And needs a fall guy so they blackmail this guy who ran over a kid to wave a gun outside while alephantis shoots his harddrive with all his shit on it
>realize they're so scared they're gunna run with this and only double down
And needs a fall guy so they blackmail this guy who ran over a kid to wave a gun outside while alephantis shoots his harddrive with all his shit on it
>realize they're so scared they're gunna run with this and only double down
/pol is so obsessed with child pornography making up pizzagate, now elsagate. This is reminiscent of republicans obsessed with hating homosexuals yet being closet cases
You have to get outside and get some sun friend, please also stay hydrated
Gee that cop sure looks threatening
She's trying her best
pizzagate is fake and the entire concept of snatching up kids for sex rings is outdated. wherever elite sex rings are operating, these days they have access to sperm and egg banks. lots of celebs freeze their sperm/eggs "just in case" or "for future scientific data" but what goes unsaid is the black market for engineering of custom sex-slaves via celebrity reproductive DNA.
U2 fatso
press F to pay respect
Thats low quality shilling
>the only thing he shot was a computer
Really makes you think
Maybe it had a virus and he had an antidote gun
its about fucking children. not about saving sex cells.
nice try at redirect. the pedophiles continue while you vote for her.
not an argument
i don't even know what your incoherent post is trying to say
he left messages on social media, I think it was twitter, talking about how "his kid" or "his boys" or something were coming back from comet pizza needing stitches in their behinds. Anyone still have caps of those? They were posted here when he shot up the place. He doesn't have any kids. What I suspect based on those tweets, is that he's a pimp and he went there with a gun and fired off a shot because of the way his "employees" were treated. Maybe he figured that because they are untouchable, so was he, maybe he has the connections to get away with shit like that, but they decided to throw him under the bus
>pedorings are outdated
Evil in this world is more prevalent than ever and it's only getting worse because no one wants to believe it and those who speak out are silenced or shamed. How you could be so naive is understandable. I wish you were right that this shit was dying out, but I'm not optimistic, and when you actually follow the information being uncovered it's impossible to believe the MSM.
Meant to reply to
this is a 100% paid shill poster revealing what they are actually trying to do with "Elsagate" which is to implant this sick shit in the minds of young vulnerable anons
the pedo is real but they are leaving a breadcrumb trail for us to follow. its a psyop.
the post says snatching up other people's kids for pedo rings is outdated. they create them from private sperm and egg banks now.
Pizzagate was real/psyop too its like 50/50
what the fuck are you talking about?
anyway, ElsaGate is real. there are active pedos on YT right now. these motherfuckers need to go down
OH kek I didn't read the whole post, just saw pizzagate was false and pedorings are outdated and got triggered. That's some dark shit senpai.
lmao you are just wannabe white knight faggots trying to prove to yourselves you aren't NEET losers by "saving" some non-existent children from non-existent rings. you honestly think the LEAs don't watch this place? if you were really on to something they would jump in to help. let me guess: literally every police agency in the entire world is in on this conspiracy? LMAO. i can't wait until more of you schizo pizzafags get v& these threads are retarded and you aren't heroes.