>be american
>pay a tip to your doctor
Be american
South korea? Why?
immediately noticed korea too.how did nork got rid of the circumcision jew so quickly?
i remember what i have been through when i was 9. i couldn't leave bed for a month and couldn't wear underwears for 3 months
fuck religion
>tfw mom is constantly posting anti female circumcision shit on facebook
>she had my cock snipped the day I was born
the doctor cut my foreskin without getting premission from my parents, fuck him
>58 countries have legislation mandating universal health care and have actually reached >90% health insurance coverage and >90% skilled birth attendance
can't know which figures is right desu
btw, don't Euros have any private insurance company?
if so, do people insured a lot?
did you get your $95000 back? foreskins are very lucrative business they are used to grow collagen for lip filler injections.
ahh, what a year.
my parents didn't want it to happen even though they are Muslim
the doctor assumed that my parents wanted it and did it without asking
>be me
>mom is a L&D nurse (Babies)
>family dinner.
>find out she helps the doctor with circumcisions
TFW mom is the foreskin foreman.
then why do you live in the nether- ugh nevermind. damn that's a dog act.
my father forced me and my mother to come even tough we wanted to stay in Turkey
>tfw ((shills)) are pushing anti circumcision on everyone else except themselves just like how they pushed immigration on everyone but Israel and this started right when the white population started to go down and europe abandoned Christ and me, my father, my grandfather, and countless generations of germans all had big families, loved sex, and never complained about their dicks once but now it's a problem pushed by the liberal ((left))
what did they mean by this?
well, at least you wont die in turkey if you fall asleep outside.
>tfw americans are honorary jews
I am going back to Turkey as soon I have enough money to cover all the costs for moving to Ankara
Who the fuck cares if the penis has a haircut?
I was circumcised. I don't mind, it avoids me the hassle to pull up the skin when I groom my penis head.
Men women li,e men who are circumcised
Men women like men who are circumcised
The reason why they chop off your your foreskins is because they want to stop your penis from lubricating and strip it from it's natural movements.
From Dune:
“Bless the Maker and His water.
Bless the coming and going of Him.
May His passage cleanse the world.
May He keep the world for His people. ”
I was born In my own home out in the country side so I dodged those penis choppers.
t. owner of crippled penis
are you amish?
>btw, don't Euros have any private insurance company?
Yes of course.
No universal health care covers you 100% for everything.
Most people have a private insurance, it's between 20 and 60 EUR for a good one in France.
Sue her, the doctors, the hospital, the city, the government for allowing mutilation.
Nope. But I do have some respect for their self sustainability.
You do know sex is significantly less good for you than for normal people, right?
Klinkt goed! Nog hulp nodig met de koffers?
South Korea started circumcising after WWII. (((American))) influence.
Yeap, exactly the same here.
Mine even covers plastic surgery in case of disfigurement.
They just know I'm beautiful and want to preserve my divine looks.
Circumcision is Jewish tradition.
It feels very good for me. You can't make a blind man sad by telling him he can't watch telly if he never watched it in the first place.
Anglo-Saxons = Jews, CONFIRMED
>Three arrested over boy's circumcision in Nottingham
tl;dr - mother didn't want him cut, grandparents did it, now people are getting arrested 'cos mother is pissed.
At first the police were basically gonna ignore it but mother got a badass lawyer to help her from a group trying to stop cuts.
People who circumcise their children should have their genitals cut off.
flikker eens toch op kkr kaaskop
That sounds rough m8, I'm sorry for you ;_;
Why the fuck are people so obsessed with cutting little kids foreskins?
What the fuck is wrong with them. Just let the kid grow up and decide on his own if he wants glorious Shai-Hulud or permanent mushroomhead.
Oh je bedoelt de echte bevolking van dit land? Ach ja, langzaam aan worden we hier ook wakker en gaan de poepkleurhuiden misschien eens leren aanpassen of opsodemieteren.
Do kikes cut off foreskins so they can sell them to the gays as chewing gum?
>t. a virgin
I'm sorry for your loss.
There are ways to restore your foreskin though.
Meh. The uncircumcised penis might feel better but anyone that tells you they like it is lying.