So this... is the power... of communist memes...
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why don't we just move them from the system that kills them to a system where they can be communists somewhere else
>make other people feel powerless
>they run you over
>instead of rounding up and shooting the politicians you hate yourself, you incite the only people that would help you to violence against you
these people are really fucking retarded, if this happens to me I'm running them over
Because every time communists have tried to start their own country, capitalists come and declare war because they're insecure snowflakes who can't defend their own economic system without oppressing others
>have to go to work to pay taxes so nignogs can eat and breed
>nignogs block traffic and make me late for work
America, fuck yeah.
ideally, you should kys
Problem is after months of very arduous thinking these pee-brain retards finally realized that wont happen if they park their cars behind them, so you wouldn't be able to go through.
Sorry little snowflake did I hurt your feelings?
You actually believe this? Doesn't it just mean you're not competitive enough to prevail against other ideologies?
Jesus christ at least Trotskist understand you can't be at your full potential if there's another ideology in the race.
because the system they claim to desire would actually kill them
Or, you simply kill them all so you don't have to listen to their shit.
Fuck that bull shit logic. If I volunteer at homeless shelters, work for the NAACP, and give half my paycheck to my church... I'm still stuck in traffic.
Fuck OP
Fuck face shit posters
Fuck your gay "not an argument"
By blocking interstate commerce you become a terrorist, and deserve to be roadkill.
>Be protester
>Block traffic
>Muh you're powerless
>5 minutes into activism and shit and some autist plows through them at 60mph
>Wake up in a hospital bed
>Turns out they already had brain damage.
>Their memes are still shit
Commies never change.
I wonder what "system" are they talking about.
Would drive right through them.
>economic sanctions is a declaration of war
raly mke u thonk
>Cripples the economy
Yup, thats communism alright
Yeah because whites watching their countries swarmed by violence hate filled invaders don't feel helpless at allllllll
>Live in Oklahoma aka the only state where every county voted red
>Shitskin darkies don't even dare to block traffic because we wouldnt have a second thought about plowing through them
>pull out metal baseball bat
>get out of car
>remain total silent
>begin beating them to death with the bat
>once a large enough dent is made in the hippies, get back into car and continue on my way
And that's how you take care of communists.
This happened to me months ago. I told the retards in the street that "whatever cause you're supporting, I'm now wholeheartedly against" and I drove off road around them. Everybody behind me followed suit.
So...they want us to run them over?
Alternatively, I can be a real human bean and run your ass over. You'll move your ass over and suffer a broken foot at worse.
>implying we want to run them over/push them out the way because we feel powerless
>not because they're being twats and standing in the road, causing people to miss births/deaths of loved ones, job interviews, and endless other things
> snowflake
> from a c*mmie piece of cat shit
Powerless? Nigga I got 350hp at the wheels.
>rounding up and shooting the politician you hate
They talk big shit about they want to see politicians and bankers hang at the other end of the rope but take no action besides pissing people off and keep real working class people from getting to their jobs. How revolutionary.
>the sooner you learn perspective the sooner you won't have to be stuck in traffic
Or I could just run them over???
>we fuck you over so you will sympathise with us!
Yeah, the problem with that is, the oppressive system they're protesting doesn't exist.
Wow, so much stupidity in one picture.
No, this is people who are largely irrelevant even in their own lives craving attention.
Look at me! Pay my bills! Let me live like the Kardashians at your expense!
Bigot! Asshole! Bernie! Fuck America!
That's what these people are; the worst of the worst.
Well that one gay and the sports ball game. How many commies have we removed? Things look bad man.
I think these fucking commies need to meet subarubro
Play stupid games.
Win stupid prizes.
If they delay an ambulance by even a fraction of a second from getting to the hospital, or police from getting to a crime scene, or a firetruck from getting to a fire, then you could take them all and summarily execute them right then and there and it would be the right and just thing to do.
what's to stop the motorists from blaring the horn and slowly inching forward?
unless they literally lay down in front of your tire, you'd push them out of the way, and if they start assaulting your car for driving at 2mph on the freeway, they'd get arrested.
State laws but a lot of states have made it legal to drive through them.
Nignog did not even finish high school because math is racist.
Except what they're protesting is bullshit so the effect is they just piss everyone off. Luckily they're too stupid to realize this and will keep doing it.
These people are jousting for power through the use of empathy. For if you feel empathy for their plight, you will give up some of your power to THEM. They will do this for years until it is YOU who are powerless.
There is a clear choice:
Crush them like roaches and there isn't a problem.
Give it allll away like cucks.