Sup Forums accomplishments
Never even tasted ethanol.
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i'm weak
Sup Forums has straight up changed my life I used to be an average libtard with no life but after I became truly redpilled I decided to join a local branch of Identity Evropa which has completely changed my life. In the last year Ive made friends with many fellow soldiers of the white race through IE and theyve introduced me to so much new shit I lost my virginity finally to a (albiet slutty) white woman who may be pregnant with my children and I tried out meth which has opened up so many possibilities for me, I can stay up as long as I want and work as hard as possible on whatever I choose for hours on end, Ive been doing militia training for a good while and now Im 100% ready for the leftists and dindus to rise up so I can put them down like the rabid animals they are
This is the most blue pilled list ever
>no gf or wife
>made babies
Disgusting liberal
Hrm too bad half of that list isn't anything I want to do.
Fuck not watching porn. Men are horny. Men will always masturbate. Not using porn is retarded.
Don't drink though and never needed to.
NatSoc? Pass.
Redpilled some normies and they hate me for it because now they're depressed like everyone else here.
I'm engaged though yes. But bringing a baby in this world is a hard choice. It's a bit of a catch 22. We need more white babies to make the world better and to save our race. But I'm worried the world isn't going to get better thus I don't like the idea of bringing a new person into it. Tough issue for sure.
And you have done what? Built a gas chamber and started gassing jews and degenerates? Stop LARPing
No need to watch porn when you have a loving wife
No I'm not a degenerate Nazi
Nazis are socialists socialism is a disease and they're republicans
Republicans need to be hanged I'm proud of our monarchy and 1,000 years of peace, Germany never knew peace they're uncivilised savages
>stopped drinking
The nazis launched their movement from beer halls you cuck, drinking is fine just dont be an idiot
Should have wrote getting drunk like a degenerate at clubs etc, drinking casually is fine
stop smoking meth, you'll become a literal retard in 5 years.
No it's not the bible says a drunkard will not inherit the kingdom of heaven
muh nazism is marxism
I joined a group of armed socialists and continued fucking my spic gf between taco eating sessions
how do i stop watching porn ? not memeing how do i do it considering i work at the computer too
Nazis were backwards degenerates retarded republicans
Put child safety locks on the computer and block the websites you use most that have porn, pray and ask God for help, when you feel an urge pray and talk to God
Not too bad. Excited to make some babies soon. But I'm only 65% white.
i always fall for the same shit ''ill never do it its been 3 days i already struggle its a waste of time might as well stop now''
I'll try asking God for help, thanks
did i do good?
Just pray, you recognise what you do is wrong, this is a slow and long process you're overcoming an addiction don't look at it like a bad habit, this is like a drug addiction. It takes time, cut down slowely. Just go about your day normally, but keep track of how often you masturbate and watch porn, this might put into perspective how bad things are for you, after that cut it down by one. Even if you masturbate 100 times a day going down to 99 would be a huge accomplishment, try that and try to cut down. Don't rush take it easy do your best
>becoming natsoc
>thinking that socialism somehow becomes better when it's national instead of international
>stoped watching porn
nope, not gonna happen, never going to happen
>stoped drinking every weekend
I don't drink alcohol, all mind altering substances are bad in principle
>became natsoc
>recognized white genocide
if there is, it is not intentional, and is certainly reversible, stop whining
>joined an organization
ok mister fbi sir
>watched tgsnt
yes, must see for everyone in general
>read/reading mein kampf
I never had an interest to do this, I don't get the taboo behind the book, his actions all are you need to know
>redpilled a normie
all day every day, I try to do this as much as I can, don't be afraid to show your power level, ridicule is man's more powerful tool and you should not be afraid of using it
>got a wife/gf
already had one
>made white babys
I'm too poor for kids, and you faggots don't think am white anyway so no point
Sup Forums and natsoc germany coverges in the destruction of the jewish money lending cabal and that's it, stop larping as nazis
what do i win?
Jesus made goddamn wine as a miracle. Drinking is fine, just don't be a nigger about it.
Made white babies. The most important task.
>tfw can't make white babies
The bible says being a drunkard is a sin, Jesus didn't sin
only the last one and I don't know if it counts
I mean their only half white because I'm black
Thanks for constantly reminding me I'm old Sup Forums
I read porn
How well did I do?
the Nazi state wasn't a republic you fucking retard
ban all leaves fucking now
Being a drunkard is not the same as drinking in general you baboon. I only drink with my brothers and a few friends together on Wednesday and Friday and it's only 3-4 beers. I'm not getting hammered or shitfaced
Who was the king of Germany then?
If you don't get drunk it's okay
>not drinking a beer or 2 on weekends
>it's a republic or its a monarchy
but seriously ban us.
Leaf reporting for duty.
Well I know what I'm doing tonight...
I recognized white genocide, and it's a good thing
>Stopped watching porno
Working on it.
>Stopped drinking
I already don't drink, and I never will. Easily said and done.
>Became NatSoc
Not quite there yet (I think)
>Recognized White Genocide
Of course.
>Joined an Organization
> Watched TGSNT
Yup. Would recommend
> Read Mein Kampf
Only read a few excerpts of it.
>Redpilled a Normie
Tried and failed :/
>Got a gf/wife
Not even there yet
>Made white babies
No gf/wife, so this is a moot point
>duplicate file exists
2 important checks I added.
There seem to be quite a few successful dudes here huh. Congrats to many of you, keep improving.
>stopped watching porn
>stopped drinking
>became NatSoc
>recognized white genocide
>not an a organization yet
>watched TGSNT
>read mein Kampf
>redpilled a Normie
>single so no kids
I wish
>stopped watching porn
I broke a no fap for I think 3 or 4 days shits hard when u have little to do to take your mind off stuff like that
>stopped drinking
never much like the taste of alcohol so not that big of a deal
>became natsoc
after seeing how libertarianism will only enable the degeneracy because of MUH FREE MARKET we need to clamp down hard on it
>recognized white genocide
I found out about this before I came to pol and it was at a swat meat in socal where it was literally all Mexicans at the parking lot that moment from then on I believe genocide is the only solution
>joined an organization
as long as its not a fed honeypot sure but I'm not a leader just don't have the charisma or the personality to really get at it
>watched TGSNT
watch it five times and other redpilled documentaries
>read/reading mein kampf
read a little but stopped now reading ride the tiger after that will finish mein kampf and then culture of critique
>redpilled a normie
lost track prolly around maybe 15-20 or so
>got a gf/wife
not yet still need to improve myself before I'm ready for that kind of thing
>made white babies
don't have a wife so no I don't have any but would have as many as I can possibly afford the least I would give is prolly 7
>no gf
wtf I thought pol was all alpha males
how'd I do?
Will ceasing to watch porn make me happier? I've been wondering this for a while.
kek a roonie