should we go to war against degeneracy on Sup Forums? if we can redpill Sup Forums it may be worth our while.
Should we go to war against degeneracy on Sup Forums? if we can redpill Sup Forums it may be worth our while
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Why the fuck would anyone voluntarily go back to Sup Forums?
who's gonna redpill you on board rules faggot?
fagut mods are you gonna ban him too? i'm still on the same ip you know who
Sup Forums will remain the bastion of chaos it has always been. What we do need is to focus on making Emilia Clarke fall in love with me.
sounds like a personal problem
idk man some of my friends tell me the still go on Sup Forums sometimes but dont go to Sup Forums we can try and make Sup Forums a stepping stone of some sort.
I accidentally ended up on Sup Forums last week. I was a mistake I will live to regret.
She rides on dragons, but getting her to love you? That's fantasy.
sort your own board out before trying to sort out another. Sup Forums has a reddit invasion to worry about
redpill is not a meme you parasites
it kind of is
i know it was, besides some bad language every now and then (let's fuckin ban 95% of pol), it was like my 3d porn post ever, on really long (like dat black dick) intervals
Start a discord
Just need like 10 guys to spam all the porn threads and keep the red pill threads bumped for a few hours each day
yes i know false report of a post (my own) is a violation
>should we go to war against degeneracy on Sup Forums?
Is that really a war you think you'll win? Those guys really don't give a shit about anything. You can't beat people like that.
>attempting to do anything on Sup Forums
Cmon we were all 13 once
Let the kids have their innocence
>Those guys really don't give a shit about anything. You can't beat people like that.
>implying we aren't all aging Sup Forumstards
Ok slim
>Sup Forumseta
Choose one.
daily reminder that "fight against degeneracy" is a Jewish concept invented by Max Nordau
by acknowledging degenracy in any manner, you fall prey to the rabbis
That doesn't change what I've said. Sup Forums is still miles tamer than Sup Forums. You can't post a lot of the shit on here you can over there which creates the setting that allowed for Leddit to make this their second home.
Sup Forums is mostly just 14 year olds, ya know. If the past trend has shown any indication they'll most likely migrate here after realizing how shit Sup Forums is.
Sup Forums is a softcore /s/ anyway, who gives a shit about that board?
Sup Forums has less visitors than Sup Forums
let's start a pol IG FB fap tread guise
/b here
Here's what'll happen
You'll flame trap threads while getting a hard on and start asking for sauce
>Homo confirmed
This will about bring confusion, inner turmoil and self doubt into your life and you'll end up killing yourself.
Do /b a solid, and stream it, cheers
This. There is no need to change Sup Forums. It is working exactly as intended.
B is being raided daily by trapposters, cuckposters and interracial posters. Since there is no regulation on porn, my home for many years gets raided by the kikes every day and is gone. I miss it.
It was much more fun being a retarded cunt than being respilled.
Sup Forums is just where the higher functioning Sup Forumstards go. I'm sure almost every single one of us started out on Sup Forums.
If they desire any further meaning or depth beyond trap and r8 threads, they will end up here, as we all did.
Sup Forums can never be anything more than a gateway to Sup Forums
Sup Forums drops heavy red pills sometimes
Sup Forums used to be cool back in the days