I consider myself a nationalistic liberal. Is there a term for me?
I consider myself a nationalistic liberal. Is there a term for me?
Other urls found in this thread:
"most of us"
A fag
national minarchist?
Yes m8 you just named it
A National Socialist. Welcome to the club
Nationalism is not compatible with libertarianism beacause it requires the limitations of your freedom in order to reach a common goal as a nation.
Nice pic of pendleton. I know that road well!
You will find that your ideaology has a number of conflicts at a deeper philosophical level.
Unless of course you're referring to classical liberalism, but even then it must be very carefully considered.
is libertarianism necessarily globalist/imperialist in that it must be the whole earth, or will libertarians accept a smaller state/nation?
Damn shame a russkie took credit for it.
Pre communist liberal. A classical liberal maybe your more extreme one way or the other.
They can rule also a small state, it's simply a political idea.
>rule a small state
>can't be nationalist
I am having trouble sorting out this contradiction.
There's not much to accept. They're like commies in the sense that they will always be outcompeted by corporatists.
That's why communism can only be global. Because if not everyone plays along with your game you will get your shit pushed in by a competing entity that has a more efficient structure.
I cansider a liberal someone who belives that the freedom of a person can not be limited if the actions doesen't harm another person, i.e. drugs wold be legal. A nationalist value the well beeing of the nation over personal freedom, therfore he wold ban drugs because they harm the citizens. Anway liberal has been used to describe many diffirent political wiews, I'm yust considering its purest form.
Sounds like a classical/nationalist liberal.
National Socialism is highly authoritarian. Not liberal.
i don't understand your question.. are you red team or blue team?
a civic faggot
A walking contradiction
Holy shit I didn't even notice. I miss Pendleton so much. Just realized how a e s t h e t i c it is.
hypocrite is the word you are looking for.
You can have an ethnostate without going full on police state dictatorship. Imagine a place like Seattle but for whites only.
Yea, you're a liberal from 20 years + ago, and a dying breed. The left has gone full on nation killing marxism in most civilised countries.
We had this ...
until you cunts sided with the Entente
A state communist?
During 19th century, nationalism and liberalism were not opposite ideologies at all.
This. I know what you mean, OP: too little trust for authority (got burned once, didn't you?), too much hate for the left and their ways.
Well, consider yourself simply a White supremacist for now. Once the dust settles in, pick NatSoc, or get under a Gadsden.
Nah... Those a wiggers, swinging their crosses like niggers swing their bling chains. "Me no likey evolution theory, my cracka, and abortion is murrrrder!" A purely American phenomena: where others are guided by what's practical (and based in science), Americans regress to religious primitivism. Time and time again, and Paleocons seem to be no different.
A homo