why is starting a war that resulted in the death of more Americans than all wars combined fondly remembered?
Worst President Ever?
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He killed 600 thousand white men and destroyed half the country to give us the problems we have today.
He's credited with "saving" the union. but in reality the person that did the most to rebuild America was Rober E. Lee
Anybody that thinks Lincoln was the best president just knows nothing about history
He saved the Union.
>Implying the worst President ever wasn't Nixon
the union would have been fine if the south started their own territory. He literally killed his own people is mass numbers to force the south into doing something they didn't want to do.
Dude was literally Hitler
I wouldn't hate Lincoln if he carried on with his original plan of deporting all niggers to africa, then the death would've been worth it we would avoid billions of future problems with apes, but now it's irreversible and there's no going back.
the confederates seceded before he even took office. What exactly did you want him to do?
They seceded because he was elected. Let them seceded, don't start a war to force them to stay against their will
He gave us a chance at deporting all the niggers back to Africa, but then Booth had to ruin that.
America wouldn't be nearly as powerful as a fragmented state.
He was a hero who began the downfall of racism in America and orchestrated the greatest mass-killing of racists in human history
Lincoln was Sup Forums BTFO: The Human
You can't blame Lincoln for the state of modern black America.
They actually had lower out-of-wedlock birthrates than whites in the fifties, back before Lyndon John's "Great Society" created the inner city black welfare plantation.
We also have Johnson to thank for Hart-(((Cellar))), and the quagmire in Vietnam, which Nixon had fixed before his resignation following Watergate, after which the communist Democrat cut off funding for South Vietnam, and the north invaded.
Johnson was the worst, the Great Destroyer. No one come close.
Is this the greatest chimpout in American history?
>meany R****licans want to stop the spread of mega plantations westward which would kill small white northern farmers who settled there
>elect evil niggerlover LITERALLY HITLER candidate
>even though Democrats control congress and can shoot down and legislation
>secede and have every state declare slavery as the reason in their articles of secession
>attack federal fort
He understood that Africans around would always be a problem and wanted to deport them Lincoln was Sup Forums the person
Northerners control the Lying Press, that's why.
Has any man ever fucked a race harder than Johnson fucked the blacks?
Pretty much.
He's lauded for freeing the niggers, which is actually the single worst thing that's ever happened to the country.
An America that ignores the values laid out by the founding fathers is hardly an America worth belonging to.
Has any man ever fucked a race harder than Johnson fucked the blacks?
>An America that ignores the values laid out by the founding fathers is hardly an America worth belonging to.
So you'd want Canada to be able to join whenever it wants, no word from any of the states needed, right? 'Cause that's in the Articles of the original Confederation you know
>Let them seceded
Would Canada joining infringe upon state's rights and individual liberties?
I don't think so. There wouldn't be a problem there.
didn't you get the memo?
EU flag = New leaf
Because slavery is an abomination.
Except weed and lgbt = old leaf anyways?
something about federalism, state rights, tyranny, and the constitution with slavery sprinkled generously on top of all of that
Sic semper tyrannis
Yet another Hollywood libtard desu commits sepuku, and a poorly thought, thinly veiled shill thread falls flat on its fucking face. Great job, fucktard.
I respect Depp's talent, but his mind is complete shit. He made an analogy to a historical assassination, committed by a democrat, of a republican president. Booth was a Confederate sympathizer. Literally wanted to keep slavery.
Suggesting that the American Civil War is "fondly remembered" is so bowel shatteringly retarded that the entire US population of 3+ billion now has IBS.
Conflating knowing and respecting history with the notion of fondness... Jesus. Nice troll.
He was Aboriginal.
Retarded and cliquey Mexican BTFO by obvious reply.
Didn't really start it. It just happened because he supposedly "like niggers"
Great books to read regarding how shit Abe was:
Abraham Lincoln's White Dream
Lincoln Unmasked
The Real Lincoln
Thousands of Whites died to free blacks?
Does anyone actually believe this?
>nixon was the worst
He signed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
620000 Whites died to free you nigger.
Is what I'm gonna say next time there is a chimpout in my hood.
>implying the Jews don't milk that shit
the south was truly the tool of zog, its sole purpose to divide the white man
hahaha! oh shit! my sides!
Carting out Lerone Bennett Jr!
"No, rly... demz iz gud! we luved our slavez. here is black man to confirms. BELIEB US!!"
Get outta here witcha eye holes!
The soldiers during this period never ever wrote something like:
"I'm fighting the wacist southerners to free the negros".
Never. Because that's not what the war was actually about.
What an absolute fucking waste.
>Forcing people to do stuff they don't want to do makes you Hitler.
>The South did nothing wrong.
>Canadian school system
He also gave rights to niggers, coward out of the Vietnam war and created EPA, not to mention the whole big scandal that made him leave the presidency
witness the awkward and smelly habitat of circular logic (aka lack of reason)
>>Implying the worst President ever wasn't Nixon
Implying Nixon was bad.
He preserved the Union.
>uneducated plebs still think we fought the civil war to free the slaves when it was about fighting back against the tyrannical federal government trying to destroy the livelihood and economy of all the southern states
This ugly fuck is a candidate.
>Starting a war
0/10 see me after class
whites dying for blacks is an approved thought.
You watch your fucking tongue you islamic apologizing tea drinking cunt. Never before has a greater man existed than the father of our republic
He was mad because the British government revoked certain statuses of citizenship for people in colonies and we wouldn't pay for his wigs any more.
Yeah, a lying sack of shit like "build the wall" Trump.
He's one of those who convinced the states to give up the Articles of Confederation and set up the US Constitution with a string federal government
Oh please you fucks were losing a war against France and needed extra funds so you tried to tax us into oblivion and got buttmad when it took us only a single page to tell you fucks that TAXATION IS THEFT
Now fuck off limey before the thought police arrest you
Lincoln blockaded the harbor, Charleston was effectively cut off from all trade,food, supplies.
That's why the fort was fired on.
He sent troops to attack Americans.
He didn't give 2 fucks for niggers, he used them as a political tool. The war was about big govt vs state's rights.
Slavery would have been abolished eventually anyway, the politics were in play. If allowed to proceed on it's path, the transition would have been smoother. Instead, he used slavery as a catalyst, and used Northern troops occupying US Land to keep the shit stirred.
Because the Articles of Confederation was a flawed shit system
We almost had another rebellion tear us apart because of that shit document.
>european union
Oh carry on my b8ing jew
Laying claim to wastelands, building villages, towns and later cities then populating it with your own citizens, turning otherwise barren pieces of land into functional works of art all in the name of England but then levying reasonable tax is legal? The ""American"" Revolution was as much aristocrats guiding the sheep as the French Revolution.
>losing against france
fuck off
>all in the name of England
No they fled here to exercise their freedom of religion because biscuit eating cunts couldn't accept someone with a different religious viewpoint
>reasonable tax
no you fuck off
Kikes ran the slave trade.The Confederates were funded by kikes. John Wilkes Booth was a kike. Many southern slave owners were kikes.
But let's blame Lincoln.
>wouldn't pay for his wigs anymore
implying that's not a reprehensible act
The colonies were mostly protestant. All rights from bill of rights 1689 were to ensure Protestants weren't harmed though.
I can't argue about religious fanaticism. Looking at western Europe now you can't say wanting to upholding church institutions wasn't justified in some form.
>sacrificed 620,000 lives to free a bunch of people that hate you and your country
wew, yes he was terrible. however the south should have stopped being so autistic and come to a compromise. like how britain freed their slaves. then sent them all back.
FDR and LBJ still did more damage though. maybe Wilson too. that's the trifecta of kikery right there.
seems like Lincoln really fucked the whites pretty damn good..
Oh hi
Obama is the worst pres for many reasons, his economic policies may still destroy us yet.
Lincoln could be top five or ten.
>Implying being Hitler is a bad thing.
Fuck off kike.
Because they won, he didn't start the war because of slavery, it was started because states wanted more rights and power. Lincoln gave the government the power and they wrote history to justify the action
And utterly violated the Constitution to do it. Fucking tyrant.
Read Fred Reed's piece on Unz Review yesterday quoting General Robert E. Lee. They both absolutely nailed it wrt to the outcome of Lincoln's treachery.