Do you use the plastic jew?
I do. It seems to work as long as you pay the bills at the end of the month.
Do you use the plastic jew?
I do. It seems to work as long as you pay the bills at the end of the month.
It's a good idea if you're about to make a big purchace to take one out with a sign up bonus. I got a free hotel for a 4 days because I had to make some home repairs. Just pay that shit off and it will be all good.
oh hell yeah i do.
1% cash back on all purchases, 5% on groceries. By paying cash you're not taking money from the jew bankers.
I pay the balance off every month, they don't make a fucking dime of interest from me and I have $90 i wouldnt have had by paying cash/check/debit.
Yes, I actually get money back and pay zero interest. Instead of using a debit card, I use my cc for all purchases, and pay the entire thing off every billing cycle. I've made a few thousand dollars off it. Not really sure why the kikes are paying me to spend my own money, but it works.
Unfortunately, yes. When you're poor and at the bottom, credit is something you have to use to survive. It's survive as a debt slave or die in many cases for many people.
Especially poor whites that aren't able to get any gibsmedats on account of being white just get fucked. 10k in CC debt, 20k in undergrad debt, soon to be 65k in law school debt.
Thankfully the school debt is all low interest, and I plan to use it to pay off all the CC debt, consolidating the debt I have into low interest.
Shit on it all you like, but its something people are forced into doing in many cases because of the usurious kikes
never have
never will
>fag spacing
> you are here
But I'm not?
>pointing out someone spaces their paragraphs
they get to charge the merchants
but the vast majority of credit card holders maintain a debt on them. truly the best goys
You're still paying (((them))) in the end.
Were do you think retailers get the money to pay credit card (((fees)))?
They jack the prices up.
Individually, it makes sense to use the plastic jew because it gives you and advantage over other people.
Hoewever, if nobody used it, prices would be lower for everyone.
classic Game Theory problem.
Just shut the fuck up already.
>thinks I give a fuck
>gets off on /leredditcallout/
go use your cash back to buy a dildo and fuck yourself
nys queer
also if we all lived in a commune we would have no need for money.
take your fucking cancer elsewhere you fucking bernouts.
pic related
Also valuable built-in insurance in some cases. I get rental car coverage just for paying with my card. Also extended warranties on electronics.
exactly, also buyer protection, fraud protection and the ability to reverse a charge if (((someone))) rips you off.
Had to break down and bow to the plastic jew. Truck's tranny shit itself to death and I know Sup Forums knows how expensive it can be to fix a tranny.
>just realized I could have made a gofundme carefully phrased to sound like I needed money for a sex change but I'd really use for a new transmission
You should really love according to your means, not how you want to live by charging it all. If you can't pay it all off at the end of the month you are doing it wrong. Might as well take cash and burn it in your backyard. Never charge more than you can pay off when the bill comes.
nope. I pay cash for everything.
no credit score nigger detected
I white as a sheet of paper.
if you use debit is fine, but credit cards is the ultimate jewish trickery and you should avoid it at all costs.
Get them but don't be an idiot and buy stupid shit like new sneakers or a laptop every month. Pay off the entire balance at the end of each month and NEVER use the cash advance feature.
Had mine for over 6 years and only paid interest one month when I forgot to pay on time. Now I have a 749 credit score.
Yeah, ive made several hundred dollars using cash back cards in the past 2 years, i run every dollar i spend through them to get between 2 and 5 percent back.
>Paying the bills at the end of the month.
I use it the same way. I pay the entire bill at the end of the month. Credit card companies are much more hawkish with fraud than banks who issue ATM cards are. Way easier to get your money back if [read: when] somebody fucks up.
I use a debit card in order to buy games from the PC jew, but that's about it.
is certainly does seem to be working...
I just use my debit card
What is the preferred rate in opening credit cards? Six months? annually? I just want to make shlomo happy and not raise any suspicions.
do not take credit cards, paying with money you don't even have and then paying interest is jewish trickery, just use debit.
I have to do what I can now in order to get a fabled home loan eventually.
>taking a long term loan with the current state of the world
>not learning a thing from 2008
Good goy!
I don't, and will never have $300k in cash for a home.
>I do. It seems to work as long as you pay the bills at the end of the month.
no shit you utter moron