Another game of this. Make your own final solution. A few numbers changed and new categories added.
You have 100 points. Each group of people has a cost.
Make it count, you could be humanity's last hope.
Another game of this. Make your own final solution. A few numbers changed and new categories added.
You have 100 points. Each group of people has a cost.
Make it count, you could be humanity's last hope.
>the bourgeoise
Fuck it, bump
oy vey that is 100% jewish.
jews and muslims
Racemixers-10 (white w/anything other than white)
Why isn't there an option for whites?
I upped Turks to 15, still worried they're too cheap though
Might add
Jews and mudslimes
Drop 60 on the Jews and 30 on the commies, I don't even need to spend the last 10 because everything will be sorted after that.
>35 - blacks
>10 - racemixers (anything not white/Asian)
>30 - Feminists
>10 - HAES
>10 - Hardcore Druggies
>5 - frequents /r9k/
With those groups together, that should in turn get rid of most other groups.
dumb choice. 99% of turkey is muslim.
just say commies and you get rid of all the jews, queers, and feminists automatically
god damn I wish I had 110 so I could take out commies nazis ancaps and muslims, but alas if I were to leave one alive it would be the ancaps because they tend to make a fool of themselves to a degree that no one takes them seriously.
actually I would rather not kill the people, but I would that the ideologies just disapeared.
this is especially true for communism for smart agreeable types tend to be communist, and I would want them around for the simple reason that they are smart.
cry harder nigger
Everyone. Third impact time
60 Jews. Don't need any more points. Everyone else in section one is encouraged or financed by jews. Politics is defended and financed by jews. Other's shit behavior is normalized by jews.
Reddit Users - 20
Furries - 10
Bronies - 15
Browsers of /trash/ - 5
Weed users - 5
Hardcore drug addicts -10
Irish racemixers - 10
Pedos - 10
Beastialists - 10
5 points left, all I can get is weathermen or browsers of a board. With that I'd probably get rid of /soc/ users. Note that all of my choices are ultimately based off of the actions of people. Just goes to show how much people voluntarily engage in degeneracy and autism
picking jews awards you >9000 points in turn
jews, blacks and i suppose quadroons.
40 Muslims
30 Communists
15 Atheists
15 Mexicans
Just imagine that world.
All chinks are communists so they will be gone.
All swedes are atheists so they will be gone.
Should I just remove jews? It would be more interesting without them.
Self sacrifice for the greater good
Add whites or I won't play your game
Adding next patch for 45
Here you go
>b-b-but you're not killing enough shitskins!
Shitskins literally will not be a problem anyway after we take out the kikes. Once the kikes and libcucks (read: tumlr and reddit users, which encompasses all other degenerates anyway) are taken care of, we will no longer have to worry about these other groups. With the kikes and their shabbos goyim gone, we can remove kebab, remove taco, and remove watermelone without issue later on.
Juden, commies and swedes
>wasting 30 points on commies when they're all jewish anyway
pedos, muslims, antifa, blacks
Jews blacks and quadroons.
Suck it sargon
Kikes and muslims EZ