What's wrong with nationalism?
What's wrong with nationalism?
If the country you live in is shit nationalism is completely illogical.
Loving dirt and who your dad decided to fuck is stupid.
Then on what basis do cucked leftist intellectuals claim that it's the worst ideology to ever occur in human history?
You don't love your mother?
Nationalism is a lower order of globalism
as family is to individual.
Too many retards who think nationalism means fascist Jew hunters.
its fascism
It often leads to xenophobic policies and war.
Just one thing. If you defend a "nation" with a {{corrupted govnerment}} and the people hates themselves and are cucked into annihilation them you just turn into a cuckservative, real nationalism is tribalism, that's it.
When any belief becomes dogma it is bad. So a dogmatic nationalist becomes a zealot and then a harm to others.
So a dogmatic socialist becomes a zealot and then a harm to others.
So a dogmatic vegan becomes a zealot and a then a harm to others.
Any side can become brainwashed or weaponized, no one is above that
Nothing. Any nation will suffer without it.
Then you should immediately rebel and have nationalism for what you are building.
>he still believes in magic soil
Not enough people support it
there is literally nothing wrong with being a nationalist
Nothing, every country in the world should fight for its national sovereignty. Chauvinism, on the other hand, is a problem.
But fascism has proven in history to propel it's nation to greater highs at incredible speeds. Communism drives it's nation into the ground in order so that business and establishment can rule and people just learn to hate their country.
Top fucking kek
Because like it or not, nations as they were before are no longer.
The dam's already burst and the sooner people realize that the better off humanity will be.
If we fight the primate instinct that jumps to the conclusion that "In-groop=GOOD / Out-groop=BAD"
As a species i believe that we would progress further and not blow ourselves up
The effort of those that brought us about and our effort to bring about the future are the only things that will ever matter. People who hate their fathers hate themselves they are a part of you. The same way that you are apart of anything in this world that lasts.
literally nothing
Typical preprogrammed response from a brainwashed lib. Just take the redpill already, everything makes much better sense afterwards
Nothing. It's ethnic nationalism that's wrong
and yet everything. Since nationalism in modern society presented by people who look like they came out of the bog. And such people do drugs, commite crime that can be compared to the highest level of violence, behave like low-class blacks whom are savagely hated by nationalists. And most of the normal people turn their backs on nationasm since it is being portrayed as the main cause of WWII, plus constant propaganda by western media of innocent helpless jews that were murdered by evil Germans.
Nothing but blind patriotism is just as bad as globalism.
Family is the base unit of society, user, not the individual.
We are going to destroy ourselves. Globalism does not require the dissolution of the nation state. The only people who say that find that the nation state is the obstacle to their control of you.
It's racist somehow, like voter ID laws.
Especially if you're a WHITE nationalist. I still haven't seen a proper justification on that one yet.
>loving your mother is stupid
>respecting the land your ancestors bled for to give you is stupid
No "American" - you are stupid
Love how fascism is illustrated. REALLY makes you almonds activate
>What's wrong with nationalism?
According to the globalist it is stopping them from implementing a global governance. Globalist need a population to reject their nation in favor for a global system but of course the global system will be controlled outside their bounds to have influence. Nationalism protects from globalist schemes such as the EU.
Family is tribalism too
Nothing. The jew doesn't like it cuz it can't fuck everyone inside the nation as easy.
Fucking kill the jew loving clucks,
Fucking kill the jews subhumans the niggers
Fucking kill the jew who fucked up this world.
Found the jew
People who hate their nation also hate others and themselves.
Well user you could also look at screenshots of germany and italy and such in the 1930s etc cameras weren't so good back then. Much less images.
Its super mean. You don't wanna look like Hitler do u?
Republic or Monarchy?
Well that's just not true
I think nationalism is more of a reaction if a people feels threatened.
If your nationstate is secure and with unified culture, there is no need for nationalism, because its goal is already a reality.
Nationalism isn't necessary, patriotism is enough in order to be able to defend the country if it defends values such as liberty, equality, solidarity, that kind of stuff ya know
And we should fight for the country against totalitarians
Sometimes it can be civic
>Native Americans always talk about their ancestors and the land they lost in the past
>Blacks are constantly reinventing history in order to boast about who their ancestors were and what they accomplished
>Jews always talking about the Holocaust
But you, white man, are completely retarded for talking about what your ancestors went through. You didn't do anything! So drop it, goyim!
But my question is, of how much value is the nation state in itself? When the things that i identify myself with apply to many outside of my geographic location ?
I'm not totally defeatist yet - i've still some naïve hope that this swing of the pendulum won't end in annihilation.
As for the control part. Well, where the money is the power is. Those with the most to lose from liberty have the greatest incentive to supress it
Did you appear on the earth fully grown, like a blank slate? Completely without context?
Give people a common defined enemy and they will unite against it. It's one of the most basic human traits
We don't have enough of it :(
No, but I also didn't appear exactly the same as everything around me.
>>"It is not the mass that invents and not the majority that organizes or thinks, but in all things only and always the individual man, the person" - t. literally Hitler
Ah the patriotism vs nationalism meme.
There isn't anything wrong with civic nationalism because it embodies that ideology that the Romans had. See the Romans didnt care for race they made anyone that had any value there own. We as Americans are the modern day romans in that cents. Now is white nationalism bad? I would say yes because its inclusive and divides a people. Like for example what would we do to the patriotic African Americans? These people love America and we love them. Same goes for hispanic americans that work harder than most white people I know. We are the modern day romans and this is what I tell any cringy american fascist. This idea of a white american utopia will never happen.
Checks out.
>(((civic nationalism)))
>not realize the land and family is what gives your culture, tradition, people, and religion
Without these man will only fall prey to degeneracy like an animal desperately trying to fill the void that had sustained them for countless millenia
America denied citizenship to anyone who wasn't white from the very beginning you completely uninformed head up your ass blubbering retard.
why did I even reply
add. I think that nationalism is much stronger in eastern europe right now because they are poor, i.e. already somewhat threatened on a psychological level. The threat of immigration through third worlders is much easier to stop, than nationwide poverty.
Civic nationalism is what will have to work in the Americas anyway. The americas now have more than just white Europeans, so White nationalism will not work. No form of race nationalism will work in the Americas.
> t. jewish kekistani alt right zionist conservative based patriot!!!!
No. We need to accelerate the balkanization of the United States so that it can be properly divided into ethno-states. The United States isn't a real country. It's one massive liberal social experiment.
When your future prospects are shit, people tend to prefer improving standards of living rather than importing shitskins and poos in da loo out of humanitarian reasons.
West is living too comfy and people think it's all good.
AlSO, Merkel you whore pay war reparations for WW2 before bringing your rapefugees here.
Of fucking course its a fucking leaf
I like how there are almost no leafs with the new flags in.
Yet there are still some that dare to bring shame to there country with there stupidity.
First for Nation of Ohio
National slogan: Fuck Michigan, also Democrats
Nationalism is prone to Isolation.
Not even nationalists themselves can explain where "nation" starts and where it ends.
It's a continuous struggle to "identify" what you're identifying as.
This process is only to be stopped if nationalists set up borders, culturally and socially.
>but when we are a bit nationalist with a little bit open market...
No. That doesn't work because that would include importing things not made by your own people. Unless you're a bigot who thinks he is nationalist because it sounds good and egdy but can't live without the benefits of globalism. It's just as ridiculous as Leftists eating at McDonalds before they protest against capitalism.
>but my Hungary/Czech/Polish
They're the bigots I'm talking about. By definition, the ideology nationalism cannot be resembled by these states. They refuse the disadvantages brought by globalism (immigration/socialism) and take the benefits (trade agreements etc.) which I think is perfectly fine. But come on. The only "Nationalists" I could remotely define as NATIONALISTS are North Koreans.
Back to the topic
All that being said, as soon as you isolate your country, due to globalism times, you'll end up as another color of Iran/BestKorea and get kicked out of developement speed.
Nationalism belongs to nationalist eras. If the most powerful states on earth work on global policies it's economical suicide not to "run with it" until it someday breaks down. Its by then nationalism will become a topic again
You can make anything sound stupid by describing it in deliberately silly terms
Nothing our armed forces are nationalist by default
hes right you know also chek um
Ask a nigger.