...did we go too far?
Umm, guys
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Not far enough.
Never far enough.
It didn´t even start, user.
What's funny is that progressives claim that Islamophobia is what's radicalizing muslims. By that same logic, Buzzfeed, Vice, Salon, Huffington Post, and to a lesser extent, the Washington Post are radicalizing Whites.
>only growing on social media
So... do they want more people to join ISIS to counter them or what?
Are they not radicalizing whites?
time to take the BRAP pill
Using le Nazi gestures and memes seems cringy. If people actually get serious, at some point a leader (not Spencer) will step in and create a new organized movement.
>making news articles about tweets
And yet the white nationalists are much, much less dangerous- much less likely to carry out terrorism.
>on social media
>still calling the roman salute a "nazi salute"
Can't even think outside the language they made for you.
I wasn't saying they aren't. I was trying to point out their hypocrisy on how they focus on places like Breitbart and Infowars while not taking a good look at themselves.
>ebil white nationalists: Calling someone a cuck on twitter
>isis: Widespread war and terrorism trying to establish the world calipate
Better watch out for those evil rayciss whites
This is probably True I know Tim Wise's rhetoric "recruited" me into being a shitlord.
With Leftists constantly telling young White people that they are hateful bigots nonstop, this was guaranteed to happen.
Does anyone really think the shit-skins would rule the world?
White Nationalists pose a threat to the current order, while Islamist don't;Muslims attack common people, angry common people attack government and police.
Assimilate the entire internet and start the real Fourth Reich.
There is no "too far" until all the sub-humans are dead.
But not in killings
Are we making soap out of Stephen Cuckbert and Jon Leibowitz? No? Then we haven't gone far enough
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
>tfw i spent hours daily from 2006 to 2015 larping as a neo-nazi on Sup Forums triggering faggots and forgot why i even did it
i was just pretending guys..
I'm aware, but it's so heavily associated with le Nazis that it looks like a silly meme. A little originality would, in my opinion, be an indication that a real movement were growing as opposed to a bunch of Sup Forumslacks being bold enough to throw on some nazi stuff one afternoon, you know.
Perfect excuse for a few dozen new surveillance laws and to order 50,000 new Bradleys to arm police forces with.
self-fulffilling prophecy
I haven't been on Sup Forums for awhile, whats with the new flags?
whites cut off heads? if anything blacks are worse than isis.
There is literally nothing wrong with white nationalism.
They are. I never would've taken the race pill if they didn't hate white people. If they had
we're just getting started, nigger.
Not even close
I had nothing to do with this Merle
Good point. Also non-inbred, non-retards realize gov is to blame for any large societal problems. Muslims are fucked up, sure, but the government forced them in on people. How many times to nigs actually blow up the social security office versus how often they actually do it? Basically never. They aren't thinking past "want da moneys now, gibs me or I blow u up. Oh shit y u arrestin me mang?"
>By that same logic, Buzzfeed, Vice, Salon, Huffington Post, and to a lesser extent, the Washington Post are radicalizing Whites
"We have one that can see!"
Not every country could handle the bants.
Now they can hide behind a AnCap flag.
We're still seeing how it'll play out.
gee I wonder why, perhaps it has something to do with all white countries being flooded with non-whites and anti-white propaganda.
I doubt it's us, Sup Forums doesn't do shit except secretly beat off to trannies.
>muh white male is the real bad goy
Literally 1 Muslim dies by a fucking jobless nutter
Suddenly every isis terror attack, hate speech and child rape gang by Muslims is made to be forgotten
I fucking hate Marxists and their media
Do you feel free ?
Can you say and think and express whatever you like ?
Do you feel safe ?
Are you still a slave to the oligarchy banking system ?
Can you criticize and question anything or one you may think about ?
We have a lot of ground and rights to fight for.
Nevermind stopping white genocide
this isn't even the beginning
I was radicalized by MSNBC.
retards like you is why they're gonna censor da internet
Niggers have already caused that.
no, they did.
We are just responding
I was radicalized by Bernie Sanders.
That guy really boils my blood. He's literally exploiting the plight of the black man for shekels, yet few on the left will acknowledge this. They will just continue to throw their money at him.
What is white nationalist?
blood type is more important than race.
A master race, crush the B's, temporary alliance offered to the O's.
Not far enough
we are just starting actualy.
there wasnt reason to be natsoc for decades.
but niggers and muslims consider europe their new home. last youtube refugee propagnda shows that normies are not totaly blind. i think lot of people is jsu silent becose they fear to be called nazi.
>did we go too far?
We didn't go too far enough.
Do we have right wing death squads yet? Then no, not far enough.
Are you 5?Do you think everyone is spyed on because they want to know what degenerate porn you jack off?
There will be no leader,because he will get singled out and finished before he could become a leader.
growing on social media but not real life
you fucks never go outside; remember?
Sure,retard.Trump with the halfjew family will surely lead a nazi movement.
The toms with the civic nationalism is pretty funny tho.
They actually believe that which is sad and naive.
Are there niggers, muslims and jews in the west?
not far enough
>...did we go too far?
We? This shit's been being groomed before you were even born.
He already did.
I think impressionable white men are more susceptible to becoming nazis than arab men becoming terrorists.
The stigma and media hate for whites is much more powerful in making whites go 14/88 than the youtube channels are in making Arabs turn into isis.
There's a logos argument that the radicalization of white males is reasonable. Our forefathers create the west and now the west turns on us?
Would you blame a son that hated his parents because they abused him
SEIG fucking heil
I voted for Obama in 2012. I was a feminist. I thought that guns should be restricted. And above all else, I was wracked with white guilt
The constant attacks on whites turned me so far right I worry about getting drunk because I'll show my power level. If I'm a monster, those leftist fucks created me.
this board is full of retarded kids...has been since before the election but overflowing now.
this madman gets it
this is the expected backlash from all the white hate that has become socially acceptable. "We" had nothing to do with it
In case anyone is curious about all this shilling, the real story is here:
Slide shit-tier threads like this for justice.
No, I meant dumb faggots think everyone here doesn't go outside.
I think the people who are spied on actually matter. Every movement, no matter how farfetched, requires a good leader in order to move forward in an organized fashion. I didn't realize I said something so insane. Maybe you assume I want to join a meme movement?
It will eventually become trendy to become a 14/88er. As the media and jews keep pushing immigration and anti white shit. As the mudslimes keep blowing people up. As Our demographics keep going in the favor of browns. You will eventually see the last remaining white bastions become nazis. Nazism isn't an offensive ideology. It's a reactionary one.. meant to defend it's members from parasites and predetors who take advantage of peaceful white nations
Basically the same thing, i was a freedom hating fucking loser. Then feminists messed with games.
>not getting drunk just so you CAN show your power level then blaming it on the drink
Yeah this is the fault of the SJWs. If they had not thrown white guilt down are throats and imported thousands of rapist welfare sponges into our country's over half of us would be much more liberial.
>new flags
Hello newfag. Sup Forums has returned to pre-gamer gate and the cuckening
On New Years I was doing the roman salute in a crowded bar. I'm going out tomorrow with friends who know me pretty well, but don't know the extent at which I've been redpilled.
>pretending to be here a long time
Neo nazis are a bit of a meme, but no. We haven't.
I'll give you both a piece of advice. You can be against the bullshit while not being associated with a movement started and run by the trashiest of trash.
There's a difference between being a proponent of universal basic human dignity and being drawn into white chocolate al qaeda.
I'd rather have white nationalists than Islamists. White nationalists may be retarded fucks, but they aren't super violent. They were, but not now. Islam is, and always will be, violent.
Yet the main image is some cringey fuck doing a roman salute while all the handsome fashy goys have to be ignored.
I am a Leaf and hate my country now.
whites were never violent. even the kkk had mock trials.
>on social media
that's what matters!
The worst white trash is still better than shitskins. Civic nationalism is just another excuse to be anti-white.
niggers and spics just go around blowing people away.
>whites were never violent
I have nothing but disdain for face tattoo wearing, Hitler saluting aryan brother hood members. Luckily we don't all have to be them.
Hasn't isis pretty much reached its saturation level anyway?
also white nationalists are small, a 100% increase is NOTHING compared to a 100% increase in isis..
In short, its deceptive.
Jared Taylor is not trash
McVeigh! Hey McVeigh!
The left has only itself to blame. It has pushed ideas of "identity" and ethnonationalism (but only for non-Whites) for decades, without realizing that Whites would put their heads together in the safety and anonymity of the internet like on Sup Forums.
Yeah your a fucking shill they may be trash but at least they have the balls to do in public what we only do on the net or in our living rooms. Any pro white movement will be hated at this point even if we are all in 300 dollar suits.