Libertarians fucking destroyed!!!

Libertarians fucking destroyed!!!

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I wish I saved that image with the bitch getting sprayed in the face that says "Wants more government" Over her head and over the guy spraying here "More government". Fuck off commie

And then the bar goes out of business because no one will go to a bar that serves lethal drinks.

All you have to do is say "The Gilded Age already happened." to destroy every libertarian argument ever. Libertarianism only exists because most people are historically illiterate.

this, problem solved

Sure. Just like happens in China now. Just like happened in the gilded age.

>implying people are that intelligent

This, how fucking retarded are liberals. Only foreigner cancer would risk using shit tainted alcohol because nobody can tell the difference between 2 slants or negroes

Deregulation doesn't mean small businesses will suddenly fuck everyone in the ass, only chains and corporations will try. And in doing so people will go work for small businesses where they get treated better and paid better

Why can't people understand that deregulation is BAD for big business


not nowadays. Everyday in the news there is a recall for something making people sick/killing people in food and drinks, and none of these companies go out of business. 20 years ago they would have. Explain that.

>Give me (you)s

But that's inefficient and causes two unnecessary deaths


Everything bad is caused by people with too much money bribing government to ignore their crimes, and bribing governments to fuck their competition

Fuck government

So you're saying if a bar in your town served drinks that killed people, you would be a patron?

>Implying that they won't start a campaign saying that the lethal substance is not lethal.

>Bad people kill with guns
>It's the bad people's fault
>Bad people bribe government
>It's government's fault
Hmm really makes libertarianism an illogical cult.

>if your enemy kills you... eventually you'll win!!
lmao what an inferior and cucked ideology, you first need to lose and get killed and only then can you start to hope that justice will be served? wtf how weak and beta can an ideology be?

So you're saying if chinese street vendors sold fake food, they'd go out of business?

False. The business has a monopoly over the industry. They use propaganda to convince the public that the customers died due to "natural" causes and use their money and influence to crush any potential competition. This is Capitalism. Libertarian are more retarded and idealistic than bernie bros.

If they had a good PR team, they'd make sure nobody knew about it
People are really fucking stupid m8. If you've ever had a customer service job you'd know this

delet th- nevermind

Then nobody buys drinks anymore at that bar, bar closes, people go to a bar that doesn't kill them.

Hmm...let's see.

1: Regulations in place so bar can't kill people


2: No regulations and bars get to kill people and maybe some day the market will sort it out

Man this is a tough call.

>word gets out
>business suffers

We find these truths to be self evident.

Again, if it becomes public knowledge the chinks are selling bunk, people buy it less and less. It's the natural way of things.

>Muh regulations
>Muh I need a big strong government to hold muh hand

>a monopoly
>on booze
lol no. at best they'd be the mcdonalds of booze and people would grumble about how unhealthy but cheap the stuff is. Then only poor, ignorant people die and society as a whole wins.

that's a bingo!

I wouldn't go there. But it doesn't matter what I do or don't do, when a thousand idiots WILL still go there. Like I said- every fucking day there's a recall on something and people still keep buying the shit.

Some how this became a discussion on anti-trust laws???

So what exactly is the problem with PREVENTING dishonest capitalists BEFORE people are killed?

Did you think this was an argument?

The bar goes bankrupt because nobody is winning to drink poison.

Yeah but in the mean time there are three people dead, dipshit.

How the fuck does a bar operate not making money?

Did you think any of what you're posting is an argument? Because I'm here to shitpost this thread is garbage

>tainted alcohol
really noggles my joggles

>Caring about killing people if they make money off of it

The idiots who are too stupid to see past obvious corporate propaganda die off. What's the problem again?

Face it, ancapistan is the fastest way to achieve a high IQ population.

yeah, because it's cheaper to hire a pr team, then to use actual booz.

Retardation level over 9000

It's an unnecessary burden on a business owner who wasn't going to do that shady shit in the first place. There's all sorts of things we can legislate to PREVENT crime, but not a good idea, our founders agree with me.

They're still dead

It is the government's fault, they are supposed to be running shit and policing all our wrongdoings but they are so easily corrupted

The consumer however is not. A place sells horrible shit, word will get round and that business is done. Then instead of our retarded 'justice' system, we can then have the family of the deceased sue the crap out of the other guy, which stops him and his family for good from serving poor quality trash

Libertarian =/= ancap

>bar invests in a media company
>media company spreads lies about how safe the bar is
>the bar is your best friend, your family, and sexy too
>people flock to the bar
>more people die, deaths are covered up and explained away

People are not intelligent enough to make these daily decisions. They need an advocate fighting for them keeping these companies honest. That's why we have regulations

regulations eventually turn into mass surveillance.
look around you.
a bar that has a reputation of serving tainted drinks will never regain that trust.
"those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"
plus libertarians secretly want to live in a post apocalyptic dystopia

>consumers have perfect knowledge
>lolbertardian logic

Let them, natural selection is a wonderful thing. I hate daddy government getting in the way of me just doing my thing and not being a fucktard

No, because those people won't actually die. The bar owner has a vested interest to not serve them lethal drinks. The law didn't prevent him from killing them, his own common sense did.

Sometimes it's much cheaper to use a lower quality product and foist it on millions of people through a snazzy marketing campaign. Happens literally every day

It's because people are not rational, they are tribal

user pretty much wants Minority Report, the entire left does just look at Germany right now. If the left were to keep winning elections in the US I have a strong belief the same would start happening to us

>Bad people bribe government
>It's government's fault
How is the government not at fault for excepting the bribe here?

>consumers shouldn't be responsible for researching what they consume

Please tell me how these crimes are magically covered up with the internet? People become more intelligent when exposed to danger. Regulations are weakness, modern society produces weak worker drones not fit to call themselves human

They need an (((advocate))) "fighting" for them keeping these companies "honest"

Oh look, that one commie jew larper has found this thread. Why don't you try to explain to us again how Bolshevism is the one and true ideology?


Not making your own booze?

My kek bless you user

Thank goodness only 3 people had to die for that!
And more will keep dying because different bars will eventually skimp out and keep selling tainted alcohol because it's cheaper!

>unnecessary burden
This literally means nothing. It's a religious belief. Nothing more. Again, as my first post stated, all you have to do to disprove libertarian shit has any merit is to mention we already did shit your way and it was a fucking nightmare. Where the hell do you morons think all those regulations came from?

Another religious belief. Why is a briber not to blame? This is like saying "Well if you don't catch me killing people, then it's your fault."

>regulations eventually turn into mass surveillance.
Yet another nonsense religious belief. And I'd rather live under a surveillance state than in a world where water is privatized without regulation and you're forced to buy it for outrageous prices full of toxins.


Oh I guess corporations have never done anything bad nor killed anyone because that "would be bad for business". Well, that's that. Thread's over. Everyone go home now. Jesus fucking christ libertarians are so simple minded.

They're both to blame. How is the briber innocent?

>Say something obvious in condescending tone
>Think that now that makes it not true
Retard lol

>So what exactly is the problem with PREVENTING dishonest capitalists BEFORE people are killed?

i was wondering how you can even become retarded like this beyond limits

>businesses with unethical practices will suff—

>putting poison in your products will drive you out of busine-

Literally the exact same thing could despite regulations though? Are Commies seriously this retarded?

look at this autist

>People become more intelligent when exposed to danger
No. People are supposed to be part of an integrated national heirarchy. Not every man for himself mad max world. Most normal people are not smart or motivated enough to be self-actualized fully independent people. Only a very few special individuals rise to this standard, these are the elites.

It's the job of the elites to fight for their people's interest. Just as a parent looks after a child

>>So what exactly is the problem with PREVENTING islamic terrorism BEFORE people are killed?
>i was wondering how you can even become retarded like this beyond limits

This is what you sound like

Great minds think alike

don't buy alcohol from Jews

they have a long history of poisoning it.

Their family sues the barkeeper in a reputable private court, who is convicted of murder as a violation of the NAP. He resists, but is overcome by the community (or a security company the community hires) and has his assets liquidated and subsequently split among the three aggrieved parties. He is forced to serve as a slave to the three families until he is unable to work any longer, at which point he is rightly executed.
Sic semper tyrannis.

How the fuck does the bar expect to stay in business if they kill their customers?


well even better, all the stupid people will die

what's the problem?

Anybody unironically using a picture of Che can have their opinion immediately discarded.

>implying people needed regulations to drink before the government
>implying the government doesn't have a vested interest in poisoning alcohol if the alcohol has been restricted
>implying it never happened during prohibition

>Government allows them to sell the poison will regulating the more healthy choice
Sure is great to have government shaft rammed up your ass

Name one unethical thing you think Wal Mart does and I guarantee with 90% certainty that it is a completely baseless claim made up by some liberal journalist from Huffpo, Mother Jones, Slate, etc.

But the bar would be responsible for serving tainted alcohol. The bar would close. The owner would lose his business and face prosecution.

I love pics of people getting maced

A product with a very slow acting poison that also contains a drug that makes you feel good.

retard doesn't understand libertarianism
without cops
the victims falimlies could murder the bartender
result: bartender does correct thing
also white people are civilised based on most
white ppl understand consequences
the brown hordes don't

I had friends who grew up in kibbutzs'
these are left wing libertarian havens
except they aren't
the lazy leech of the hardworking
and these ppl eventually leave and shift right

ANCAP means only the hardworking reap rewards

Are all communists stupid like this, who is forcing you to buy poison, if you are stupid enough to buy it it is your fault, and if you die again it is your fault it is called natural selection if you dont care about yourself and have low IQ to buy poison you will die capitalist does not have anything to do with that he did not FORCE you to anything. Capitalist system is the best system there is

Because, most of those "stupid" people would perform admirably if they were part of a nation. So long as they are honest and trustworthy.

Some of the smartest people in the world are vicious snakes.

Well yeah, your analogy would hold if a gun was living person and you would need his/her consent to pull a trigger.

Why can't leftists into analogies seriously. I've watched John Oliver or someone like that the other guy - his every other sentence is an analogy of some kind, problem is, he still doesn't know how to use analogies.

I got one guys

stahlin, lenin, and trotsky walk up to a bar, where they kneel down and then are executed by che guevera for consuming alcohol a major crime against the government and people.

Op confirmed commie faggot shill.

Not a solution. The poor and stupid are the backbone of Capitalism. They spend money, smart people save/invest.

Have special offers on junk food

That was a good one, here's your (you)

>So what exactly is the problem with PREVENTING dishonest capitalists BEFORE people are killed?
>people are naturally malicious and will deliberately open a business to sell cheap, dangerous products that will kill people
>but the totally good people in the government can be trusted to regulate these other people opening business

Problem is, government breads stupid people, by transferring wealth from the rich (and usually smart, there is a correlation between iq and income) to the poor (and usually sutpid).

So stupid people get to reproduce, and in 500 years you will have an idiocracy type of scenraio.

>Lolibertarians in a nutshell

>Because, most of those "stupid" people would perform admirably if they were part of a nation. So long as they are honest and trustworthy.

You are in denial about IQ. People below 87 IQ basically can't hold jobs.

>comparing capitalisam with islamic terrorism

you must be smart guy, if you didn't have IQ high enough to realize what was my point it was that capitalism is not killing people

>be ancap
>on a business trip
>walk into a bar
>only a few patrons there who don't like tourists and take a disliking to you
>barman decides to poison you
>patrons don't care about it because they didn't like you anyway
>your body gets thrown in the trash never to be seen again
>no business has a financial incentive to investigate your sudden dissapearance and murder so nothing happens to the barman

>your family come looking to find out what happened to you
>barman tells them "hippity hoppity, get the fuck off my property!"
>they are suspicious and refuse, calling him a cringeworthy autist
>barman shoots them dead for violating his property rights

>mfw your whole family is dead and nothing happens

>World iq is dropping
>America's isn't
I wonder if its because niggers are overbreeding malnourished niglets in africa

>being this much of a corporate shill

Pretty much every corporation engages in unethical practices which vary depending on what their business is. People ultimately don't care as long as it is convenient for them. As for Wal-Mart specifically, they give their employees only 28 hour work weeks to avoid giving them full time benefits. They put small businesses out of business and destroy small towns, and practice usury against their venders that they buy products from. If you think only a liberal would have an issue with this then you are a fucking kike rat that needs to be gassed.

>when you put drugs in your product to get people addicted
Coca Cola literally did this. The "Coca" used to mean "cocaine"

Sad thing is that americucks never was in postsoviet republics and didn't experience (post)soviet/comunist mentality and ineficancy.
Corruption, large amount of beurocrats, totalitarian state controlling people via grands, tax exempts, import/export right, etc.

Just walking talk to someone who lived in communist state and experience it and don't tell me about sweden or those fucking rich oil countrs, because you can equaly name qatar.

>Oh I guess corporations have never done anything bad nor killed anyone because that "would be bad for business". Well, that's that. Thread's over. Everyone go home now. Jesus fucking christ libertarians are so simple minded.

Oh, were talking about corporations now? Wasn't this about a bar?

That image is amazing

By that same token, buying untainted booze is also willfully ingesting poison. If someone wants to ingest poison, who the fuck are you to say they can't?