This stupid bitch

This stupid bitch is going to make hundreds of thousands of views talking about how red pilled she is for 500 videos. Notice how she hasn't taken her nose ring off or washed her hair. Women are fucking stupid shills.

I'm not going to link anything channels or articles. Don't give them any more help.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't even know who she is so why even make the thread, faggot.

Also stop caring about Youtubers, go outside. People in real life don't care about Internet at all

I had no idea who this was before your shitty thread but now I am going to look them up and watch all of their videos, then repost them on Sup Forums

Why did you do this to yourself?

Why does this bother you, exactly?

Let me help you out:


I was with a girl like her once. They really are stupid. Not only are they stupid but they try to uphold the image that they're brilliant and powerful despite the opposite being true. It's sheer vanity. Her videos are also full of beta orbiters. It's pretty funny.

shes ugly, even without the nose ring

Fuck off, Robyn is hot.

> gaming YouTube and the people who watch it is bad

step up your passions, Sup Forums

Where does she try to uphold the image that they're brilliant and powerful?
The latter is true though lel

Quit posting literally who e-celebs.

Mother of fucking God.
I wasn't referring to any specific incident. I can just tell based on her body language.

A small correction.

She is a smart, talented and attractive lady.

You are a stupid, envious and poor little bitch. And noone cares if 5 people don't click a link in their numbers game.

Found the white knight.

You fags make these whores into what they are.

please dont expect anyone to value your opinion if you dont take the effort to actually watch her videos

t. roast

>if you dont take the effort to actually watch her videos
>I can just tell based on her body language.
Arr you retarded or just a white knight faggot? I don't care what you think either way. I'm expressing my views however the fuck I want.
>captcha: stop latina

Yeah! This guy has it all figured, fuck women boys. The only real calling in life is MGTOW. Goddamit do I ever hate women! I hope they all die one day so everyone can be as lonely as me.

Kek wills it

This is apparently a trend now. Women claim that they are red pilled and antifeminist and get patreon bucks. As far as fads go, I think this is a better fad than them all becoming feminazi cunts.

I'm not a misogynist but I am a bit sexist. Most women have no real interest in this stuff and just go with the flow. Nothing wrong with that, it is just how they are. So expect to see more and more of this shit because it seems to be the new "thing" on youtube.

(Yeah there are girls who are really red pilled but they are the exception and usually either crazy or autistic)

This bitch is even worse. She was/is a camwhore (I'm not even sure if she quit it or not) and even she has decided to hop on the le red pill alt right maga pede gravy train.

We live in a timeline where women who made their living on chaturbate talk to the head of the largest civil defense organization in the world about white genocide for shekels.

you guys realise these cunts do these kind of videos just for views? women are by nature traitors so stop whiteknighting cunts like her and lauren sauthern and other "right wing babes" who cares what they have to say they are more likely only interested to earn that adsense money and possibly just trolling you faggots who are falling for it like that feminist chick that suddenly got red pilled when she realised she gets way more likes and views if red pilled. you guys are idiots who watch this shit

This is my new fav, so cute!

>men can be born with feminine brains that result in low competitiveness, low aggressiveness, low exhibition of masculine traits in general
>women can't be born with masculine brains that result in more autistic and logical thinking

Hmmmmm really activates my almonds. I guess this whole "variation according to a normal distribution" thing applies to males.

this is great. nothing pulls in normies like women

This guy gets it. Why does every sort of critical analysis of women have to be followed up by white knights or women making armchair insights about how the person is lonely or resentful? Was Esther Vilar a butthurt neckbeard too? Only liars hate the truth.

Daily reminder Vilar was actively harassed by the feminists of her time for spilling the beans on female manipulation. The ancient Greeks also knew what was up. They acknowledged that women were attractive and desirable but also backstabbing kikes. Only beta orbiters think otherwise.

If you give any of these "commentators" money through Patreon or Paypal, stop doing it. Then remember that youtube is shit anyway and you shouldn't be seeking enlightenment or whatever from there.

Yeah women ruin every hobby they adopt. They just pretend to go along with things for attention. We need to reject these latecomers. Fascism was more fun before it was fashionable.

... said no one ever. Literally the entire point of the redpill is to take these ideas mainstream. A political movement that never goes mainstream is a failed movement. Sure you need a core group of zealots, but you also need to scale.

Capitalism, she's just cashing in on a trend, she'll be onto the next thing once the redpilling meme dies off & all you dweebs larping as nazis slink away back to your basements.

It's a great thing that women need external validation. We need to give "redpilled" women attention in a way that's public. I emphasize "public" because other women need to see all the attention these redpilled women are getting. This is how you draw women in.

I wonder how far down the rabbit hole we can get these sheep to follow us? What happens when Sup Forums ideals become mainstream and generally accepted?

Oh yeah imarite goyim MGTOW all the way! very redpill bro wtf i love laci green now

Knowing there are two genders is the new redpill

stop making Sup Forums look like a bunch of woman haters.

your lefty raid still going well?

Because women are more cautious, they will jump later on bandwagons than men. They jump on established trends.

That's OK though, biology dictates that they need to be less risk-taking or less frequently risk-taking.


this girl looks like she can fuuuuk like a bunny.

Progress, sure but not victory. I am happy more women are joining the right. I can only speak for myself when I say the only qualm I have is female worship. It is not productive for men to channel their energies and resources at these attention whores. That's the only complaint I have and I think it is reasonable.

When stating the obvious becomes edgy political commentary, you know the West is fucked

>nose ring

Its the fault of beta loser orbiter who worships woman, because they are too retarded to get one


You didn't answer my question at all. Why is that a problem?

MGTOW Predicted this

She seems genuine, but the nose ring reminds me of that antifa cunt.