Hispanics committing hate crimes against muslims

> first girl is kidnapped and murdered by illegal El Salvadorean

>Mosque is set on fire by mexican


I guess Muslims are based now.

Two birds, one stone.

This has promise.

pic related

Incite hispanics to kill muslims.

Hispanics doing jobs whites wont do. I always wonder what will happen if some muslims attacked mexico?

>Getting hyper religious Mestizo "minorities" to do the anti-muslim dirty work
This is genius

victim not muslims


He probably has some reconquistador blood in him.

Trump may win the muslim vote in 2020

Mexicans aren't going to put up with Muslims

The have cities even last names about the times they killed Muslims

wtf I love spics now

Based is a meme from black twitter.

Oh this is a pickle. hate illegals but hate mudslimes too

But if we crack down on illegals who's going to kill the mudslimes?

Surely if a country grows enough balls to deal with illegals, the muslim problem disappearing will come shortly after

heads cut off, faces put on lampposts.

Black FaviJ?

shut up nigger.

You just made me remember about this one village in Burgos literally called Jewkiller.

>not knowing most hispanics hate Muslims

what is Moorish Spain

and they say the conquista was bad
i love u papi


no such thing.

>t, shitavius brown.

>t.Jamal Al-detroiti

it just keeps getting better. Talk about a conundrum for the left. Two of its pet victim group on their ever expanding radiant rainbow flag not getting along.


Orale ese