Stop getting tattoos


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it's been overdone to the point of being the biggest fashion joke since bell bottoms, but it's such and easy and reliable indicator of whether somebody is low-IQ trash it's almost worth it. Please, idiots, keep getting tattoos and piercings and outing yourselves to the rest of us as what mindless lemmings you are.

It's just attention seeking. Boring people get to be the center of attention for 5 minutes showing off their new tat.

fpbp and spbp

I agree this. Most people I know with tattoos are degenerates

I got tattoos because I thought they looked cool. Turns out I'm right.

Tattoos never look cool, just try hard and gay

Just wait another 20-30 years and you'll see all the people who jumped on the tattoo trend working at gas stations and emptying garbage cans in office buildings. Idiots.

By then, age and gravity will have caught up with them and the chick with the chest piece will be looking run down and used up while she rings up your order at Arby's. Such a free spirit in her 20's, now she has a raspy voice from smoking/drinking for decades and her bleach blonde hair is frayed and the root color is coming through at the scalp. Her skin is saggy and leathery and her ear lobes are like deflated tires because she stretchied them and Arby's corporate won't let her wear plugs. At 43, she'll claim discrimination and complain to her teenage co-workers on her way out the back exit to take an unscheduled smoke break.

Meanwhile, at 45, her ex-boyfriend with sleeve tattoos and facial piercings will have a gigantic beer gut, a year's worth of beard growth, and wears Chuck Taylors and still has a wallet chain. His tattoos that used to express his personality so well have faded and expanded as he gained weight, plus years of sun from outside labor have turned his skin into a darkened, wrinkly mess. He looks every bit of 60 at 45. The kids at work see his tattoos and stretched ear lobes and think "man, that guy must have been pretty cool about 20 years ago." Every night after work, he stops at the gas station and buys a 12-pack of Natty Ice and drinks himself into oblivion in his shitty studio apartment he's lived in for the past 9 years. In his daily drunken stupor, he wonders where it all went wrong. He wakes up with the usual hangover and prays that his 1974 Bronco will start up so he can get to work at the warehouse on time.


>2009: oh boy tattoos
>2017: gas the degenerates

I watched a video a couple of days ago of a guy interviewing people asking them "what's the last book you read?"
Interestingly, many of those who answered "I don't read" were full of tattoos.
This left me quite baffled. These people are permanently staining their body on purpose and have no culture at all. They have no idea what the fuck those "tribal symbols" they like to get covered from even mean.
To be completely honest, I have never met someone with a tattoo that I can define "smart".

Tattoos are for attention seeking and weak willed people. They show an inability to plan for long-term.
Abandon degeneracy.

Kek lel n jej

>mfw Nazis and Fascists are society's next bad boys who all women want

Get in shape now, lads. Change your diet and start lifting.

I can't wait until we have a huge wave of fat, haggard women with tattoos, ageing poorly. We've never had anything like it, it'd be an unprecedented look into the after-effects of poor choices made just to be a snowflake.

Young women might not start getting tattoos again for decades, until the images of their wrinkly, splotchy grandmothers have faded from society's memory.

>getting fit for women

You're doing it for completely the wrong purpose there, friendo.

By getting tattoos and other body modifications you're shitting on God's creation. This is why God hates Jews; they mutilate babies and try to force everyone else to do it too, even though it doesn't offer any benefits to the child, but rather takes away a protective layer of flesh and removes sensitivity from the penis. Some studies have also shown that circumcision could even lead to mental trauma that impacts the child's development and personality.

I was at a restaurant the other day with my girlfriend (neither of us have tattoos) and was looking around - I noticed all of the servers had tattoos. Interesting that low-class people (literally servants in this case) choose to brand themselves to make it easier for non-plebs to identify them.

Yup, can't wait, considering that 20 yo snowflakes already look awful.

tattoos are forbidden in orthodox judaism and islam you retard

>I can't wait until we have a huge wave of fat, haggard women with tattoos, ageing poorly.

We won't, the vast majority are going to die out and the ones that do survive will become such freakshows that even their façade of 'confidence' will eventually crumple under the weight of time [spoiler]and the fact that they ain't gettin' no dick[/spoiler].

>We've never had anything like it
Actually I think tattoos go something like this:
>Generation 1 gets tattoos
>Generation 2 thinks tattoos are lame/gross because their parents have them
>Generation 3 gets tattoos because their parents don't have them
>Generation 4 thinks tattoos are lame/gross because their parents have them

Lot's of people in history had tattoos,
Theodore Roosevelt had one, Andrew (Trail of tears) Jackson. James K. Polk.
You sir, sound like a stupid cuck.

I don't mind tattoos if they actually mean something to the person who has them and are pretty much hidden so the personal aspect remains the main reason for getting it.

i only have 1 tat relating to my band of brothers on upper leg so as to remain unseen

Nah, most tatoos are shit.

I'll never forget a college class i had in sociology where the teacher asked the class if they ever dated someone with a tattoo and everyone raised their hand. Then she asked how many of us would rather have their partner not have the tattoo ajd 90+% raised their hand.

The only holdouts were the pierced tatted freaks who were unfuckable anyway.

>wallet chain
I've never seen anyone that degenerate in current year. I definently had a chain wallet and Jnco's in 6th grade circa '99.

I got one tattoo when my dad passed away.
It's not visible unless I'm almost fully nude.

No tatoo for me.
No tatooed woman for me.

Only good tatoos :
Bar code for camp prisoners

I bet you went to Hot Topic a lot too faggot.

The ex bf still seems pretty chill desu

My tattoo is covered by a T-shirt. What now?

>sit in a bed getting stabbed by a needle for hours on end
>all this for 2 minutes of attention
what has our society become

Dis bih

Where did I say they weren't?

Yep. Our moms would drop us off and we would b-line for hot topic with our platonic goth girlfriends. Good times.

They didn't have their forearms necks and cleavage covered.
Modern tattoo culture is the epitome of attention whoring. It is the White Version of Urban Cultures frivolous ways.

11/10, perfect description of the situation.

This must be screencap'd.

Will do!

Kek, I thought I was the only one that looked forward to this

I have religious tattoo so that when islam takes over i will remember and so will they.

Also if i get amnesia i will still know.

It's more than 2 min. The tattoo lasts for life. If you have tattoos you will get weird looks your entire life and every person you meet is going to question your tattoos at some point.

>make an okcupid and tinder
>every girl is fat, tatted, mentally-ill, single moms, etc.

Why did the Jew do this to us? I'm a generally well-adjusted guy, handsome, no illness, "body modifications." college-educated, well-paying job, in shape, etc. Just went on these apps because I'm a bit on the introverted side and thought it'd be convenient but nope, it's a panoply of degenerate whores, and real-world dating isn't much different. To be fair dating a millennial guy is probably no different. Video-game-focused, pot-smoking, ambitionless losers with no prospects.

>tfw being a millennial stuck dating millennial women who get more rail than the trans-siberian by age 20

Had some luck dating at a Christian university for like one semester but those girls are the anomalies

i think only the most basic of bitches would actually believe that tattoo helps them feel some sort of meaning. maybe some tattoo for your sorority or some gay shit

Why would anyone have ambition in today's world? What's the point exactly?

Oy vey goyim, don't get tattoos!

>What do you mean that tattoo of a flower on my left tit has no meaning and looks ugly?

top post

already see older people with lots of tattoos, they look extremely pathetic and trashy. I cringe everytime, they were probably hippy degnerates in their youth.

Ambition is nice when you get the oppirtunity to be ambitious. I floated through my early 20s with no direction, now I inherited my mom's small business, and stress is killing me, but the responsibility gets me out of bed every morning without a thought of existential meaninglessness. Responsibility and meaning are very important.

Question; im looking at getting my blood type drug allergies and organ donor status tattooed in a place that would be accessible in emergency but not shown off in the day to day. Thoughts on prwctical tats?

She's not wrong
But I'm 99% sure she's parroting that idea from some YouTube video she watched 10 minutes prior


Well the way I see it is that I want a life-long partner who shares my values and to raise a family with her. To me, that is bliss.

But there is a second choice: See the state of decadence the world is in and waiver to the nihilism that surrounds you. But I think this is the coward's way. It's easy to be a sleezebag with no morals, ambition, or impetus. Society will look at you as a victim of the system or some other bullshit and you always have a quip for why you're such a failure, i.e. "nothing really matters maan." You can seek pleasure your whole life but never truly be happy. It's very easy to say "fuck doing x, y, and z," but, to my mind, it takes real guts to look at the world today and want to grab it by the balls. You can either make excuses for being a worthless, amoral human piece of garbage and no one will question you because of the times we live in, or you can choose to struggle and have purpose, and maybe, just maybe, actually become a fulfilled human being in the process.

top kek

oops wrong thread

But mine isn't visible because it's on my back, so how does that work?

If i wanna get the space jam logo on my ass cheek I'm gonna do it, fuck off with your "muh tattoos are commies"

On the day of the race war tatt*d "whites" will be killed first as they are traitor degenerates

>muh cultural marxism


So many people I meet have token, stupid tattoos that are completely meaningless to them. Especially here in Germany, people don't even pretend to be profound with their tattoo purchases. I can't decide if that's better or worse.

You know sometimes people get tattoos because they find something they want to see every day of their lives. Something that makes me feel positive. You really wanna be that guy and critically judge them just for that?

Don't be socially retarded, anons. Tattoos aren't a problem. Don't force autism trying to make it one.

Dating sites attract mostly questionable people. Sure you might luck out but the kinds you see on those sites are so prevelant because those sites are usually their only option - plus 99% of people will lie, embellish or just not present their true nature on their profiles (I know too many people who find an awesome, accomplished guy who turned out to be a manchild with a pot addiction who's poured hundreds more hours into video games than they've read books in their entire lives or a chick who is a psycho Tumblrina incarnate). Try meetup groups and local functions for hobbyists, volunteer work, book clubs, free foreign language classes,etc. It may be harder to meet someone "organically" but you stand a better chance of meeting someone who isn't ambitionless, mentally ill or armed with 700 strains of STD.

Chest. Right below collarbone. So that if im in an acciddent the body part won't be MIA when they need to know.

Okay, my question here at the risk of getting trolled is: I've heard this plenty of times from a friend, I understand where he's getting at by the future, opportunity, etc. He has all the enthusiasm, optimism, and in some way it makes me mad even though his intentions are good. How do you deal with people if they're better than you? At this point I'm admitting that he's right and so is everyone in this thread, but I don't want to talk with him anymore and just do my own thing. I can't describe what it is, but it's probably jealously and the feeling of inferiority when everyone else is doing better.

You have a point. She failed to mention that people also get tattoos because they're tremendously retarded.


Got my tattoos in the navy and they aren't shitty trashy tats but I still regret them

It's a naval tradition but still

>Somewhere in Africa a savage nigger is running around with 50inch twin cannon Jncos that were donated by your mom.

>hating on manual/outdoor labor

Know how I know you're a soft pasty faced faggot?

>chain wallets

Oh god the memories.


Unless you're career military or career criminal, tats are a pretty shitty life decision.

I can't think of a stupider, tackier or less original way to express myself.

>Turns out I'm right.

"Turns out I'm a knee-jerk conformist."

>the chick with the chest piece

utterly degenerate, makes me sick every time I see one

Who else wants to fuck her brains out?

You look like a dumb normie.