The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing. This is done in order to reprogram our basic sexual urges, so that what we find sexually attractive subconsciously promotes a lifestyle of passive over-consumption, waste and materialism. Who profits from your sedentary existence? Big pharma and multinational conglomerates intent on turning you into docile, drug dependent, welfare supported consumers. Furthermore, the typical T H I C C body type is far more prevalent in non-whites. Therefore, this manufactured trend surreptitiously goads the white man toward sullying his genetic lineage. I wonder who could be behind this? Don't fall for their tricks!
The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing...
thats fat, not thick...
OP is a fag
this is t h i c c
OP is a low test beta.
Obesity is mental illness and should not be celebrated.
Thick = fat = obese = mentally ill.
Abandon degeneracy, embrace health.
That's not thicc, that's a nigger. Look at her muzzle. Get raked.
thiccposters for the most part don't realize that they are getting jewed by photoshop and camera trickery. it's sad really
no, thats a race mixed nigger
you posted this EXACT SAME THING yesterday you pathetic, testosterone deficient retard. fuck off.
Sexual dimorphism feminine small and petite masculine large and bulging feminine girl small heterosexual masculine girls large homosexual
no it just means you have a dick and healthy libido.
i would fucking ruin Ashley Graham
Stay in turkey ahmed.
Same for trap posters. And smells don't come through a photo.
that's not T H I I C C
this is T H I C C
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it but this what peak performance looks like.
"I like thicc girls" = "I know I could never get a petite girl"
She only dates BBC like other fatties
I actually see thicc as in nice round butt not fat.
that not thicc, this is real thick
This. Thicc is the future. OP is low test fagget.
u mad whiteboiss?
Fucking based my fellow redditors! Upvoted
This is fucking disgusting.
You have low standards because you know you aren't worth someone healthy.
It's easier for you to justify being a fat shit if you idolize fat women.
Wow Sup Forums unironically supporting the health jew? Sounds pretty fucking gay. Thicc is where its at.
there is a different between thicc and fat
where is the thickness?
i wanna put my face between those 2 little cheeks
licking her salty asshole
This. It's jealousy. Thicc > anything else.
Using large words does not make you sound intelligent. Fucking 15 year old summerfags.
ass implants look ridiculous. you need thick legs to support fatass.
Ashley Graham looks pretty solid with a layer of fat. It's easy to see muscles on her thighs and calves.
>the health jew
probably the most retarded thing im going to read for years to come
>people being attracted to exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics and softness is a Zionist plot
Here you go, OP.
What man? Chill out on the faggotry pls. This is perfectly natural. Sign of high fertility, right guys?'s a pastebin file that's been posted for years. Stop projecting.
White men need to wake up and take the thiccpill before it's too late.
Ashley is a goddess, coalburner or not.
marilyn monroe was thicc, this girl is just fat
lightweight thicc
THICC is 160 lbs MAX. And even then the girl has to be like 6ft tall. Lady in your picture is probably 5'8 and 200 lbs. Any woman heavier than the average man is just a fat lazy fuck. Unless they're muscular but strong girls aren't my bag, baby.
I think this meme is only made to justify obesity
maximum fertility right here. not attracted? well then you're a faggot my friend
She's hot. Just big boned, I'd fuck her senseless because I don't lust over body of teenage girls who look like fucking sticks.
> 5'8" 200
>lightweight thicc
what the fuck does ass fat have to do with fertility? trying to pretend to be straight homeboy?
No, chubby chasers just try to lump disgusting BBWs with healthily thick voluptuous beauties.
She needs that shit out of her navel though.
>what we find sexually attractive
No one finds this sexually attractive and they never will.
The jews want people to think that they think fat is sexy. In reality its just going to make people stop wanting to fuck each other.
Because the human subconscious knows better
you are fucking chubby chasers fucking nigger
Totally, I mean, what kind of man wouldn't want this You have patrician taste user. What we need is more deformed and obese black cum receptacles ITT so it can be less gay.
>not a single ounce of muscle tone in her legs
That's fucking disgusting desu
There's a difference between thick(my pic) and fat(your pic)
Bigger hips and tits are desirable to men who know that body type of woman will produce strong offspring. It's basic fucking science.
(((they))) are here in force. don't believe their lies. break the conditioning
It's happening because a) men are getting fatter and b) niggerisation
If you like fat chicks or have ever been into fat chicks you are a fucking nigger, plain and simple. The taboo against being skinny and healthy is getting ridiculous. Most of the girls in my home town are starting to get fat, but what really bothers me is that instead of feeling ashamed they just develop a rabid and nonsensical hatred towards women who took care of their body and didn't turn into landwhales. They call attractive women "anorexic" and try to guilt trip them into eating like pigs. Truth is, anything above a size one is a total fatass. This thicc shit is a fucking nigger meme and stopped being funny months ago.
If this is the case, when you say THICC, I think you mean fit, right?
Girls with big thighs are either fat, or muscular.
stop reposting the same shit over
and over
Why'd you post that flaccid whale twice? Have you any standards? Or are you a nigger?
Pick your T H I C C , Sup Forums
and who do you think is behind the ghettoization of white youths? follow the money
>wears high heels
>fucks niggers
The worst
>low test faggot thread
If you like stick thin women you are a closet
paedo and deserve to shot in the street like a dog.
That looks terrible.
A normal, healthy female form is naturally attractive to normal and healthy men.
Soft ("offseason") fit with mass is the best. Fat is normal for women. It forms breast tissue and other womanly shapes. When cellulite starts to form them you know there is too much fat.
post more please
THIS. You haven't had a real woman until you've had one that looks like a high school amateur wrestler with a receding hairline and gyno.
If haven't figure out the difference between thicc and fat yet, then your the problem.
u mad Whaler
real nigga shit
Fuck off you kike prick. Breeding with a skinny fucking girl-child is vile. Will produce lousy offspring and ruin the white race. Environmental factors contribute to human becoming larger and strong. Fuck, when I was at school 30 years ago I was tall and thin. Now i see lads who are 15 and dwarf me.
It also means we "need" more migrants to work in ARE NHS.
>not liking thicc
Try not being a fucking faggot next time. To you, she may be just a gross deformed whore. But to so many others she is an inspiration. For her talents and stuff.
Just reality, paedo.
This woman is GOAT
Is this from Jurassic World?
it has a lot to do with producing offspring that can outsmart the offspring off the boob men
A new study explores the issue: "Are fat-bottomed girls smarter?" Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of California at Santa Barbara put it scientifically: "Is gluteofemoral fat a privileged store of neurodevelopmental resources?"
According to the Chicago Tribune, the answer is a resounding "yes." And there is icing on the cake. Researchers claim that broad-bottomed women also have smarter children.
In a study of more than 16,000 women, the curvy girls consistently outscored their skinny counterparts on intelligence tests. And there is icing on the cake. Children of curvier women outscored the children of slender moms too.
However, it is not simply a big butt that indicates a high IQ. What matters is the size of your hips in relation to the size of your waist.
Here's the theory behind these findings: Fat stored around the buttocks and thighs is high in omega-3 acids, which promote brain growth, while fat stored around the middle is loaded with omega-6 acids, which just makes your pants too tight.
> Masonic Jews are responsible for people with different tastes than me
I have always had the tastes that I have right now. No need for Jewish brainwashing. It's just my biological wiring. Maybe Jews had something to do with that too.
>When your flag is only three colors away from the faggot flag
Ashley Graham has the kind of body that can pump out 6-8+ white children without breaking a sweat.
What would you rather have? The skinny, infertile body of some blue-pilled "career girl" who spends too much time at yoga and CrossFit?
Butterface t b h
>skipping leg day
Lazy cunt
>Belly fat
>Back fat
user, you retard; she's fat, not thicc.
Thanks for that PSA about the efficacy of child rape. Just like to remind everyone here that if you want to cure AIDS you need to eat some albinos, preferably Tanzanian ones. They also make you invisible and bullet proof.
An albino a day keeps the AIDS away.