>56% white
>still dare to run their mouths here
56% white
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut up germany, you can't even deny the holohoax out loud.
Fuck you America best, Europe worst country world
>can get arrested for hate speech
>still dare to run their mouths here
German rivers
America is singlehandedly the worst country that has ever existed.
Hookup threads are tier cancer and anyone that actually participates in one is more then likely a faggot from reddit
The country that bends over and smiles every time they see a muslim should not throw stones at anyone.
(You) suck and your country sucks Deutsch mann
You know how niggers can be racist with no consequences?
The only reason why you have free speech is because you're an ape.
>Pic related: You thinking you're so smug.
lol germoney so butthurt. doesnt your mom have a flight of steps she needs to get kicked down?
If you pick this flag do they take your kids away?
>implying Israel isn't the worst country that has ever existed
Anons, you can't stop the shitposts, but you CAN choose not to reply to them.
Just don't reply. Never reply to them. Not even once. Let their shitposts rot in the sun with no (you)s.
I don't think Mutti Merkel would be happy with this kind of degrading language and behavior, you ought to watch your mouth before the PC Gestapo come knocking on your door.
> germoney
> cant even publicly criticize rapefugees because merkels socialist thought police are watching
> needs to go online and baw about USA
>what was the other 97% doing about it
Killing each other to the tune of 620,000 people. Almost as many in all the rest of the wars we've been in put together.
>le 30% white face
AHAHAHAHHA these are the supposed "white americans" a mix of niggers, jews, natives with down syndrome
>Insulting Germany with a beaten up shitskin
....Is this post-ironic?
Likely more than all the blacks, since it ended.
>it's another "euro" loses an argument so he results to spamming numbers
Take off the flag faggot.
> this is the excuse the cuck is actually using
You want me to take my flag off so badly? Ok. Fine.
Judging by the fact that you're so butthurt, you're either a Kraut or a pathetic Frenchie. Either way, the white people in your countries are much more fucked then the white people in America; at least we have guns to protect ourselves
Im swedish and cornish
Oh you're just a spic or a nigger, never mind
this board is full of newfags by now.
the cancer spreads like a desease.
we can't do anything against the devide and conquer shit.
Your descendants will be if you linger in this hellhole.
Found mootykins
I automatically assume that at least 60% of the American posters are non-white
thats a good little norgaygeian defending violent mob attacks
This is why I pretend to not know wtf Sup Forums is or even less what Sup Forums is irl
Fucking cringe
it's just to easy to spread hate against others.
let's say you are from britain and you hate germany. you simply get a german proxy and make a shitty thread like this without any real effort every few hours.
the worst is. people here give those threads 300+ replies in no time
LMFAO. American "whites"
youre a faggot swedecuckold. im whiter than you
Oopsie. Somebody doesn't understand demographics.
What I find neat is how some of the most cucked places in Europe keep spouting that 56% thing when it's wrong
I'm half swedish
Thanks Mexibro-senpai.
>posting on an american designed computer
>on an american designed internet
>on an american made website
>while strictly watching american news
>and predominantly consumes american made movies, music entertainment
>and is trying to shit talk americans
just finally get on your fucking knees and choke on our dicks already
the youngest generation is only around 40% white
all of those countries (expect Burgerstan) are whiter than Israel is Jewish
>website ends in .com
>anyone other than USofgawddamnAmericans allowed to post here
>ripoff of jap website
>modernmovies lolwut
>and it hurts your feelings
i dont give a fuck what you are. im whiter than you
it ends with .org
I'm 100% white according to 23andme. you are likely some sort of quadroon, atleast .1% of non-white.
> mmuuhhhh heritage
Kill yourself immediately
>Computer is Jap
>Website is a literal Jap ripoff
>I watch my nations news, not Jew US news
>Dont watch movies, all Jew owned.
>Not Trying, it's pretty easy
Are you going to cry, friend?
In a couple of weeks the eurotrash will be telling us America is 35% white.
im whiter than you >> muhhhh heritage. im sure you have beady anglo eyes like a rat
So the newborns as of 2017 are only 40% white that's neat to know since the year ain't even out yet and infant death rate among niggers is significantly higher than whites so technically our population will stay about the same per race also does not help that their is a neat trend happening where the nigger population seems to be decreasing do to them actually leaving our country kek
you are nothing without heritage and culture
America is based, close your cuckhole faget
I have wine colored eyes and dirty blonde hair with red highlights.
>80% white
>literally can't run their mouths or will be put in jail for 3 years
>can't even make a slightly off-colored Facebook post
>can't own a gun
Heritage isn't divided into several parts though
> swedish
> culture
is that culture you speak of woman being murdered in the woods via the religion of peace? or is that stockholm looking like the little middle east?
Let at this retard and laugh.
>i rabbit german
Was auch immer, mein Kaneke.
pretty much, murika hate thread time?
>I AM SILLY!!!!!!!111!
my eyes
> too ashamed to let anyone know his country of origin
here come the ashamed rape babies.
Sometimes I look outside and think its bad. But holy fuck, we are 86% white. What the fuck kind of hellhole is the USA?
you seem very assblasted over the facts
sorry your countries can't keep up with american innovation
also, don't forget that our military protects your country because you are too much of a cuck to protect yourselves. how many bases do we have on your national soil? how many of your countries bases are on our national soil?
thanks for playing
post more of your eyes
watch The Wire. It's literally about what most American cities are like
Are you mongoloid?
>every 1st world european country gets overrun by nigs and muslims
>still a way lot whiter than 'murica
still gets my neurons burning
hey cutie, post your face plase
EWWWWWWW LOOK AT THIS ""WINE COLOR"""" YOU LOOK LIKE AN ABSOLUTE SHITSKIN MONG!! THATS EMBARRASSING!! you look like a rape baby. thats fucking disgusting. you have the nerve to post with a nazi flag? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
ok lol.
no, I just have almond shaped eyes. my nose is roman as fuck
Plz don't bully Elliot too much
>wine colored eyes
>American swine has no clue of European cultures and heritage
the Nordic people, their way of life and their culture is older than your jew infested country
you can bitch about Sweden being destroyed by the cancer that is multiculturalism but your mongrel ass has no right to claim superiority over the Swedish identity
At least America had the balls to elect Trump. Europe just continually fills itself up with whatever crazy left wing radical is around. Have fun in about 5 years when you live under Muslim rule. The same Americans have about electing a nigger twice won't even compare to the shame Europeans will have when they literally hand over the keys to the kingdom to foreign invaders.
you are pretty, post more photos please
he legitimately looks like a mongoloid. he actually proved his own point on himself. what an embarrassing piece of shit > bb-b-b-but mmuuh heritage im a swede!!!
>tfw I share a country with these subhumans.
You need to be over 18 to post here faggot.
I dont even have epicanthal eye folds or anything like that. youre retarded