Why can't we just let the muslims in and separate them from each other? It's a hell of a lot better for everyone, and cheaper, than leaving them as our enemies.
Why can't we just let the muslims in and separate them from each other? It's a hell of a lot better for everyone...
Yeah good luck with that
Whats your plan?
House them amongst white people and make them stay there for a long time.
Good thing indian prime minister is a Hindu he doesn't support muslims much
Its peace here
How about you stop hiding behind the larp flag like a faggot
Why don't you give a half of your home to a complete stranger, and just build a wall to separate you from him/them?
The real difference is "circumcision" but this is a hot topic.
I want the pig to rape the girl
Because that stranger can earn money for the country through taxes. Charge them double taxes because they're foreign and it's win-win for everyone. Still a hell of a lot better than the shithole they came from.
>(((earn money)))
"It's totally worth it to permanently change the demographics of your nations for this, goy!"
Being forced to live among white people would force them to learn the english language.
Also, their blood is as red as ours, they're just stuck 1000 years in the past, which is a problem that can be solved.
>Being forced to live among white people would force them to learn the english language
The situation in America and western Europe proves otherwise.
>their blood is as red as ours
And so is the blood of all warm blooded animals, should we grant them citizenships now, mr.Anti-racist?
Why are you ashamed of your country?
Obviously you don't let them create a ghetto.
More like apathetic realist.
I have been pushing a 2-state solution for some time on twatter and its getting traction.
You know the story, both live in peace, allow them to have sharia law/fgm/kick out gays etc, use this as a way to redpill the masses that ultimately we cannot live together.
>don't let them create a ghetto
Enlighten us please, the enire white western world is in dire need of your advice.
Why are you still alive then? There is no point in living. Just stop breathing.
Marxist propaganda is not reality. The likes of Jared Taylor are realists. You obviously are not.
>falling for Sup Forums white supremacist b8 this hard
Reread where I said "house them among white people" from a different perspective btw ya dingus.
Got a better solution:
Round them up, kill them all
>Jared Taylor
>white supremacist
And white self-determination and group interest is "supremacy" now?
You are not worth any more of my time then.
I mean we let arab christians practice their faith freely(exept the saudi kikes) it would be hypocritical to not do the same with white muslims
Ok then, Adolf Hipster. Good riddance.
Your "white" meme is hilarious.
Algeria should be fully Islamic. No Christians.
literal definitions of not an argument.
No christfags are still among people of the book if its going to be fully islamic christfags would stay
christcucks have this ability to piss me off by always being portrayed as victims.
>Implying that their is anything more fulfilling than reconquering Constantinople and the Holy Land
>Implying that screaming Deus Vult at the top of your lungs as you bash some Muhammadan's brains out on the marble floor of his Mosque wouldn't be the best moment of your life
Why can't you just man up?
I do have a violent side that would love to do that, but logic comes first.
>deus vult meme
Pls... You perfectly know that Deus Vult is beta af
What is illogical about retaking Europe for the Christians? If you truly love something (not love in the modern sense, but in the biblical sense), then you are willing to fight for it. Our children will be thrown into a precarious world, be discriminated against for being white and Christian (like us, but worse), and will live under the thumb of Jewish usurers (60k is the avg. debt of an American) and pornographers, and live in fear of Muslims groping and raping them, and killing them in the streets.
Europe and the West were always Christian. Even Protestantism with its Individualism and Universal maxims were never meant to be applied to Jews and Muslims. That is what people are realizing today. Of course, it is true, that before we can start the external war, we must each conquer our own hearts, and rediscover our faith. We ourselves have become very Jewish in a sense, amoral, greedy, always considering ourselves the victim...
I need coffee now. Godspeed.
I'd rather err on the side of making friends to be honest, because the alternative has potentially dire consequences, but ultimately, if you have something to gain from someone why kill them? And the Jews can't be trusted, but our alliance with them protects us from commie faggots like the Chinese, and the Jews are better than the Chinese.
If the muslims couldn't be reeducated though then I would support a crusade I think. Islam is backwards and barbaric.
Why do people think that people are inherently good? People are shitty. Some are really good but always end up dead or left behind.
>Smelly cumskin thinks the crusades were something to be proud of
Top kek uncle mo fucked persian,turks,byzantis,egyptians,north africans,saharians and took both italy and spain,portugal in all battles muslim armies were always smaller than the crusaders while the crusaders were raiding raping and looting their own christian cities remember the fourth one?
Generally people have something to gain from each other.
What does a dead person have to gain from their murderer ?
Plan B: Kill them before they kill us. We outnumber them anyway.
That's what already is happening. They're not treating them as enemies at all
Learn to write, nigger.