When and how will we hit peak degeneracy?
We probably wont live to see degeneracy's final form. Mostly because there are an infinite number of combinations of horrific acts that have yet to be explored.
Either way, stop acknowledging it openly, even on here. It feeds off of attention. Any and all attention, good or bad.
i'd say peak degeneracy is here: singles mothers.
children are being born into dysfunction. entire lives ruined.
I hope she has a cute mixed baby :)
I'd fuck her
This post is giving me AIDS
>I used to put ads out for pregnant women who want to fuck
>Knock up one of my Mexican fuck buddies
>End up fucking a slut pregnant with my baby
>This isn't the kind of pregnant fucking I asked for
>She gets an abortion
>Becomes a hooker 1 year later
Rate my degeneracy
>not acknowledging it openly
Its all around our lives. Not acknowledging it would be like living with blinders on
Ik zou er nog steeds kk hard neuken
Waarom zit ze op tinder sowieso ? Vraag het eens wat dr partner hier van vindt
No such thing. There is always a way to be more degenerate.
Maybe it will be self-limiting as they are too heinous to breed.
>chooses white power flag
>supports miscegenation
Jesus Christ.
Me too. Pregnant bitches are muh face, plus can't get her pregnant.
If they take themselves out of the gene pool, by being feministic cunts or tranny scum but still influence enough normies, we will all go down the drain
looks more like 39
That's disgusting
Luckily Flanders isn't as bad yet. Yet.
That article about cum cocktails was the PonR. It was either on Vice or Slate.
That's why the mods did it, the Canadians and other leftist fags are nonstop shilling as NatSoc and White Nationalists.
There is so much further to go
>extreme body modifications
>mass suicide
>ritualized torture
The excess will kee going until our society falls in on itself or is conquered from the outside
Such is the nature of humans when struggle and meaninghas been removed from their lives
There is a reason why the classic tales are of decedance before the fall, the dangers of excess and the result of degenercy.
We will be turned to pillars of salt, and future peoples will use us as a cautionary tale.
Enjoy it while it lasts
I wonder when people will stop identifying as humans and effectively demand other people e.g. passports to recognise them as such. Its all just a matter of numbers. When you have enough numbers on your side, you can demand anything. There are already degenerates out there seriously larping as cats and such.
There is such a thing imo. The Weimar Republic before Hitler was the peak of the early 20th century.
As says, after such a peak there will always be a 'fall'. Its biblical senpai.
It gets to a point where the society just comes a part
I think we still have a bit of a way to go in that refused and there will be some regressions back but each step away from degenerate stuff always leads to two more steps towards it
It is anlosingn battle, we are victims of our own success
society isn't held together by people. think of how you purchase your food.
we are months away from transspecies.
Peak degeneracy will happen when the student loan/new housing/social security bubble pops.
We will be eating and fucking corpses in the streets
What we have now will seem like paradise
What the hell does that mean?
Society is held together by people and as we go down a path of degenerecy we break the historical and traditional bonds that allow humans to identify with eachother
Without comming culture, history, shared tradition we will break down into sub groups and tribes as we naturally chase the inherint need to belong.
As nice as a global human identity sounds on paper it's too big and breaks down.
Same with the west we managed to have a common "western" identity and we have actively began to undermine . As a result the west is fracturing into subgroups
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