How do you plan to save the white race?

How do you plan to save the white race?

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I don't. Physical existence is suffering. The niggers can have it if they want.

All I can do is have children. I currently have 1 child.

It's literally unsavable anywhere but Eastern Europe

One gun could fix this.


There will always be women who like niggers, faggot. Find a white qt and start having babies.


Honestly the best bet right now is to impregnate a ton of young white chicks using a fake name, but I'd rather not have my kids be fatherless.

I am a lone wolf and do not give a fuck about what race will survive, i will live until i die without having children. My current girlfriend has 4 children (all white, thank god) and she's 36 years old and she looks like she's 25.

By bleaching those halfies. It works both ways dummy.

>her nose

That is a Jewess.

you just know he made all those girls just so he could get a boy.

>There will always be women who like niggers,

they should be all shot


She's either a jew or a turk.

4 children here! My wife is currently pregnant again.

We plan to have at least 6.

mummy has some cute toes


looks like a nice family to me

Whatcha gonna do, even the lesbians want to have white babies while spewing SJW/LGBT diatribes on platforms such as youtube.

That's a kike. And to answer your question; paying to have my girlfriends tubes untied and knocking her tf up, biggly. Many times.

I dont care what happens after i die, fuck this gay earth

I am not a cuck, user. I do not spend any money on her children and i do not live with her. She has her life and i have my life and every time she can she arranges someone who watches her children, that way she can stay the weekend and we have the best sex there is.

Ok Ahmed

It's always white/black children.

What about Black/Asian children, Black/Arabic children, and Arabic/Asian children?
And poo variations of all of the above.

We can't

I'm not a shitskin.

Woman is clearly a jew

Artificial wombs and transhumanism


That bitches nose is obviously not from pure aryan stock. That is a filthy jewgress chosing Tyrese over Schlomo Schekelstein.

we isolate usa and western europe, fill them with all the black and shitskin scum , and then nuke them

I married a Puerto Rican and we have two children. Am I doing it right?

top kek

fck, we are surronded by traitors to our heritage...

Yes, none of us are. We're all white here, right?

Thank you Mr Rare. Clearly a beady eyed rat person more commonly known as a fucking kike.


All you need to see is her rat face to know she's a kike

cherrypicking. most whites and blacks genuinely aren't sexually attracted to each other. its only a "phenomenon" on social media and tv right now because the kikes are pushing it.

Make strong eye contact with any woman race mixing.

Generally eye contact is considered a sign of flirting. It's rude to make eye contact with a girl who is spoken for as it is distegwrding the relationship.

By staring down white girls with minorities, it not only disregards and delegitmizes the relationship and makes her flirty with you AND makes her feel uncomfortable being seen with a nigger.

It's the ultimate move.

Remember, you have the right AND duty to make deep eye contact with these women, it's not invasive or awkward, it's helpful and deep down desired

yes, we are all 100% Aryans here

Ok you're half right. 95% of white women won't touch a nigger. But landing a white woman is literally the pinnacle of nigger achievement.


Good for them.

Porch Monkeys

poor father.


>>they should be all shot

My exact thoughts.

You can never outbreed savages

by only fapping to the purest 2D waifus

very beautiful white woman. you can feel how satisfying sex for her with big black man. she literally worships her big black bull.

ahahaha cry nazis.

Pajeet, shouldn't you be worrying about your shitskin women getting slaughtered by ISIS? I'm sure they get turned on by that.

white women can't resist big black cock and masculine dark skin.

no matter how much muscle white boys grow or how hard is your cock they still want bbc.

feels pretty good to me desu

I don't care turkish women who are ugly and hairy. I want white qt as the one pictured above.

this guy gets it

till the day of the ro.....

>I don't care turkish women who are ugly and hairy.

Such as your mother and yourself? Alright Pajeet, but just letting you know that white women aren't dating shitskin faggots like you.

Turks are black?

white women don't date us. I mean they don't want to have serious long term relationship with us. but they want quick sex/cheating all the time.

no but white women (in europe) want anyone who is darker than european guys.

The inferiority complex of the roach is just laughable.

is over

That's quite an impressive nose she got there.

it's no secret that most beautiful portugese women fucks actual blacks from africa.

You insufferable piece of shit.
Dont post with the flag of my country you cuck

It's not possible.
Even if you decide to have white children your kids will go to school, socialize with blacks, hispanics and moors and your daughters have a high chance to date outside their race and have friends outside their race as well and they won't give a damn about your "bigoted" ideals.

They'll watch youtube and will see "super cool and normal" muslim youtubers, black princes that rescue some kickass princesses in movies and guess what companies hire the most: women and minorities (so their co-workers will also be non-white).

Also, people adopt non-white children over white children A LOT.

There is NO return. The world won't be segregated anymore as in Swedden for the Swedes, USA mayority white, etc. Your own people alredy accepted this and you'd have to fight them too if you wanted to go back to the old system.

You fell asleep and someone at the party put his wet dick in your ear, face it.



I want this meme to die. White women are the easiest to fuck and the easiest to control afterwards.

T. Non-white

This lmao

dont forget their sacrifice

sure sure

Is that a Lum tattoo

stop being a cuck

You all keep going on about how to save the white race, or how to stop white chicks from banging nigs. Well, I say us white dudes start fucking black pussy. You gotta fight fire with fire! Stop all this whining shit. This black chick I was seeing for awhile was absolutely crazy for my jiz. She could not keep her hands off my bird. And this was a thick, hour glass fat ass big tittied black chick. Even better, fuck a single black mom. Then little Jamal is going to have to call you daddy. Then all of her thug friends and cousins are gonna lose sleep and have mental break downs. GOD DAMMIT. START FUCKING BLACK CHICKS. FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE!

Ever heard of getting a decent job so that you can afford a private school for your children?

This will never happen:

>socialize with blacks, hispanics and moors and your daughters have a high chance to date outside their race and have friends outside their race as well and they won't give a damn about your "bigoted" ideals.

Especially if you live in a decent white neighborhood with clean places around, and whenever your daughter stumbles upon a nigger neighborhood it's always a dirty trash slum.

Having my kids bang this guy's kids.


You fucking cucks. All of you. Crying about nigs fucking white women. "How do we stop it! OH NO!" You're doing it all wrong. This is how you fight back....FUCK BLACK CHICKS.

I fucked this black chick and it was pretty awesome. She also started to crave my white dick. So, what if we all just start knocking up black chicks. Hell, fuck a single black mother. Not all of them are ugly. Then little Jamal is gonna start calling YOU daddy. All of his nigglet friends will look up you. Her cousins Rakawn and Kareem will despise you because you are now the token white boy of the family. Getting all the sweet chocolate pus. You gotta FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE

Having 20 Iberian children per wife.

Try your tricks somewhere else, (((shill)))

100% sure the mom is a jew if that makes you guys feel better.

Fatherless children grow up to be low T cucks. You'd be creating enemies. What you need is a harem and private property where you can go off grid. Give 5 women no fewer than 5 kids each. Hope you know how to hunt, fatty.

Force the Truth in all matters down peoples throats

everything sorts itself from there

This is a world of half truth tellers living comfortable lies,

Economy full collapse mode next year by silver and bitcoin while you can

Also ice age

Free abortion for minorities

Keep spreading the cause to anyone we can.

Start with cancerous "dank" memes that give someone a distrust towards authority

expose the left for what it is, they become wary towards kikes like Soros, but they are not yet one of us, they become libertarians

Do more fun shit in the real world like HWNDU, people get curious and check out pol

they lurk and lurk, then they uncover the truth for themselves and truly become one of us.

Commiting to saving the white race, they begin the cycle again for other people.

We multiply, ((they)) start to lose more and more cucked white boys to our side.

Do whatever you can in the real world, none of this larping shit,

people are catching on, soon we will be strong enough to truly take ((them)) on.

Too bad for you that turks have tiny roach cocks and shitwater brown skin.

Always cal out the Jew or else the simple minded will be taken advtange of.

Nice post, Shlomo.

OP this bitch look 800% Ashkenazim


You're right user. I was at the gym a month ago doing leg work, and a sexy blonde came in and kissed a tall black man who was sitting away from her. After this, she went and started doing seated flies on a machine across from me, so we were looking at each other. It was a strange interraction. We made eye contact. I make plenty of eye contact in the gym, but it was different this time. I was judging her, and I felt right to judge her. I felt disturbed by this and left without finishing my sets.

Ignorance of your enemy has made you weak, white man....

Yes kill her husband and children she loved so much and let a devout kekist have her instead.

The woman will be so grateful you saved her.

Yeah, too bad we all aren't killing niggers and getting locked up with blacks in jail for the rest of our lives instead of making white babies, huh? It SURE IS TOO BAD we aren't, you know, fucking ASSEMBLING AND COORDINATING TERROR ATTACKS like we OUGHT to be doing, because SOMEHOW EVERYTHING FOR SOME REASON will just be A-OKAY if we remain passive and keep shitposting anonymously.

This girl looks 10

>instead of making white babies
Show us all the white babies you made so far will you?

lol wut