>Shaken 6/22/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence comments @ Congressional Picnic 6/22/17
>Pres Trump meeting w/Drone CEOs 6/22/17
>VP Pence @ Wilson Center in DC 6/22/17
>HHS Sec Price on Repeal/Replace obummercare 6/22/17
>Dept of State Press Brief 6/22/17
>PRES TRUMP RALLY Cedar Rapids IA Full Event 6/21/17
>PRES TRUMP RALLY Cedar Rapids IA (Trump only portion) 6/21./17
>Pres Trump speech @ Agricultural Innovation Event in IA 6/21/17
>Lara Trump stumps for Trump in Cedar Rapids IA 6/21/17
Trump Playlist
>Donald Trump Carolus Rex
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
who was in the wrong here?
This healthcare bill does not repeal Obamacare. It repeals the individual mandate, which is the least significant part.
Ehh, excuse me?
Read the spoiler. Like, duh?
Trump for president!
Why do I want so desperately to tittie-fuck Megan McCain while I wear an Army uniform and she screams "BABYKILLER!!" at me?
Thread theme:
In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly. The President will then meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis. Later in the morning, the President will sign the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017.
10:00AM THE PRESIDENT meets with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly
10:30AM THE PRESIDENT meets with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis
11:30AM THE PRESIDENT signs the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017
>Briefing Schedule
1:30PM Press Briefing with Press Secretary Sean Spicer
Very objectively: any mobile application is inferior to any desktop program in terms of customization, performance, privacy, and productivity.
>HEADLINE: 17% have negative view of Kushner
>28% don't even know who he is
Only taxes can be affected in Budget Reconciliation - the method being used to pass this. Stop saying stupid things you don't know anything about.
pro-tip: you can't
Doing something is better than nothing
Also, you won't cure cancer in pne day, no matter how hard you try. Just be glad obamacare hasn-t collapsed the whole system yet
shhh, we have to pass the bill in order to find out what's in it, right nancy?
Kek it is because she won't fucking go away. Just like Barry.
What happened there? Also don't fucking touch people in public if they aren't close friends or family.
Before shoving it in her puss and breeding her
3D porn makers need to make this real
>Image appears corrupt
The fuck with this message? Only with 4chanX
Fuck you nothing wrong with frames
>Having apps on your phone allowing your mobile provider to not only know where you spend your time but also making it possible for them to archive every post you make
>there were people that thought KAC was a mistake as Trumps campaign manager
*positive view
this pol is rigged, litterally everyone in my family likes hillary more today than they did yesterday, and more yesterday than the day before. I am confident in my coutry's legal system and she was exonerated from all crimes by the most respected FBI director of all times. It's obvious that republicans lies have thanked this score and oversampling of suburban and rural retards like in GA06 are the cause of this joke of a pol.
Tranny threatened poor lil Benji
Tbh after what's happened the past few years I'm sidng either the mentally challenged tranny
Fuck benny
>The fuck with this message? Only with 4chanX
Started yesterday. I just ignore it.
what is this shit? Stores near me have started selling it. Is it to calm autists?
All questions will be about
>Comey "tapes"
>healthcare bill
They keep pushing that 38% approval rate of Trump. Well, at least they're consistent in their lies.
No idea, clear your cache and temp memory then restart your browser. If the problem persists then uninstall and reinstall to see if that fixes it.
I swear to god the amount of bullshit women get away with. I would have 10 sexual assault lawsuits and a battery charge if they were held to the same standard as me.
Good stuff
Figgit Spinner, newest fad toy for normies
She was though, all previous managers could have done just as good if not better with the period that she worked
Ffs Paul could have done both campaigns single handedly
Does Bruce have confirmed kills on his service record?
Dropping in real quick in the short time that I've got to drop a vintage and Americana.
And that pic is from this clip.
been listening to something like this also
Whats going on.
You're the fucking man! Best of luck with whatever you must run off to do.
Kennedy is so damn sexy
Spice rally is off camera
Buy now, limited time offer
>Zoe made a scene
>her actions resulted in gamergate
>gamergate got people to talk about PC culture
>anti-pc youtubers started popping up
>the idea of fighting against PC culture became very popular because of gamergate
>the original "alt-right" was spawned from the ashes of gamergate
>alt-right was a term used for people who hate political correctness and wanted to see it removed from social media, mass media, and the government
>Trump decided to run for president and produced an anti-pc message
>people form gamergate liked this and started to follow his presidency
>eventually started to support him
>started to make pro Trump videos, twitter posts, and signs
>anti pc culture really started to catch on and spread like wild fire when the leftist feminist lgbtq freaks leftover from gamergate started to push back against trump
>the same people online who covered gamergate or were a part of it started to push back against clinton and exposed a huge amount of her corruption to the public
>normal people around the country started to pick up on anti-pc culture and were exposed to clintons corruption thanks to what the original "alt-right" and ex-gamergate personalities produced online
>trump wins the US presidency thanks to gamergate creating a large pushback against PC culture and the people who got famous from gamergate had a large enough audience to push anti-clinton content which spread around the country
Thanks Zoe. This all started with you. 100%, Trump would never have been elected if Zoe didn't set the tone.
See schedule for today. Event and bill signing concluded.
You're fucking shitting me. I'll go check but that is shit if that is true.
Sean got fatter
Think we could Awooify this?
No it's a step in the right direction. We need to starve the media
And then she opens her mouth
Corey was retarded and Trump didn't know Manafort. DYEDilbert?
The tranny. You don't go home in an ambulance, you go to the hospital.
They'll support any republican bill apparently.
>People still think video games made any sort of impact in anything
Why do the gaymergate people think they matter?
it is
you're right
Someone in the WH said "We're going to stop making youtube stars out of these reporters"
checked but this shit is wack, joe. get on our level.
Is he feeling alright?
Gamergate never ended. It just got more political
In the gaming world I sense a new chapter coming soon. Games are getting more and more politicized. Female Nigers in ww2 uniforms are a perfect example. I see more and more people upset over this. Young people even kids. There will be a major anti pc push fro them, too. And with that, will come redpilling as well
SJWs can never win, they can just either silently take over for a bit, or piss off enough people to finally kick them out
>deep man-voice
All yours, I'll stick with Songbird's daughter Milkbags.
This is the part of the bill that goes along with the budget reconciliation bill and, hence, can only deal with budgetary issues.
Here is a helper: see , , and specially that has the quick rundown and point out what's the part you object.
Here are the tax cuts, assuming the Senate bill didn't touch that
> Repeals the Obamacare Individual Mandate Tax which hits 8 million Americans each year.
> Repeals the Obamacare Employer Mandate Tax. Together with repeal of the Individual Mandate Tax repeal, a $270 billion tax cut.
> Repeals Obamacare’s Medicine Cabinet Tax which hits: 20 million Americans with Health Savings Accounts, 30 million Americans with Flexible Spending Accounts, a $6 billion tax cut.
> Repeals Obamacare’s Flexible Spending Account tax on 30 million Americans, a $20 billion tax cut.
> Repeals Obamacare’s Chronic Care Tax on 10 million Americans with high out of pocket medical expenses, a $126 billion tax cut.
> Repeals Obamacare’s HSA withdrawal tax, a $100 million tax cut.
> Repeals Obamacare’s 10% excise tax on small businesses with indoor tanning services, a $600 million tax cut.
> Repeals the Obamacare health insurance tax, a $145 billion tax cut.
> Repeals the Obamacare 3.8% surtax on investment income, a $172 billion tax cut.
> Repeals the Obamacare medical device tax, a $20 billion tax cut.
> Repeals the Obamacare tax on prescription medicine, a $28 billion tax cut.
> Repeals the Obamacare tax on retiree prescription drug coverage, a $2 billion tax cut.
The fact Obama could make it work with almost a trillion dollars in new taxes is a testament of this stupidity
they didn't get the memo...
well it'd help if people would stop buying the games. didn't mass effect even do alright?
>The fact Obama could make it work with
He couldn't. You've posted this a bunch of times and never fix this grammar error that completely changes the message of your post.
That's the main part I care about
Hope needs to sit on my face t b h
>The fact Obama could[n't] make it work with almost a trillion dollars in new taxes is a testament of this stupidity
You're assuming Obamacare was ever designed to work long term. It was supposed to survive just long enough for Hillary to get elected, and then she could implement single payer. The trillion dollars of taxes were just greed.
Games are a retreat from the real world, most of the time. And while things like Donkey Raping Simulator 4000 may not be the highlight of gaming history, there are some iconic games under attack from leftist zombies (Half-Life 2 comes to mind, most recently), because muh soggy knees.
Games combine several forms of art into an interactive medium: seeing feminists attack something that is 9001% more interesting than a canvas painted with period blood is revolting and insulting.
They're still going at this?
Things that go Trump in the night
>mfw it's raining
It's raining in fugging June. What's going on?
Barrycare was made to fail in 2016 when a new Democrat was going to win and usher in single payer
It's all they have
they have nothing else, and are too lazy to make up a new story.
Interesting, thanks.
shit voice not even memeing
>darkness around his eyes
he's fucking whiter than the rest of the face there....this whole 'trump rage meme' is hilarious to me.
Never mind it just stopped.
Nah, there will always be dead brain normies who throw money at shiny things. New assassins creed(with kangz n shieet) had a 999 limited edition. Each one cost 800 cucking dollars, and it's already sold out.
What is happening is that young people and those who have any sense of worth are leaving the "gamer" culture. This includes many young men, who will no doubt get more work done, becmoe more political, redpilled and maybe even married.
Same with kids. They see thru this shit as well. How fucking popular is pewdiepie still? I heard he's still kept his crypto nazi gig, but kept it as a parody, so they can't even attack him
Well a tropical storm did just hit the coast not too long ago.
>Kathy "He Broke Me" Griffin
>London Bridge
>Comey Testimony
>Tentacle Kurt
>Rodman gives NK a copy of Art of the Deal
>Georgia blowout
Every month with the emperor is a gift.
SCOTUS ruling when
I think it snowed in syria not too long ago. If not there, then in some other me country. Tain is nothing to get spooked about
>point out what's the part you object.
We don't have time for this shit.
Life is becoming more and more like a meme. I love it
Is Ossoff a spook? This is the classic path to being a spook right here. It looks like the deepstate tried to implant another candidate.
Trump is a known workaholic, that lead to the demise of his past relationships. Is visibly tired after working hard.
>wow look blumffff is stressed about russia
All this "trouble in the WH/Trump is an incompetent retard/Trumps campaign is in shambles" shit has to look bad on them when he completely blows them the fuck out.
I guess it's fine so long as the grass grows. I need to mow my yard.
I'm not used to constant rain. This is MS, not Seattle.
No, just a groomed future poltical candidate. His chances are severely marred at his point, I think. I don't know what the hell they were doing with that campaign.
This photo is so fucking awkward kek
he will suck your cock