The zainichi Koreans are fucking scums as hell.
Zainichi yakuza boss arrested for terrifying a Japanese man into agreeing for investing money for K-pop idol events since 2016.
This news will never deliver to you forgivers because Japanese medias do not want you foreigners to know about this.
This proved that K pop business has supported by black market and yakuzas ( many Koreans are yakuzas).
The K-pop boom has been leeching on Japan with threats and coaxings like this. The Gooks is using this tactic to Japanese TV medias.
The Fuji TV has lost many viewers since they arbitrarily started Korean dramas or K pop stuff. The Fuji TV lost massive revenue these days.
I will attach video link of this news for Japanese speakers since you might not understand what I am talking about. You also have to aware that K pop businesses are connected with Korean government.
English is not my native language, hope you all understood me
Do not support K poop garbage.
GOOK (koreans) hate thread
does Korea have its own mafia?
Many koreans are boss of well know yakuzas.
Today's yakuzas are controlled by zainichi koreans.
kpoop >>>>>>>>> jpoop
korea is a better friend to the united states than japan is
kpop britbongs on suicide watch
Shut up war criminal jap nigger accept your punishment
do you know which kpop group(s) or company benefited from coercing the japanese fellow into supporting them?
>tfw haven't invested a cent in jpop after i discovered kpop and noticed how shitty modern jpop is
enjoy your pop music being forever cucked by anime culture
I shall point out that the gooks are approaching Jews in the North america via Gook diapora.
That's why you can easily find Korean dispora talent on Youtube or Korean stuff picked up by kike medias such as Buzz feed. The Jews and the Gooks are redpilling you whites because they can share thoughts in terms of past grudges.
Korea > Japan
Less inbred, less women with horrifyingly crooked legs.
they also have dentists in korea
kpop is a billion dollar industry, of course there's going to be some fuckery and corruption here and there. stupid dicklet.
wihch kpop group or company was doing it m8?
This, based cro
I suggest you visit both before making a decision. Japan is head and shoulders better than Korea on almost every front.
Koreans have natural bone deformed subhumans. Their massive jaws are made by way of DNAs of eating doggo meats.
Those sure are some dangerous gangsters
While nips are better looking than gooks, that's not how dna works.
japan in charge of education
Korea is a gigantic slum. Have you been there before? Most of it reminds me of Mexico, except colder and with some okay-ish parts that resemble slummier areas of Tokyo.
Japan however is easily on par with Western Europe in many ways, if not nicer and cleaner in some respects.
Plus mannerisms are night and day difference. Koreans behave and act like bipolar, rabid dogs with tempertantrums that rival 12 year old bratty gitls.
Reminder that KPop is becoming multicultural with the presence of best amflipfu
I did visit both South Korea and (unfortunately) Japan. I know why I said Korea > Japan.
I know a lot of gook dispapora here now chimping out because native whites never give a shit of the Gooks. They only care about kikes.
Why do East Asians hate each other so much?
friendship ended with JAPAN
now SOUTH KOREA is my best friend
i love korean gooks so much
my only qualm would be that ill never get a girlfriend in my whole life ( OF ANY RACE )
all i have is september 23 when the world ends
thats all i care about anymore
get me out of this shit world
wtf Why?
japs chimps out a lot but everyone else is friends
I had the impression that the Yakuza were a nationalistic bunch. Why did they accept Koreans
No one cares what you think, stop bitching and go make me some anime, gook
You Americans can't even damage kike medias, while we gave massive damages on lefty medias financially.
People here has already knew lefty medias suck.
you only need to reply once
Japan is like a polished turd. May look shiny on the outside but it's still a turd on the inside. You'll get a lot of fake smiles in tourist trap areas but the truth is that Japan is already dead. Most people I saw only live mechanically. Effectively, they don't live.
Fucking Russia we will make strong Japan again and give you Russian bitches another shameful lose
i'm going to support it even harder now
Good luck
I love japan and my loyalty is to japanese
get a load of this nigerian weeaboo lmfao
you guys finally get anime 30 years late or what
the korean gook is the master race surpassing japan on the HDI
how can they do it porn isnt allowed, no drugs,
the perfect society
japanese eat eachothers poops. ive seen the porn they make
filthy country
Nice reddit flair
>Make japan strong again
that's not going to happen and you know it
"Coreans" are legitimately nutty and deluded. Truly worthy of scorn.
some examples:
> "The Han River is the most beautiful in the world"
> "When the Japanese occupied Corea, they changed the C to a K in English dictionaries so it would come after Japan"
> Tok-do and "western sea" nonsense
I could go on. they're just awful. No better than chinks
>even competing
Dang. Hopefully they get better then. Do you know of any places to stay away from in Japan? I want to travel there soon. I always hear where i should go, but never where I shouldn't.
blackpink >>>>>>> twice
go on pornhub and look for kpop pmv
its fucking hilarious
but i thouroughly disagree i like twice better
japan is SHOOK
The zakuza members are from lowest social class in Japan. It is like people from faberia or something in Brazil. They did not take any gooks at first, but they sympathized the zainichi gooks who have same status in discriminated society. Nowadays those Japanese are not discriminated as much in the past. Therefore, they stopped being yakuzas. while Koreans are yet discriminated by the Japanese , so that they can live only way of becoming yakuzas and gang businesses.
>Do you know of any places to stay away from in Japan?
Everything that isn't a well known tourist trap or a better neighborhood in a major metropolitan area.
I read on wiki that the Yakuza is some 50% Burakumin (lowest cast Japanese) 30% Korean and 20% Chinese.
Gooks are Vietnamese, dummy
It's used for Koreans too. Or did you really think there wouldn't be a slur for the worst East Asians?
what are you Korean disapora?
The gooks here we all call you Koreans fucking GOOKs. Not Vietnamese.
You only Americans from Cali call Vietnamese gook you dickcheese
>implying theres a difference
Nice tricks Kim.
A derrogatory term used for the purpose of describing a korean. (Obtained form the korean pronunciation of their country, Hangook.)
Zipperhead was also racial slur came from korean war who run over by US tanks
>be japanese
>prevent certain groups from benefitting from society
>they gang up and fuck you in the ass
and people think our welfare system is retarded. we're keeping them under control. that being said, we're dealing with niggers and not scheming squints.
Which of these countries will survive the day of the rope? Vote
Get the fuck out of my threads sissy smelly gooks.
I will cut your penis half when the next war happened.
>Zipperhead was also racial slur came from korean war who run over by US tanks
Kek, I never knew that's where this term came from, pretty creative
I see. Thnx for the info
you don't have an army lol
You gooks only don't know how you Koreans are hated by us, Taiwanese, Pinoys, Thais and Chinks.
I don't know why this blind love to korea from those korean diaspora of North America.
The chinks are becoming more Korea hater and they are always based because they are not cucked by the gooks, not like whites redpilled by kike media
The ww3 is coming very closer. You have to wait I will soon come to you and rip your skin all off.
i dont know if japs are part of the red armies that are coming to america
def china and russia and nk
ive never heard in any prophecy about japan tho ???
japanese invasion of gookland when?
Oh please, you're shitty frozen country's losing more people than Japan is. When all that Soviet equipment becomes so old it becomes useless in modern warfare nothing will be holding back a country like Japan from destroying you, again.
Got any more of these? I love these types of slurs
Lol Japan's military is curtailed yet it's still bigger than any western European military.
Do not forget that you gooks are not our allies even you are in the states.
You are our primal genocide target. You gooks deserve to be extincted. You gooks are same as Jews, we will unite white counterparts of Jews and the chinks to gas all you fucks in the next world war.
wtf is going on in this thread
look at this little weeb hiding behind a fake flag lmfao
We will rise again and make the world better place agaon
No niggers
No gooks
No sandniggers
No Kikes
We will build the best world
who is the cute japanese girl in your gif?
keep dreaming english teacher. go back to teaching 4 year olds their ABCs
>ill never get a girlfriend in my whole life
Certified pussy faggot
I'm gonna agree with the kempeitai
im not a gook im a white person, gooks are just so popular that i had to become a fan of them
theyre so incredible.
yet you think im a gook. no , i just admire them because they deserve it
Right on based jap
The gook fears the samurai
KPOP is trash and everyone around me loves it. Save me radioactive kempeitai
>We will rise again
You shits never developed anything without stealing from white people. You were savage island monkeys when whites discovered you and would have remained it if whites hadn't pushed you forward.
who should i LARP as ITT?
You can see that Japan in particular is superior to other asian countries because they don't eat dogs, monkeys and insects.
>ooks are just so popular that i had to become a fan of them
Is that reason only motivation made you go into K pop?
I will kill you sissy bata americuks too. You are worthless for the Trump's America.
if Tokugawa hadn't won and Nobunaga survived, Japan would have ruled Asia by now
they eat live frogs though
>here and there
what will it take for you faggots to understand that the majority of kpop idols are literal prostitutes, including the ones forced to look like 13 year olds who "dont know what sex is"
asian guys only get off to rape and pedo shit
its all a fraud and i dont understand why westerners are always hanging around on image boards ready to defend it
there were plenty of girls posting in the kpop threads, tinny
you had your chance
It's the last rite of the memetic arcanun arcanorium society. They eat a frog alive to keep Kek living inside them. They're comune with Kek so they're one with Kek.
Now eating monkeys, doges, roaches and spiders is degenerate and vile.
Nope. They would remain as warring states for god knows how long and would have been even worse at the point of first contact with whites.
> croatia
Shut the fuck up already you piece of Slab dropout
You only bluff here is you are similar to white looking. Besides you are nothing more than sand nigs.
What does your country contribute to the world by the way?
Bomb yourself it going to be good for the world.
no i was into kpop cuz it was good
my waifu is super talented and can sing...
but besides that korea is actually a perfect society
comes to find out
Based hirohito