Well, it happened Sup Forums

Well, it happened Sup Forums.
I got petitioned for a paternity test.
It's ruining my current relationship.
I'm 28 years old.
I'm probably going to kill myself.

Why did we allow women to have so much power?

>Why did we allow women to have so much power?

Why did you shoot inside, retard?

Sounds like you already know the answer and you're just trying to dodge it

Don't be a dummy, shoot it on her tummy.

Use someone else semen

Hillarious if true
Please keepus posted

Time to settle down with your new wife

This is why you always hide your friends cum in a plastic baggy in your sock. Then when your about to cum you open bag and put inside her pussy while you then cum deep inside her asshole. Making chewbaca Sasquatche noises while cumming will distract her from the surprise anal and baggy noise. This has worked for me for years, you're welcome.

K... Keep me posted.

How could you let this happen.

Hope you dont live in france

Paternity tests are illegal there


So you fucked some slut and made her pregnant and now you have qt traditional gf and this child, if it's yours really, will ruin everything? You asked for it. Real traditional men don't fuck around or have more than 1 woman in their life. Your fault.

So if you are the father do you have to start paying her or something?

It's a blood test.

Why would you shoot it inside a grill you weren't prepared to have a child with?

Or was this accidental i.e. broken comdom.

Your pull out game is fucking weak son. I haven't used a condom in 10 years. Been with my wife for 8, but the dumb whores I banged in those 2 before I'd always pull out quick.

>>Use someone else semen

>White Supremacist

Why am I not surprised?

What is wrong in forcing a father to take care of his own child?
Come on, you had plenty of choices to avoid it at first.

>Why did we allow women to have so much power?
you share the blame dude
kids are not the fucking end they are the highest goal dude What could be more important than producing the next generation, absolutely nothing.

Just except the kid fag. You fucked up. Deal with it. Killing yourself just ruins other people's lives. It's also the pussy way out.Women don't actually have any power. Men are just giving them a taste of it. Muslims are an example of perfection.

If you weren't with the current woman - why is this a problem. These things happen? And why did you have sex and not protect yourself if you weren't ready to have a child?

your decision to have sex with a shrew is what fucked you, whiner. stop blaming the world for your inability to behave like a real man.

You seem like a low class piece of shit. Just do what comes naturally. Quit every job where they start garnishing your wages, and get another one. Do that for the rest of your life.

If its really yours and your ex is decent and not a whore then I see no problem.
If it's a whore then keep in touch with the kid. It's your progeny after all.

But I bet this is all for alimony money and she doesn't give a shit if you see the kid or not.

Unless the woman asks for it.

You deserve it bro. Paternity tests should be mandatory.