You don't wanna be a bad goy now, do you?
Holocaust Denial Criminalisation
>it totally and absolutely habbend
>stop questioning it or else
urge to shut it down intensifies
I don't like jews very much but I wouldn't care if our government wanted to criminalise it here too desu
Stop with this retarded shit. It happened and I don't care if pure retards like you that believe in idiotic conspiracy go to jail.
It's actually mind boggling how much of an idiot it takes to deny the holocaust and hate Jewish people so much that you wished it happened.
>w-we s-should have a r--rational debate about the "h-holocaust"
What is there to debate about? It's like having a debate with a flat-earther - the catch is; you cant, cause he already shut it down by denying basic facts.
no is denying it "didnt happen". its that the 6million killed number is obviously false as well as the many horror stories of things like nazis making lampshades out of jew skin, soap made from human jew fat, and gas/oven chambers. Not to mention all the doctored photographs shipping things like hanging jew women in the middle of laughing nazis when the original photo is just the group of smiling nazis.
(((They))) use "muh holocawst" as an excuse to play the victim while they rub their hands and make you pay if you are a white male because they are all nazis apparently
I don't care about some reconstructed bunker doors. There's enough proof for all that happened, the concentration camps, the executions, etc. A lot of our people got sent to the camps too.
I don't have time for this! I've gotta go post in the 5 MGTOW shilling threads on the board right now
t. Janez
if you have to defend your (((truth))) with laws, criminalizing and jailing everybody who dares to questions you, you are a liar
Already debunked.
The SS and concentration camp guards converted gas chambers into makeshift air raid shelters as the Russians drew nearer, and replaced the doors with ones that could be opened from the inside.
My God, are holocaust deniers that retarded, even Rudolf Höss, the commander of Auschwitz, confessed of using zyklon B there.
>say 5.9 million died
>mfw this counts as denying
bad bait
magyar stable boy
you'll gona get serbed once again for the sake of the god ol' times
your non existent history didn't teach that nothing is short therm and that in the end we always win
we always do
>not even 6 million jews in Europe before WW2
>somehow 6 million people died
Maybe the nazis didn't build them inside and stayed a few meters away? But it can't be true can it?
>wooden air raid shelter doors
>Rudolf Höss
You mean the confession which was obtained after three days of no sleep, ceaseless torture, and threatening to kill his family if he didn't confess to whatever they want?
Do you think such a "confession" would hold up in a modern court of law?
>magyar stable boy
Can't even get banter right smdhtbqhwyf. Nice fanfic though
>not even 6 million jews in Europe before WW2
>somehow 6 million people died
>implying the NAZI's didn't clone 6 trillion jews just to jerk them off to death
based eu commie kike faggot
embrace diversity
More babble. I guess all nazis who testified and admitted to participating in extermination were bullied into it. Fuck you you post-modernist anti- truth trash.
You see, your holocaust denying pieces of shit are so anti-intelectual that no matter what I provide for an answer you rats will always find a "But" what about the "insert some bizarre diagram from some stormcuck site".
Nobody claims the 6 million number anymore, they've retconned it to 1.5 million.
But they still put 6 million in the school books, because the books are all written by Jews and Marxist scum.
>lololo conspiracy theorists r dum
>there was a mass scale genocide of millions
>oops though there haven't been any excavations of any graves
>it happened because people say it did, you can't show that it didn't
Pot calling the kettle black
And what are those "basic facts" and how do they relate to the silliness of flat earthers? Since the allies showed civilian germans south American shrunken heads and sheep skin lamps, does attaching a sad story to it make it a fact to you? Or does your brain also turn off when your feelings get hurt? You need to equate yourself to movies to make you feel better? A movie where the fictional nazi regiment was indeed evil, therefore you equate that to real life? What are you going to do next tell me I'm like voldemort?
Haha you're pathetic and this is coming from a guy with jewish family who lived in france during ww2.
>calling common sense anti-intellectual
your liberal arts degree is showing
>that pic
>walked out of gas chamber alive
>doesn't get shot
Sure Moshi I'll buy that, but getting gassed once is fucking nothing try getting gassed 6 TIMES GOYUM
There are definitely storm cuck images out there but is that what he did? No? Then go rethink what you just typed you retard. Care to call out FDR for doing the exact same thing to the Japanese?
>ad hominems
>no arguments
Hoss "admitted" under torture to killing 3 million jews, but now even shoah business advocates only claim there where only 1 million killed there. Yet you would have us believe Hoss confession was truthful?
> I guess all nazis who testified and admitted to participating in extermination
"All but two of the Germans in the 139 cases we investigated had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair."
Turn off your fake flag Shlomo.
Plus the woman that runs up saying she knew about the gas chambers etc like it was common knowledge. What happened to the big secret and why they apparently used showers in the first place? Why didn't they use sarin instead of zykon? Why did people say they could tell who died by the colors of the smoke? So many crazy stories that are always explained as unfortunate rumors but those "rumors" are pushed in books and even the Holocaust museum.
If they where marching people straight off the trains into gas chambers then why on earth would this guy be alive? It's not like he would be useful for "forced labor" or any work projects.
>post-modernist anti- truth
Made up pseudo-intellectual bullshit is a pretty handy red flag. They might as well be wearing a sign that says "I'm a brain washed progressive faggot, disregard my worthless opinion"
It's because the camps were like FDRs camps for the japanese as I mentioned in a post to Shlomo before. Supply lines were bombed out. Victors write history. Also look up the Haavara agreement. They tried to get them to go to Palestine/Israel before the camps.
So Jew blood can act as a fuel, interesting.
We Must Secure The Existence of Israel and A Future for Big Nosed Babies
yes, they were
quite literally
>I guess all nazis who testified and admitted to participating in extermination were bullied into it.
"Bullied" is one way of putting it. They were actually tortured pretty viciously.
Can Jew blood melt steel beams?
Joo skin is far to thin to make lampshades
>"All but two of the Germans in the 139 cases we investigated had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair."
Please tell me it's a joke
The trials where show trials.
It isn't.
Hitlers tried to leave the Jewish controlled financial system. Similar to why we really killed Gadhafi and Saddam. Gadafi tried to create an African currency and sell oil for gold. Saddam tried to sell his oil in Euroes. Try to go off the petro dollar and you're fucked.
You 1488 cultist special snowflake SS perma-triggered muh-oppression-by-the-jewtriarchy faggots are so insufferably stupid and hypocritical that I don't really give a shit what happens to you.
It's funny because the most respected historian on the topic, (((Raul Hilberg))), said that the maximum estimate is 5.1 million. He also noted instances of Jewish collaboration with the Nazi's and upset some Jewish advocacy groups as a result. He also supported (((Norman Finkelstein)))'s book attacking Jewish groups for extorting money from European governments.
Yet, if a goy says any of this, (((they))) OH VEY out.
That said, the holocaust almost certainly happened.
As did the Gorta Mor. So where are my reparations you Anglo cunts?
>All Nazis were tortured into lying!
t. some shitty amateur documentary that provides no sources and a completely one-sided account
>Colonel Everett was convinced that a fair trial had not been granted to the defendants: in addition to alleged mock trials, he claimed that "to extort confessions, U.S. prosecution teams 'had kept the German defendants in dark, solitary confinement at near starvation rations up to six months; had applied various forms of torture, including the driving of burning matches under the prisoners' fingernails; had administered beatings which resulted in broken jaws and arms and permanently injured testicles'."
Im not 1488 or even a statist natsoc I just like the truth ans making you jidf scum and normie retards squirm.
Yup, hang out here long enough and you don't believe in the 6 GORILLION anymore and it happens by accident.........
The most interesting part is that, when asked to cite literally any report excavating/identifying corpses in any one of the thousands of mass graves that must exist, littered all across the previous territory, not one single report can be conjured up. The only truth is held in trusting the word of the testimony, instead of using the word of the testimony to confirm the physical evidence.
Nope. The Americans needed to have German speaking interrogators to understand their German speaking prisoners. Unfortunately for us, after WW1 the US went to some effort to stamp out the use of german in the US. So at the time of the war there where only two groups of americans who fluently spoke german; german immigrants (who weren't trusted and thought to be closet nazi's themselves) and german Jews. The ratio of Jewish interrogators in the allied prisoners was insane, as much as 3/4 interrogators where Jewish, and they had a mission to gain a specific "confession"
excavation at construction sites around Germany are continuously digging up bombs from ww2
this is always making quite a buzz since they have to evacuate the whole areas prior to detonating the dud
i have yet to hear a single report of someone finding bones or a corpse, leave alone a mass grave
inb4 the ovens
Except it be quite fucking weird if it were illegal to be a flat earther.
>arresting an 80 year old woman for sedition
Not saying she was right, but wew lads German guilt is absolutely insane.
Which of these countries will survive the day of the rope?
The bones wouldn't be useful as there would be no way to link them to a person or anything of that matter. You wouldn't be able to conclude that it was a death related to 'x' if you have no basis to make that conclusion.
As for the ovens, if the claim is that virtually all the corpses that were gassed or shot were all cremated, then there must be greater evidence testing the feasibility and efficiency of the cremation ovens than anecdotes. Some test trials? In fact, it wasn't usually ovens that were used, by pyres. Like, open-pit flames that had corpses tossed into them like bonfires. There must surely be many such "abandoned camp sites", so to speak, with the leftovers of the massive operation, if that many million people died. Yet the lack of enthusiasm to investigate that claim is shocking. The assumption is that the anecdotes are all accurate.
You can't compare Holocaust denial to flat earthers. Flat-earthers have no real evidence to back up their claims while Holocaust deniers at least have a pile of solid circumstancial evidence that is enough to entertain the notion that the Holocaust has been played up if not outright fabricated.
The confessions of Holocaust survivors who wove their stories out of dreams and fancy instead of facts and truths, the inability to pin down an actual amount of Jewish deaths, census data not matching up with population growth projections, that chimney that was built after the war in Auschwitz, the outlandish claims of holocoasters, pans that electrocuted Jews into ash....the list goes on and on and on.
Not to mention that over 70 years later it's STILL illegal to criticize the Holocaust in some countries. That's the most damning part of it; if there's nothing to hide then why are people being imprisoned for it?
For that matter why was that collector's Nazi memorabilia confiscated and labeled as "illegal historical artifacts"? There's something screwy here.
The whole criminalisation of denying or even just questioning historical event makes it fishy as fuck. No other history is pushed that far. If you have some weird ideas it's just debated, laughed at or ignored. Question holocaust? Go straight to jail.
>The bones wouldn't be useful
forensic has evolved a lot over the last decades
carbon-14 dating, DNA testing
even if they only find a single bone or just a piece and they have the slightest doubt this could be from a human they are obliged to inform the authorities to figure out the cause of death (unknown cause of death always implies a possible homicide according to german law)
leave alone if they ever found one of thus mass graves with hundreds or probably thousands of bones
shit would be the headline on every german news channel for one week straight
The bones would fair better if they were attached to the bodies. Instead of waiting decades after the fact to investigate.
Of course, there would be thousands of bones. But these are fanciful scenarios. Call me back when such a mass grave is found.
It is so annoying the fucking kike accent
>>She studied with Rabbi Emanuel Rackman at Reform Temple Shaaray Tefila
>>author of the books Denying the Holocaust (1993), History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier (2005) and The Eichmann Trial (2011). She is currently the Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies
I can smell her shitty rat scent from here.
The filthy kike has lived all her life capitalizing the holocaust
>>Turn on the oven!
He said 25 Million were killed in Ausschwitz alone
My gfs grandma made me some
That bitch.
The fact there are confessions of being treated properly, having fun, working, getting paid, having soccer teams and leagues and playing with actual nazis on your team and being treated for diseases and malnourishment and prevented from going to work until they found out what was wrong with you and so on are all ignored while the absolutely ridiculous ones are actually used as proof is the bigger issue.
And it isnt 70 years later. The holocaust wasnt a holocaust until the late 70s. It simply wasnt even known as a holocaust until then nor discussed as such. They waited for most of the poeple to die before they started the mass propaganda and movie roll out for it.
I don't get it she seemed to be in favor of holocaust denial being legal?
Holocaust Affirmers are so deluded it's insane
> "Lets kill all the jews"
> Feed them
of course it's the fucking UK
god i don't understand how the fuck did people from the UK build America.
seriously what happened to you, why are you all such authoritarian cunts lately?
There are people that actually believe this shit though.
nevar forgetti
Why is this billboard smaller than the galaxy, you fucking antisemite???
Holy kek those comments...THE FIRE RISES BROTHER!!
Please do even a slight hint of research before coming here. That or fucking neck yourself