Apologies for my terrible writing, I'm really tired/sick right now.Hi. I've never been much of a conspiracy theorist, but after thinking about things that happened to me a few years ago, I think I may have nearly been taken advantage of by nefarious actions from the pharmaceutical industry. I really want to get the word out, and find other people with similar experiences, and this sub seems like a good place to start.
I went to a very stereotypical high school, with all the standard cliques and shit you would expect. I was, and still am, not a very masculine person and because of this I didn't fit in. I was far more intrested in music, fashion, anime and film than sports or "getting pussy", which made me an outcast. As a result, I struggled with self esteem issues, and generally was confused and annoyed for most of this time. Then, when I was 17, I found something that made my life make sense: transgender forums. These websites told me that my feelings were classic transgender feelings, and that I needed treatment immediately. Over the next years I began the process of changing my gender. I saw a "gender therapist, attending support groups, and even put myself on the waiting list for female hormones. Then, when I went to University, I got a wakeup call. There were loads of guys like me, who may not act like the "manly man" ideal, but still have no intention to change there gender. That's when I realized that I was going down a dark path, and quickly abanded the idea of me wanting to become a girl." 1/2
Conspiracy Time.Found this on plebbit
Other urls found in this thread:
During my year in the transgender world, I noticed some things that made me uncomfortable. The following is common retoric from support groups, forums and therapists.
Everyone who feels confused is transgender. If you make a single post on a transgender forum saying you think you might be trans, you will be validated in those feelings. No matter what the story, whether it's about enjoying "female" intrests, or something that sounds more like a sexual fetish than a legit medical condition, you are trans according to the user's.
Any gender non-conforming is proof of trans status. Like certain movies, music or TV? You are trans. Like wearing bright colored clothes? You are trans. Have more female than male friends? You are trans.
You are trans, and don't trust anyone who says otherwise. The most common complaint on these websites is that doctors are "gatekeeping" them. Anyone who doubts you in your feelings is evil, and you should lie and cheat your way into getting the treatment you "need".
Asking questions is evil and dangerous". Trans people commit suicide all the time, and asking any questions about trans ideology just makes the problem worse. Accept what we say, or gtfo.
If you are trans, you are amazing. Trans people love boosting their own and each other's ego's. When you are a depressed teenager who doesn't fit in, this can be huge.
So where's the conspiracy?
When someone takes the hormones they need for "treatment", they are prescribe to expensive medication for life, one that requires lots of medical attention. These people are cash cows for the medical industry. Unfortunately, there are not a lot actual transgender people in the world today. So why not make more? I think that big pharma is shilling forums and paying off doctors and therapists to convince people that they need these hormones.
The average trans person, when discussing there time before transition, fits a simple mold. An awkward nerdy teenager who doesn't act like a stereotypical manly guy and doesn't fit in with jocks and "tough guys". However, that description probably describes a large portion of the population. That's where the medical company's take advantage of people. By convincing competely normal and healthy people that the need help during a low point in their lives. High school sucks for people like me, but once you leave it gets better. University and the real world isn't high school. But pharmaceutical companies are convincing people that the problem isn't that high school sucks, but instead they are suffering from a serious medical problem, and they need treatment now.
What are your thoughts on my theory? Do I have a point, or am I just rambling?
don't look at all alike
nobody cares about your blog
sage report hide
What are your thoughts anons
Link: reddit.com
It's the same dude, faggot.
Wait... Linetrap's real name was Bryan Gryffin..
bailey jay is goddess
prove me wrong
Protip: you can't
Good posts
>deifying a guy
fuck off r/sg
Yes, trannies and other fags start out as insecure teens who simply never received the guidance they needed from their parents. This is why you often see multiple gay kids from the same family.
id suck bryans tiddies
I tried reading it but you're shit at writing. Give a tl;dr or GTFO, gaylord.
I actually do believe this
I prefer the Bailey Jay version, too.
I didn't write it.
>Found this on plebbit
Posting shit you found on reddit is not acceptable behavior here. Fuck off.
You didn't read it either? Why can't you give a two sentence tl;dr? This OP is a faggot as usual. KYS.
good thread OP but turns out it's just jews as usual
nah bryans got that more innocent cheeky twink look to him, totaly fuckable even as a straight guy like myself
It looks like they are about to red pill themselves.
get fucked faggot
Who are you. The gatekeeper of Sup Forums?
>kike as a templar
>trying to claim bailey is good while he's a legit satan worshipper
Into the oven you Schlomo, both of you since I'm like 97% sure by just looking at him that he's jewish. The nose always knows.
Bailey has gotten T H I C C
why would they name the kid after the family guy dog
yea dude I think you might have a point. I wouldn't be surprised at all.
That part 2 of what the op wrote.
are you saying you wouldnt snuggle with bryan the babe
Nah, you're actually pretty much right.
Also they're probably behind dumping chemicals into food and water to lower testosterone levels to produce more of these vulnerable males, or are at least aware of and taking advantage of it.
>trap is better looking than any UK sweathog
AKA why trannies kill themselves after age 30.
Bailey a CUTE, A CUTE!
I should also add that the ideologies of feminism are also increasing the risk of this problem, as is easy acess to porn (especially lesbian material).
It's just a bunch of mentally ill people who use confirmation bias to delude themselves.
this is why bryan is a better choice than bailey
looks the same and has less mental issues
I don't hate gays or trans but I hate the forced lgbt meme and flamboyant fags because theyre irritating (I even have a friend who is homo who hate them as well). Keep classy and you're good at least with me and some other more conservative people I know.
Transgenderism when its organic, a person will and not forced by groups hiden in the dark is normal and I dare to say even accepted, specially if the homosexual will keep a normal life and hide his sexual life and behaviour for his home and equals places.
I hate when hetero or homo couples are almost having sex with each other or have more spicy intimacy moments in public areas, next to children and teens.
That kind of act can be completely inocent but affects those who are still building a personality (ie. children).
Let people discover their tastes and sexuality alone, be classy or get the fuck out.
By the way I'm pretty sure that not only the pharma industry but other groups are forcing pedo, interracial and poly/cuckoldry fetish and other degeneracy just to later sell rehab programs and more psycho chems turning the ordinary citzen more passive and manipulable since they won't have control of their own self.
We all need to organize in some way and stop all that bullshit.
1) Bailey Jay
2) Mia Isabella
3) Morgan Bailey
4) Mandy Mitchell
5) Natalia Coxx
6) Chanel Santini
7) Aubrey Kate
rank them lads, who's best?
Daily reminder:
Sup Forums thinks traps are gay
>trap is better looking than any UK sweathog
Look what I just found, I wonder if she knows.....
imagine your satisfaction to find that, the problems you have in life, they are not a result of your choices, but the result of a medical condition out of your control! and hey, i just happen to sell the cure! interested yet?
the fuck?
Gonspiracee time:
Wader is wed :DDDD
Thx for gold doge bless :DDD
Want in on one of the biggest red pills on the trans community? Where there is a fraction who are genuinely pretty feminine (hyper feminine gays), most M2Fs are otherwise normal guys, who have a masochistic emasculation fetish, and develop extremely strong emotional attachments to ideas of womanhood related to their fantasies. The difficult thing to judge, especially if this psychological conditioning began from very early in childhood, is whether their psychology has changed in a meaningful way, in which they really have become "feminine", and if they really would be better off living as a woman??
I guarantee they wouldn't be doing this to such a degree if it were not for lobbyists (pharma and cosmetics companies) telling politicians to make laws that assume the stuff said on these forums was true and that anyone experiencing this problem is a tranny by default so doctors who refuse treatment lose their license and parents cannot legally stop their children from getting hormone injections if the kid was told and thinks that's good. The problem would also be a lot less widespread if the msm wasn't also in on it.
Is Bailey Jay even attracted to men? Every gay video of her is of her fucking other traps...
>the kiddie bulge
are you okay?
That's right, bitch.
It's a bit rich.
Any small group w/ outside the norm attitudes often takes on cult like qualities
Your story reminds me a lot of my experience in 12 Steps.
They want you to be Trans because that makes them feel better about there own feelings and view points
>Do I have a point, or am I just rambling?
>An awkward nerdy teenager who doesn't act like a stereotypical manly guy and doesn't fit in with jocks and "tough guys".
You have an excellent point, and it is spot on. Most, and by most I think at least 99%, of girls and boys who become trans, are just as you described - typical teens transitioning into adulthood and dealing with hormones and the typical bodily changes that occur in association with rowing up. Add that to all the clicks that exist at that age group, and yes, many young people become confused as to where they fit in and who they are as a person. Then in come the evil ones who push trans and gay life styles, making it "cool" and "wonderful" and add the meds, that 99% of people do not need, and yes, young people are being purposely turned into something they are not.
Congratulations for waking up and seeing truth. I wish you success on your life journey and hope you can find peace within yourself.
Can Bailey pull out of this tail spin? Cause this fat shit isnt working. Supposedly the last boyfriend was violent maybe the new one needs to be also to fix this.
ive been saying this for years!
the biggest problem is porn, anyone that has spend years watching porn knows that you keep changing porn tastes, starting with hardcore and then moving on to more shocking porn types in search of that "porn high".
its like a fucking drug, you search through the thumbnails for something you like and suddenly there's a tranny video, and you might ignore it once or twice but eventually you'll just check it too see whats it all about.
it fucks up your brain!
obviously both the porn industry and the pharma industry loves this brainwashing of younger generations, it means more consumers.
keep in mind, the long term effect of porn consumption is actually not very well studied, since we're the first generation that has instant porn access from a very young age!
kids from ages as low as 6 already watched hardcore nasty porn videos online, that shit affects you just like kids get affected by pedophiles..
bit of advice, learn the art of greentext.
After so many years here, alot of people wont even bother reading normal stories anymore.
This seems mildy interesting so Ill give it a read
Spoiler alert retard: The conspiracy was not the Bailey pics. If you can't read more than a sentence, we forgive you.
much bigger than making money for big pharma, though that's an issue. this is about tearing apart the fabric of society and dissolve the institution of the family.
The industry might help a bit but I think its human retardation. Helping trans people transition has become a moral virtue in out liberal circles no matter how little it actually helps. Helping some kid figure out hes not trans is now being seen as hate because its become politically exploited.
He looks better as a girl and if he stayed a male would have died a virgin NEET, he chose wisely
>people don't read long paragraphs on a thai pony hentai website
You don't say.
>you search through the thumbnails for something you like and suddenly there's a tranny video
It's the fucking AI. I also noticed they do that allot with landwhale and nigger porn vids.
If he stayed a male his dick would have been a foot long. After he stopped taking his estrogen shit his dick grew to a huge size. He lost years of dick growth because of those estrogen drugs.
Its only angles. The internet has allowed these people to exist in pictures and video that can control what you see. Bailey Jay is probably the closest you'll see to a success story and even then you can tell right off.
In the future they will look back on us in disgust as to how we changed the gender of literal children because it was 'trans phobic' to question a childs intentions. it will be likened to that thalidamide shit they used to inject babies with. Literally destroying peoples lives in the name of 'progress'.
Its probably more lesbian porn. Someone here once asked people in various emasculation fetish threads (on Sup Forums mostly) about what got them into is and every single person said that the first thing they switched to after "normal" stuff was lesbian material. The problem with that is because there's no penis, you stop thinking about your own penis as a way to get pleasure and instead your brain reconfigures itself to get off on female forms of pleasure, thus creating the basis for autogynephilia which is one of the biggest risk factors for this problem.
>When someone takes the hormones they need for "treatment", they are prescribe to expensive medication for life
Only the morons.
There's natural holistic herbs available that have the same exact effect at a fraction of the price.
Puerarua Murrifia + Reishi Mushroom + Genestein are the perfect combo. The best part: not only are they legal, but don't require you to do stupid shit like fill out documentation, go on a waiting list, go to visit a gender therapist, all that shit. It takes about a month or so for the PM to ship to you though, since they only grow in Thailand and US customs wants to make sure you're not peddling narcotics (PM is a white powder, can easily be mistaken for coke).
>Meme flag
Filtered. Mfw
>Sup Forums thinks traps are gay
Sup Forums is correct.
You know what they are and you can even see it. Sure for a bit with the correct angles it might fool your eyes but then they roll or move and you catch a glimpse of how just not right things are.
>something that sounds more like a sexual fetish than a legit medical condition, you are trans according to the user's.
well there's kind of blurry line for it. a lot of people develop a sexual fantasy for it because they deeply desire to be a girl and use this sexual fantasy as a way to physically connect with their dream. On the other hand a lot of people just get hard on the idea of a clueless boy experiencing the life of a girl. It really sucks that people can't see there's two groups for it and often people are wrongly convinced it must be because they want to be a girl.
Not even progress. It's like we're turning our own children into this bonsai tree type pets to mold as we please. It almost feels like a form of sexual slavery
k y s
There's no doubt there is an agenda here. Sure there was always people like this who were the outliers but social shaming actually had an effect in the past. These people need help, and NOT the hormone replacement kind.
Seeing how often the question of sissy fetishism comes up on the asktrans plebbit. The interesting thing is that when the subject of fetishism is brought up, few admit to having it, as they fear being perceived as pervs for whom their fetishism has got out of hand. But if the fetishism is presented as being a symptom of their transgenderism, most appear to admit having it...
According to actual clinical studies from the kind of people who have not abandoned the scientific method most trannys are MtF and they are split into two group. Half seem to have some inner need to align with being a women and the other half do it because it arouses them.
Something that never gets mentioned when we bring up sending them into the bathroom with little girls.
All I see is a fat man
Fuck, this.
Also kill trannies
>Pic related. Average tranny
ngl id suck on her fat lips and tits desu
Is this degenerate if i watch trap x woman porn? is that very gay?
I can't wait until these trannies start going bald
user please dont post pictures like that
i just
i just can't
>le being shot, and it killed.
>I haven't left my home without a gun in almost 7 years.
i have been looking for sauce since forever !
Let's go. I need a degnerate fap
Show us that flag, sven
"autogynephilic transsexualism conceptualized
as an expression of romantic love"
> I know all of them
> I am going to burn in hell