I never thought liberals would want nuclear war with Russia in my lifetime
It was the NSA, not the Russians.
Again, "interfering" by cashing in on Putin's cult of personality and propaganda do not constitute "MASS-HACKING OF AMERICAN ELECTION BY 400-lb RUSSIAN HACKERS AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF THAT GOVERNMENT". You're not convincing anyone, Brockpuppet - yeah, I know you. It's telling that you're backpedalling. You were really doubling down on "Russian technowizard" narrative just a couple months ago.
It was also homeland security
The levels of projecting and straw-manning in this post are off the charts.
>I know you, you random person I have never spoken to but your point is somewhat adjacent to someone I shitposted with on Sup Forums before
That's cool and all but aren't all major world players constantly cyber attacking each other?
I'm the opposite, I wish everyday he was actually Putins puppet, because Putin actually does sensible foreign policy. But this hope gets crushed with every projectile shot at SAA
Yes, which is why no one gives a shit. The CIA has staged physical operations in-country to destabilize governments the US doesn't like.
That said: I just don't like the Ivan trolls on here claiming it didn't happen. They rate just as low as the CIA Glow in the Dark Niggers in terms of intellectual dishonesty.
They own the media, the make the stories they want become truth
Did you even watch the recent hearing on this? Even the wh has conceded that Russia interfered, and every intelligence committee has reached the same conclusion
Germany is fun in that regard, they relied on NSA for their cyber tools, the stuff they develop on their own will be used against the citizens instead, funny isn't it?
WASHINGTON — The White House Thursday addressed the joint intelligence report that found Russia had attempted to interfere with the 2016 presidential election, more than five months after the report’s conclusions were made public. First, on Twitter, President Trump dismissed the concerns about Russia as a “big Dem HOAX” and suggested that his predecessor, President Barack Obama, did little to confront the problem. White House aides then clarified Trump’s remarks and said he believes there was Russian meddling but is certain it did not affect the outcome of the race.
The same ones that stood behind every war-starting false flag since at least WW1?
>Trump is stupid
Dunning Krueger effect
You mean russia today youtube and Twitter users saying pro russia things? Why do fucking morons like you exist? Why dont you just end your pathetic life right now?
The russian crap is their opium. Let them believe what they want, that keeps them occupied with bullshit.
We should even encourage it.
Are you slow? The evidence they put forward was a phishing scam on podesta that linked back to a russian IP, something anyone with a tiny amount of computer knowledge can spoof. Kys
Wtf are you doing around here cunt
Nigga YOU are the one with the faggy flag, switch that shit.
Trying to make people realize that they are mentally ill so they get help
>>The evidence they put forward was blah blah blah
Again for those with reading proficiency levels below Primary School:
There have been hearings and testimony behind closed doors that confirm that beyond the Podesta "hack" that Russia targeted Voter Regs, Voting Machines and even the RNC.
Much of this will not see the light of day as if Russia were to find out which ops were compromised then it would render assets in the field and currently useful either in danger or worthless.
Alright, faggot. We'll play you stupid little game.
Since the day Donald Trump won the presidency, it was implied and then downright said that the Trump campaign was working, i.e. colluding, with the Russian government to win the election. That is what you will read in ALL liberal publications. However, there is ZERO proof that Trump or his team was in collusion with anybody except white middle class Americans to win. Isn't it funny that it's all about "Russian meddling" now? The collusion fantacy has been proven to be just that. There is not a single shred of evidence that Russia and the Trump campaign worked together. I will not deny that the "meddling" helped Trump. That "meddling" exposed the DNC to be hostile to the far left as well, which I believe is absolutely beautiful.
So, faggot, show me a Yahoo article that proves "collusion." Show me ANY article that proves "collusion."
You're a fucking idiot who's followed politics for maybe 2 years, and your Reddit is showing, fucking off yourself pseudo intellectual filth
Read the official report I linked you, you giant fucking retard. You're so high off of your own farts you arent even seeing what's right in front of you. Use Google search tools to find headlines and stories around the release date of that report. You will see its a subversion tactic that you have somehow fallen for.
>shill faggot
>UN flag
Checks out
at least try out some new techniques you stupid fucking shill
muh russians is the birther conspiracy of this presidency
>russian IP addressed means russian gov
>the super obvious trail of breadcrumbs and neon signs pointing to russia were left by russian government spooks.
lets say the russians hacked podesta's emails. why should i be upset about the hacking of a political party (democrats) that actively want to destroy my country?
>The evidence has not been made public as doing so would compromise the relevant intelligence appartus that found the evidence.
OK, so the evidence is so secret that they can't even tell us whether or not they found any?
How convenient.
If any foreign nation wanted to interfere in the American election they could have just donated to Hilary Clinton.
"trust us" - CIA
They have been acting like this for the past 50 years every time they lose a election.
The most damning "evidence" found has already been leaked and debunked.
The whole purpose of Obama's EO changing the way "intel agencies" can share info, and pursuing the stripping of anonymity for no legitimate reason, was to incite a public frenzy around a narrative. He weaponized the IC and even then failed pathetically like he always does.
Shills have no response to this because there is no evidence
The President did nothing wrong
The Russian operations of interfering in the 2016 US elections =/= the theory that the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia. They are related investigations but not mutually inclusive in terms of current evidence.
>>Hurr Durr, even if the White-House says it happens I say it didn't because closed door meetings can't have evidence kept from the public
I think you fucks should really look up what a shill actually is, as you are doing it in the face of an administration that now readily admits the claims of the IC.
>why should i be upset
Whether you are upset about the matter is for you to decide, I just don't like potatoes coming on here and bullshitting people when even the White-House has deemed the stance a hill not worth dying on.
>Claims shit happened that we don't know about
>we'll never know though because it's secret
This is what you base your opinion off of. Sounds kinda like:
>leaked information from anonymous sources
KYS faggot
Because they didn't get their way.
Remember that fat spoiled kid in 1st grade who threw the mother of all tantrums when things didn't go his way and didn't get what he wanted? He was a dick and people didn't like him, then he would blame and point fingers at everything, even when he knew it was his fault, he blamed others.
Well liberals are that kid, they simply want things to go their way, and when they don't they throw a hissyfit.
>unironically using reddit
>the place where there are confirmed paid shills
>the place where the voting system can be manipulated to show shill posts first
>the place where there is a higher concentration of numales than a steampunk convention
>the place where tards like you need to go back to right this instant
Call them by their real name: the Jews.
No, we should not encourage it. The truth is more important than anything else. Allowing even one Jewish lie to slide because it might work in our favor at the moment is shortsighted, as it will undoubtedly snowball into something bigger and shittier down the road. The only way you can win is by refusing to play their game.
>Continually refuses to respond to the official report
>Constantly getting high off own smugness while being repeatedly wrong
>they miscalculated the demographic shift and jumped the gun one cycle too early
You're saying I still have a few years to escape this chicano country then
funny how you don't you say "hack" because you know if you did it'd be too obvious
>but any attempt to make the point that Russia did not attempt to interfer with the US election is a lie, plain and simple.
I saw you palm that card, friend. Of course, they tried to influence elections. Governments with interests out in the world and a healthy intelligence community do that. We do it. All the time. It is expected that they will try, and that, if we catch them at it, we get to rub their noses in it and shout "bad dog!"
The question is, did they succeed? Did their efforts impact what happened, allowing you folks to claim Trump is illegitimate becasue Russian meddling handed him an election?
That can be asserted all day long, but in the total lack of evidence to support such assertions they are not convincing.
And arguing "There is evidence, but I can;t show it to you" is an old tactic, and one that I hope we can all stop taking seriously. Especially when you have to admit that you haven't seen it either.
Free advice to anti-Trumpists -- Shut the fuck up about Russia and the election. There is not going to be anything there, likely, but he is very likely to get away with financial shit (because it is his training as a real estate guy to skirt the edge of the law in such matters) and you guys will miss it because you're all over yapping in some irrelevant part of the forest where you think you've got a bunch of Russians treed.
Yeah man, except there's no place to escape to. It's like that Reagan speech where he's talking to the Cuban and says he's lucky he didn't have to escape Cuba and Commies. Then the Cuban says "How lucky you are? How lucky I am, I had somewhere to escape you.
We fucked man
Escape too*
Give up on trying to prove your case by citing evidence you can't produce and haven't seen.
Even if your suppositions are all correct, your citing evidence you don't have makes you look stupid.
I thought we were a globalized society
Don't all countries that matter influence our elections everytime? Ever heard of AIPAC and Europe threatening our leaders economically and militarily?
What about Obama making promises to the Russians about what he would do after he won reelection?
You were closer to correct the first time -- though technically it should have been "There is no place to which I can escape," or some similar construction.
I can live in the EU as long as I had the means. Don't care about my quickly vanishing American "rights" if I can live around whities.
Is that your final argument?
Protip: it isn't one
So in summary:
>The Intelligence Community believes that Russia is attempting to influence the 2016 Election
>The IC finds what they say is evidence that it happened by way of field assets
>The IC presents the evidence to key figures in Congress
>Congressional Republicans and the White-House openly admit not only that it happened
Why if the Ivans ITT have any case would Congressional Republicans be actively holding hearings asking relevant parties what they did in the face of Russian Influence vectors and what they plan to do in the future to stop them?
Why would the White-House be admitting that the Russian hacking and influence campaign happened if it runs contrary to the claims of Trump?
>And arguing "There is evidence, but I can;t show it to you" is an old tactic, and one that I hope we can all stop taking seriously.
Fuck, forgot my telling and apposite picture.
>The evidence has not been made public as doing so would compromise the relevant intelligence appartus that found the evidence.
I would like to inform you about how much I despise the attitude of "thou shalt trust the administration", but my artistic abilities and my command of the English language aren't up to the task.
>Even the White-House has had to concede that what has been shown behind closed doors is conclusive enough that it happened.
the "documents" published were taylored to swoon the computer-illiterate. do you have a more illiterate segment than politicians? 'cause we don't. imagine the lowest common denominator of all liberal arts majors being flooded with claims like "the comments were retrieved from machine code and they are in Russian" and "the attack was initiated during Moscow office hours" as if Tel Aviv, Mogadishu and Riyadh weren't in or next to the same time zone.
>not addressing actual arguement of posts
The state of Reddit
Was just paraphrasing, haven't seen it in a long ti me. Still gets the point across though
Why can't you 'muh russia' faggots see what's going on?
The leftist establishment are doing everything in their power to de-legitimize Trump as POTUS in the eyes of the public.
That's all it is.
It's like saying "Saudi Arabia colluded with Clinton" but going on and on about it, flogging a dead horse to the point that the pleblic stop listening but just accept it as a bad thing
Podesta's password was "password". He simply was duped by a fishing attempt that anyone could've done. Doesn't take Russians to do that. I've done it dozens of times and I'm the dumbest person I know.
The posts listed are pushing a conspiracy theory that not even the White-House is willing to back up when it actively validates their administration if it were false.
At the point that posters foist their conspiracy theory when all of reality says they are either idiots or liars: Arguing with them is a waste of everyone's time. They already decided that Russia didn't interfere in the election. They did it before this thread started and they will do so long after.
I am speaking to the easily swayed that they are targeting.
>A few thousand white people
Try a few tens of millions of white people :^)
hahah ask the FBI and Comey and Mueller, they have seen the evidence, idiots like you who blabbler Hannity's talking points haven't, duh
pdf summary at:
>Grrrrr these people won't accept my baseless argument
>Quick, call them idiots
>my argument is for stupid people that believe what they read without any facts
Good one dude
and Putin never lies. hahahahahah
Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.
Quit repeating yourself and for the third time address the official report you moron. All you do is skirt the questions and piss people off.
it is normal during any ongoing investigation, putin shilltard
at some point the ongoing investigations will be published, if Trumpskovich cannot get them shut down first or distract us all with a first strike nuke starting WWIII
I am still waiting for literally any Ivan Shill ITT to explain why Congressional Republicans have already moved from hearings on the proof to hearings on how to stop it from happening again. Or on why the White-House has come out against the President as to whether or not Russia interfered.
I suppose literally all of them and 17 independent IC entities are all in on the conspiracy?
Or in non-bizzaro world: Russia did what the US and other countries have done for years but did it in a sloppy way that left too many breadcrumbs and all the sane people have already admitted it happened and have moved on to how to prevent it.
>We can adjust our culture to make sure it doesn't happen again for a long time
What did he mean by this?
When you ask the journalists and people who should know, they tell you ''Oh we can't tell you anything, because it's classified information, but we have evidence, we just can't show it''.
Just like the old motto says ''Pics or didn't happen''
>Why ... would Congressional Republicans be actively holding hearings ...?
Because it is useful to establish the truth of the matter. The issue has become damagingly divisive.
My own view is that of course they made efforts, it's what they (and we) do, and it's worth looking into what they did, whether any of it worked and what we can do about it next time. I'm not sure how that is inconsistent with also wanting to see proof that the President's campaign colluded with the Russians, and/or that their efforts impacted the outcome of the election, before assuming either to be the case.
>Why would the White-House be admitting that the Russian hacking and influence campaign happened if it runs contrary to the claims of Trump?
You are conflating several issues here. Obviously, and similarly to every election in any country with any standing in the world, the Russians and others had in interest in how it came out, and tried to act in their interests. We don't want them fucking around in our elections, so we resist their efforts where we can.
That went on in the recent elections. and so far we have no evidence at all that any of their clandestine efforts changed the outcome -- we seem to have detected and fixed what they tried to do, though obviously it is worth looking closely to see if we missed anything.
That is a separate issue from whether the election was compromised.
That in turn is a different question than whether there was illegal collusion in such efforts between the Trump team and the Russians. That assertion is made, loudly, by partisans on the other side, but zero proof of that has been provided.
As to the question of why the Trump White House is making a contradictory mess out of their statements on the issue, all I can say there is surely you cannot pretend to be surprised that the erratic candidate that fucked up his own staff's efforts his become an erratic President that fucks up his own staff's efforts..
>17 independent IC entities
This statement is how I know you're a shill, faggot.
Yeah, I'm just feeling punctilious today. Probably because I read George Will this morning.
>Why are they still so desperate?
Because it's a distraction.
The media and pundits have spent the last 6 months talking about >muh russia, instead of what a terrible state the Democrat party is in. They haven't spent 6 months talking about how terrible Hillary was, or covered the things Trump is getting done. Because they don't want to talk about any of that.
"Russia" is the intellectual equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "LALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING, HE'S NOT REALLY MY PRESIDENT, LALALA!" It's an attempt to defy reality, shift blame for losses, and ignore problems with their own ideology all in one tidy package.
The bad news is that it's hurting the Democrats in fundraising and getting out the vote. It's not a platform, it's not an agenda, it's just a stalling sideshow. They'll have to dump it soon, but they were all hoping to dump it when some other scandal popped up except none has. Nothing Trump has done since he's been in office has been scandalous or even surprising. He's steadily moved on every one of his campaign promises as fast as the GOP house and senate have let him.
Yet again ignoring the report of the "intelligence community" my god you are retarded. Care to look into the most fervent of these Republicans?
>Hurr durr let me say Republicans agree so that they will start to believe my shilling because I'm retarded enough to think that people blindly follow all statesmen with an R by their name here
>password is not "guest"
Get on my level.
>I'm the dumbest person I know.
Ask me how I know you do not know Mr. Podesta.
>That Democrats put forth the most unlikable candidate in history, and are still surprised that they lost.
The ironing is palpable, though.
That's the point. It's all lie so let it snowball and when they go too far smash them with the hammer of justice and execute them for treason.
The fact is that the Russian government did influence the US election.
NEWSFLASH: so did every other government with interests in American politics. Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Germany, UK, France, the EU. Everyone.
>year 2067
>be on deathbed, only able to get news in hospital room tv
>liberals still spamming the russian collusion/hacking meme without any evidence at all
It's never going to end is it.
Still not one Ivan Shill actually refuting the fact that anyone with access to the information has admitted it happened. Democrat or Republican.
Reminder: If the White-House rep that admitted the Russian interference happened was, in fact, going rogue and spouting unverified lies then that person and likely their superiors would be fired faster than you can say: "Potato Skins"
>Even the White-House has had to concede that what has been shown behind closed doors is conclusive enough that it happened
The white house can't concede anything, it's an inanimate object.
If there's normal tv's in 2067 fucking kill me now
Media & dems have to make an example out of Trump and show that only "club members" can hope to be President without a full time, never-ending shit storm.
>Still not one shred of sense
The official report that you keep referencing but at the same time refuse to address says the election was influenced with the RT YouTube channel and Twitter trolls! If you think thats so bad do you think russia should retaliate for CNN shilling? For lying about Middle East? Why are you so fucking stupid? Is this fun for you? You need to be gassed.
>people believe that Podesta was "hacked" and wasn't just a fucking moron
What did you expect from Hillary "muh servers" Clinton's goons?
Did you all forget pic related already? I swear Sup Forums has the memory of a goldfish.
>implying Redditors have any form of intelligence.
Exactly they even emailed out a new password after finding out they were compromised and didn't let investigators look at their servers. Basically just said to trust them.
LOL I can't help but laugh that people are unironically this nieve and idiotic. You've been lobotomized and programmed like a drone, babbling on like a crazy person
Except McCarthy was trying to route communists infiltrators in US Gov't. He had a list of some 83 (i think) senators, which he never named publicly.
He was slandered endlessly by the media and the government. Then eventually died an untimely death from hepatic failure. Many believed he was killed.
Afterwards, many if not all on McCarthy's list had been proven to be communist sympathizers working against US interests.
It sounds the same as what's going on today, but it's the opposite.
10 years ago they shit on Republican boomers for the red scare
They can only think in dualistic, concrete terms.
Every Democrat I know vastly overestimates the intelligence and empathy of their countrymen. I believe it comes from a sheltered and comfortable life. You can only have so much cognitive dissonance before you have a nervous breakdown, which we are seeing on a collective and individual scale on the left.
One of my happiest memories will always be watching the election results with a tumblr crew, and drinking in their delicious tears while barely concealing my glee that I wouldn't have to hear Hillary Clinton speak ever again.