Fuck you England
My Email To Sussex PD
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Typical American pig.
I'm really happy to see this. You're doing God's work user, thank you
Activated my almonds.
Found the faggot
Shitposting irl, good stuff.
I like this post.
jesus christ, you didn't have to go full autism
Typical American insecure manlet.
Please post their reply
Shut your hole you soft wet pussy
No, there's a difference between smart trolling and going full autism. Never go full autism.
Good Canada is a French Canada
Une langue, une nation, un pays
Whoever you sent this to is going to laugh at you and then joke about it with his friends, let that sink in
Lmao your country only exists because you leech off of America you dumbass faggot.
Canada is a useless fucking country
They didnt reply. Probably because they cant do shit about it
A) blood is the only thing humans react to.
B) stop hiding behind this meme you fucking weakling. real people go to real war and really get killed. Youre soft. Youre a faggot.
Fuck you too.
h-hey guys, that guy just called me a fucking pussy, haha right? r-right guys? hahaha joke's on him
Well done. \o7
Why can't niggers play golf? And fuck England in the ass. You cunts betrayed the Boers and now your moaning about or celebrating mudslimes killing your kids in the streets. Go and suck some kike dick.
And then mid laugh a muslim cuts his throat. Let that sink in
Typical leaf
Don't insult our police force you fucking ugly fat retarded piece of pigshit
Day of the rake is coming.
Good Job user
Traitors first
Someone has to do it Achmed. Lord knows bongs won't stand up and do it.
Kill yourself you fucking sister fucker i could knock your basement trap fapping ass out in one punch you nigger
Your police are a joke
>the legendary american tact and subtelty
Bobby telling it like it is.
fuck you asshole. fucking toronto/montreal/vancouver dweller eat 12 dicks you tranny faggot
You're doing the lord's work
You on the bottom left
Why are your cops so cucked bong?
Fuck you Muzzie piece of shit. All Muslims need to be killed. Your women and children will be killed, stripped of their clothes like the beasts they are and hung from every light post in the nation. Food for the crows. As for your males, you will be tossed into a mass grave, and burned alongside the most disease ridden pork meat we can find.
Lmao youre not shit bitch. I dont fight. I shoot.
>> implying tact and subtlety stopped terrorists from bombing your ariana grande concert
Good work vruder!
I'm happy to see this!
Thanks burger, our police force is now against the native population.
I would recommend you use humour in your messages to humiliate them and make them look retarded, but every little helps.
They call themselves police officers?They are the biggest fucking pussies I have ever seen.
>i recognize that bulge
Hahaha! The next generation of England and Canada will be Muslim. And we will behead those who oppose Islam. MashAllah
We rape your women and you can't do anything about it you stupid cunt. Say one bad thing about Islam and you will be arrested and thrown in jail with my Muslim brothers who will kill you.
You aren't muslim
>use UK proxy
>pretend to be brit
>taunt the cops with hate mail
>end it with "come get me muslim-loving faggots, im at birtbong 124 lane, manchester"
>watch them go on wild goose chases
pls no bully
... salty loads into your moms freakishly distended anus. (and then cry in shame afterwards)
I like your style
>betrayed the Boers
Can't betray an enemy, mate.
have fun with interpol
>my county mentioned
Doing Jupiter's work user
Gotta keep the Aryan blood farms going right m8? Pip pip cheerio!
Found the paki
>Canada becomes muslim
>burgers hop in their chevy tahoes for a nice sandnigger hunting trip in Canada for a summer
>tired of going overseas for you faggots
Loud, blunt and impossible to ignore. You act like this is a bad thing.
>woman falls off a cliff
>blames mussies
if she were a victim of a gang rape or a stabbing it'd make sense, but some dopey bint wandering off and falling down a cliff side is a bit far removed from the religion of peace
she was a gay.
Are UK proxies even a thing? I thought the only operate in certain countries in the EU that do not have data retention laws
Lol that was kinda funny
Good job yank, you better post a reply if you ever get one.
Checked and thanked.
Nigger im in America and was born in Texas.
Bobby is love, bobby is life
dude, he's giving you an idea you neet.
it'd be better if you find a muzzie rathole and use that as the address.
>Going full retard instead of autism
>remarks on incest
>claims of outstanding strength
>obligatory nigger
Autism/10; Congratulations you're a full fledged Sup Forumsack!
We will literally end up nuking Europe.
Should I maybe send one since I'm also an Ameritard?
Don't worry Britcucks, we're in America, we won't get arrested for tweeting something. We have freedom of speech over here.
same. id do it if i had the balls to so im glad someone is
I can't thank the burgers ITT enough for the work they are doing.
go burn another building down. barricade the doors beforehand too.
Of course, our greatest ally is imprisoned by their faggot leaders.
Sit down Amerifat Allah will cleanse the world of your filth
What if an American sent a message just like OP's to an American police force? Surely there would be consequences for that?
I was thinking sending them a message that you found a hate crime. The. When they ask for it, say this right here and say whatever you want.
Nope freedom of speech, they can't do anything. If they did you could probably sue for violating your first amendment right.
The US literally cant do shit. There is nothing illegal in the email
Hiwever you are fully brainwashed and clearly a slave of the state
Only if he's black.
>My Email To Sussex PD Anonymous (ID: CBDyvUDz) 06/23/17(Fri)11:35:49 No.13106794
Well THAT'S certainly going to get them to change their minds...
Minor investigation likely, keep it on record but ultimately you're not making any specific threat and so you are within your rights as an American.
Good on you OP.
why is that nigga jacking off in the corner?
They can block you. That's about it. No crime was committed. "Hoping" or "Wishing" death on someone is not a crime. It's called freedom.
Nigger i sent them the email... They know who sent it
checked and keked