Hybrid people tend to have fewer health problems, why do you hate them?
Hybrid people tend to have fewer health problems, why do you hate them?
actually the 3rd corn would be short and with few bobs
But it's not??
lets just say any thing as close as your 7th cousin is a Inbreed. However by the genetics of your 14 cousin the DNA similarity are not likely to cause any mutations and can be the genetic holey hole between extreme variant mutation and over similarity mutation. Ever seen on of those retarted pig monkey babies?
Are you retarded?
>Lower IQs
>Kills homogeneity
>Rootless, doessn't really fit anywhere
>Leads to Brazil
Holy fuck, how does retard like you comes with so utterly shitty OP like this?
I mean for fuck sake, I hope you realize the majority of peoples who will answer to this thread will be peoples just as stupid as you and who genuinely believe shitposting is an ''epic'' kind of trolling. I could go in details about why OP pic is literally retarded, but it would be a pointless endeavor as you would be too stupid to realize you could learn from this whole ordeal and instead, proceed to retort some barely though-out rhetoric as you smear your own shit all over yourself in innocent glee.
And the saddest thing with this all is that you'll be more than eager to prove me right.
Whites are Hybrid with Neanderthals, why do you wish to dilute their neanderthal genes, you homo supremacist?
>Monsanto sales for new seeds
Hybrid corn, unlike hybrid people, can actually feed a family. See stats for welfare usage for mulattos.
Two inbred people make a super inbred person. People aren't corn you fucking retard.
Because they hate themselves, which is a form of mental illness, thus proving that they are not healthier than a healthy white person.
Corn A was inbred on island A where a recessive mutation that causes missing corn spread.
Corn B was inbred on island B where a recessive mutation that causes smaller corn spread.
When Corn A and Corn B mate neither recessive mutation is expressed and you get normal healthy corn.
For successful speciation without high cost health problems regular small injections of foreign DNA are needed. If I mate with an Icelandic person my offspring has a much higher chance of genetic diseases, many of which don't exist anywhere else.
Long DNA sequences that exist for disease prevention are often interrupted in race mixing
>Hybrid people tend to have fewer health problems
No. They are also ugly and dumber
whatever you say, buddy
Just look how great mixed places like south america are
Joey's World Tour
Hybrids may be physically stronger specimens, but they are mental and physiological wrecks.
>People are corn
>Europeans, that have the lowest rate of inbreeding should breed with Arabs/Africans who have the highest rates of inbreeding
Huh, really causes one to ponder
Outbreeding produces little additional benefits after a certain relatedness treshold, beyond of which most people (not including muslims, obviously) already breed. Hybridizing two of those hybrid corns together would not increase the size of the cob any further.
Also, there's such a thing as outbreeding depression, which results from the averaging of the attributes of the parents in the offspring (think mulattoes being less adapted to modern society than pure whites due to lower IQ) or from genetic incompatibility, of which an extreme example would be the sterile mule.
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.
That's just not true. And it's sad because if they need organs or blood it can be very difficult to get a matching donor. So please don't spread this myth as it doesn't help anyone.
But civilization thrives on autism, if you fix that, all goes to hell.
It fucking goes both ways.
An athletic black guy and a smart white woman creates a nonathletic average mulatto.
How silly must you be to seriously respond to this thread, user.?
The images you show are of inbreds. No one is promoting inbreeding. A better example would be to show highly nutritious corn mixed with corn that has little to no nutrition. It would look similar but inside it would be worse off and worse for humanity.
Is this some new bullshit shill tactic? Every time I try to respond to a thread with something constructive and its "LOL DUDE ITS NOT SERIOUS COME ON"
Fuck off
So you import corn with a 70 IQ and decreased frontal lobe? There is better corn out there, make good decisions.
>mixed people are healthier
Here, have a list that proves you wrong:
It's shocking how many Sup Forums retards don't even know 1% of this site.
Wow this is great thank you.
You just sometimes allow the rare white spanish sailor uhh.. corn to impregnate your women instead of being fanatically against it. No one needs nigger dna, that's not what me or the OP states.
Human Chimera's are a completely different story then Mixed people.
Archives: archive.4plebs.org
Wait how the fuck do inbred plants exist.
Plants can't fuck so what's going on
you're 97% dna in common with a banana, Its almost like little things matter.
Hey OP, did you know plants with more than the normal amount of chromosomes grow bigger and stronger? Here's hoping it's the same for you.
Are you the same guy who posted that shit about lifeguards and comparing them to cops? I'm not a fan of inbreeding, the kikes do it and look at them; but for you not to understand why Sup Forums is against straight up racemixing must mean you're missing your daily red pills.
>tfw my 6'4, blonde haired blue eyed smart (in all ways except for...) father made me with a 4'11 crazy filipino woman and now I'm a neurotic 5'8 mud eyed manlet with a 5er and bitch hands.
>your wrong but I can't tell you why, the post
Thank you for this. I'm saving it in case I come across more of OP's kind.
>None of these peer-reviewed studies by numerous official sources are ever made common knowledge
Really makes you think.
If you accept any nigger genes in your offsprings, you are the lowest of the low.
Be proud of your heritage, and maintain the white race.
Sure thing nigger.
I'm a quarter Spanish:)
Blacks are mixed with homo erectus and some Asians have 10% neanderthal DNA so don't front nigger.
Because expats don't exist, right?
Faggot, the post.
The south isn't mixed whites down there are white blacks are black
Oh man why do retards feel the need to create threads. This is why we have a saying here.
i feel for u man
Why are you living in Central Africa of all places?
You just proved him right
>A novel study of a Tibetan alpine meadow has shown a clear link between higher biodiversity and greater infectious disease resistance.
>The researchers say it provides further strong evidence that maintaining biodiversity among the world's species should be a high priority.
>take multiple distinct races (high biodiversity)
>gradually blend them into one
>net loss of biodiversity
>recessive genes that might have provided disease resistance are dramatically reduced
>vulnerability to extinction via epidemic increased signifcantly
To get paid a lot of money to beat on, and sometimes kill, niggers.
This is what happens when Sup Forums gets coverage in the media, newfag invasions begin.
>america is the most "hybrid" country in the world
>also the fattest
>have hapa kid
>kid gets sick, again, once a month it feels like
>fever lasts over a week and now an ear infection
>nephew and niece sick with the same thing
>better after 2 days
I'm going to need to see an actual study that half breeds are healthier because from where I'm standing it seems like they have the weakest immune systems possible
>the feels when you can never save your children's life if they need a transplant
>Devan would need a marrow transplant. The prospect of going through chemotherapy for a second time and needing a transplant is daunting to anyone, but it's especially harrowing if — like Devan — you're of mixed race. Multiracial patients often have an incredibly hard time finding life-saving marrow matches. When Devan, whose father is Caucasian and mother is part Indian, was first diagnosed with leukemia, his family did a search of the international marrow registry that contains over 14 million donors and came up empty. "We knew there was nothing out there for him," Tatlow says.
This is too easy.
I pity you user.
How do I get your job
Taking eugenics too seriously? it's okay canadacuck we all know you're inbred human garbage. Your life was fucked from the start, don't push your autism on others.
Fuck right after my post there it is.
If you race mix, you are failing your children. Could you imagine being that parent that has to look your child in the eye and tell them the truth of why they can't be saved? I hope I never have to deal with that but at least I'm prepared for it.
did you already do it? if so why?
>Just racemix already you filthy goyim
So... you're saying my dick would be bigger if my mom was blacked? Sign my wife up.
wild food is more robust (by necessity) and healthier. you're wrong
What are hybrid people?
Please note that "hybrid vigor" is only found where (as the picture tells you) the original genetic material is depleted by inbreeding.
Come here.
>gives a fucking plant as an example
>ignores all those cases that lead for fertility in the animal kingdom
>Hybrid people tend to have fewer health problems, why do you hate them?
But who do I talk to. What skills do I need.
>muh hybrid vigor
Yeah that must be why latinxes are the most healthy people in the world. Oh wait, thats utter bullshit
people are not monsanto you dumb jizz mop.
what a terrible bait
i don't, most americans are hybrid, and will only be more hybrid by the end of the century. this will be a good thing because we'll be so mixed up you won't know who to hate. and democrtas won't be able to play identity politics anymore because there will be no more white people to blame things on. we will get republican governance for the rest of american history and conquer the world, hopefully colonize south america which is rightfully ours, give them our constitution and teach them to speak english.
i remember a study that said most white americans had like 10% black and indian blood, you just have to get tested
Even then, the "athletic negro" is just a myth. Blacks have VASTLY higher rates of obesity along with related conditions like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, etc.
And even when looking at cherrypicked athletes, blacks only excel at field sports that focus on running. Things like basketball, football, track, etc. Meanwhile, blacks are woefully behind the curve when it comes to basically anything else, whether it's sports that don't involve running, such as swimming, or anything relating to strength. Blacks are fucking TERRIBLE when it comes to strength competitions like strongman or olympic weightlifting. They're literally ONLY good at running and that's it.
>lol democrats will be BTFO after they've already completed their goal and completely bred whites out of existence! no more identity politics xDDD
Fucking gas yourself, kike.
Wouldnt inbred + inbred = midbred?
Isolated population.
>thinking the genomes of plants aren't extremely mutable
plants can have multiple missing or extra chromosomes and you would see no or very little difference on the outside.
Any fellow Ayy/Human hybrids here?
African-Americans are white-black hybrids, but they die younger than whites.
You just failed the first test. Sorry.
Also how many inbreds would it take to get a full loaf of bred? I mean it only takes two to get a midbred, so its gotta take atleast two midbreads to get that loaf. But when does tgis hybred thing come in?
we gotta get rid of identity politics and make the country work man. identity politics has led to the rise of SJWs, we have to get back to that conservative ideal of debating the issues again.
it is up to us nationalists to realize martin luther king's dream of a nation where people are judged by their character not their skin color. this includes whites, who have been attacked by the SJWs for something out of their control.
IIRC they have like 20% white DNA.
To be fair, Horses and Donkeys are separate species, and mules are actual hybrids. Actual hybrids are AFAIK always sterile.
Technically speaking, niggers and whites are still the same species. However, it's not as simple as that with genetics and speciation. When two groups evolutionarily diverge, it's a gradual process of becoming more and more dissimilar. There's no actual hard cutoff point where two groups can no longer produce viable offspring together, therefore becoming separate species. Instead, what happens is that as the groups become further and further apart, it becomes harder and harder to produce viable offspring.
You can actually see this with degenerate race-mixers. It's actually much harder to get pregnant when race-mixing. And the children tend to be more unhealth due to outbreeding depression. Some people theorize that besides physical health issues, outbreeding (ie, racemixing) also leads to psychological issues. In other words, the Elliot Rodger syndrome. These people possibly have a higher rate of various psychoses. This includes the entire "race" of mestizo mongrels that inhabit the entirety of Latin America.
We get rid of identity politics by removing all other identity groups from this clay. That means niggers, kikes, spics, gooks, faggots, etc.
Take a pic to prove you're not a proxyfag
holy shit. false dichtotomy. pure breeds are the best.
I'm assuming each person on this thread besides OP has blonde hair/blue eyes besides? Or full blown mud
varg pls
If anything that argument supports eugenics.
You can't just say hybrid and expect everything to always be better. It's a matter of favorable traits vs not. Unfortunately for you there are absolutely some races who have better genetics to pass down.
For example.. if a black gets with a white the child will almost certainly be genetically less than a white on white. The baby might be stronger than a typical white but being dumber is a high price to pay in a competitive world.
Can you link me to so much as one reputable, peer-reviewed study that proves your ridiculous claim? There is no significant difference in genetic diversity between mixed people and pure breeds, plus there's an increased chance of genetic incompatibility that will likely cause multiple rare health problems. Also, what if your mixed kid gets leukemia? It's highly unlikely that you'll find a matching bone marrow donor, and what is likely is that you'll have to tell your son or daughter that they're going to die.
Hybrid vigor does work.
Europeans and Asians are Hybrids of Humans and Neanderthals, and look how well we do.
this is a liger, not all of the females are sterile and the males are 100% fertile.
Hybrid species are real. That's what mulattos are.