99.8% Japanese.
Pretty much no crime, no unemployment, no terrorism.
No Muslims anywhere.
How can I become a Japanese?
99.8% Japanese.
Pretty much no crime, no unemployment, no terrorism.
No Muslims anywhere.
How can I become a Japanese?
Other urls found in this thread:
>How can I become a Japanese?
Watch a lot of anime.
Don't forget the Koreans
You can't, they're hella xenophobic.
>i love japan's homogeneity
>how can i ruin it
yeah kys
Germanics are honorary Japanese. The emperor himself has bestowed all Germanics with the right to be treated like Japanese.
Is Poland Xenophobic?
doesn't mean that you can abuse that to ruin Japan's homogenity
>doesn't mean that you can abuse that to ruin Japan's homogenity
I sure can. Here is my future gf.
AFAIK not nearly as Japan is. Besides Poles like Ameriguns, if you're rich they'll like you even more. Learn2polish and most won't have any problems (unless they're braindead nationalists or have village mindset).
burger currently visiting japan. it's everything you could ever want the US to be. truly a beautiful amazing country.
If I was them I wouldn't let anyone in.
Poland is the most xenophobic country in the universe. When I was in Warsaw and asked for direction, they just pointed to a long chimney and laughed.
And I am a blue eyed, blonde Germanic.
>How can I become a Japanese?
You can't, that's a large part of why Japan is good.
kill yourself traitor, you're like a mudslime saying "How can i be british"
>How can I become a Japanese?
You don't. Fix your own shitty county, Europoor.
"xenophobic Poland" is just a meme that was created by western media and reinforced by Sup Forums.
We have 0 problems with European immigrants. But we are not really fond of muslims and refugees.
> No Jamal, just because you were born in sweden does not mean you are ' european'
That's the impression I got when I was there. Tight borders (and being an island surrounded by rough waters really helps) allows it to be a world-class country.
England is similar in geography but contaminated with leftys that negate the surrounding waters.
Japan has started ads about "mixed is beautiful" so they are about to go full multicultural. They probably decided that declining population could not be fixed in a free society (where the gov cant compel people to make babies).
Christ, why are Euro-flag LARPers so bad at baiting?
Here, have a (you) for your effort.
>Fix your own shitty county, Europoor.
You can't fix the unfixable. Just like America cannot be fixed with its 50% non-white population.
Truth is truth.
Granted, I was asking for the local power station, but still, it was weird.
Shame they are such an ugly and incompetent race.
What the fuck? Name a race which is more beautiful and sexy! They are literally the elves of Middle Earth.
When will you animecucks realize that you're not japanese?
Take the BBC out of your mouth before talk shit about based Japan, western cuck.
Do you have a downs fetish dude?
You are an actual nigger, why would anyone care what you think?
Not giving you (You)s, larper.
>muh xenophobic meme
>muh anecdotal and most likely false evidence
Shut up and work for that 20 Jamals, Ahmeds and their babies.
Any race is sexy with 10 kg of makup on
99.8% is an exaggeration; 98.5% of the population in Japan has Japanese nationality (and this also includes naturalized citizens in Japan).
Also, yes, they are fairly well-off for now, but fact of the matter is, their economy is stagnating, their debt-to-GDP ratio is around 250%, and their culture promotes overwork.
Just started relearning Japanese after a two month hiatus. This is what I'm greeted with. Fuck.
Then let all Japanese men come to your country and cuck your women until neither Japanese nor Germans exist and both countries are overrun by hapas.
Go fuck yourself, racemixer.
>When will you animecucks realize that you're not japanese?
Says who? I watched Attack on Titan and they all got European names but speak Japanese.
I am already learning japanese so that I can get a qt 3.14 nip gf.
I will marry her and she will love me passionately all the days of my life while living in comfy and safe japan I will spend my days working and travelling in rural Japan areas with my qt 3.14 nip gf
i know that program. what's it called again? something with flashcards and audio files.
Fucking weeb
It's called Anki. I'm probably going to have spend three straight hours just to straighten this shit out.
You can't. Don't become our nigger. Improve your own country. Isn't that what anglo always say to niggers?
>people bumping this thread
We can all see a sinking ship. There's no hope for the USA. If us white folks don't get out of here in time we'll be slaughtered in the pogroms.
>unironically learning nipponese
>unironically planning to live in nippon
>unironically trying to destroy japanese society by adding yet another immigrant to their population , thus making it less and less japanese
you are like the refugees of europe, unironically.
Except I can/will speak the language, have a Master's/PhD from America and will contribute the country? Or would you prefer I be rounded up and executed for my posts on Sup Forums two decades from now?
>So let's sink someone else's ship instead
>No Muslims anywhere.
I will Crusade into japan, fuck all their women and make they give birth to my hapa children, and there's nothing you can do about it
Then i will crusade around SE Asia and be called the new Genghis Khan. Kiss my ass faggots
Are you suggesting that whites sink ships? Or that my foresight will leave a dent in the demographics of Japan?
Yeah good luck you will never learn fluent Japanese
>be muslim
>be in a country with one of the smallest muslim populations
>still find a way to get a riot started
mudslimes I swear
If other people can do it why not me?
5, 3, 8, 4... fuck it, I take all of them. Wrap em up in newspaper for me and bag em.
holy shit are those women?
It doesn't matter, You don't belong here, different cultures, different moral. Stay and save your country. In the moment you want to escape, you loose all moral justification to blame refugees for ruining europe.
>you will never learn fluent japanese
N2 is literally all you need to live and is a 4 years dedicated study senpai
The Japanese race deserves to continue existing. It doesn't matter whether you're a nigger or a snow nigger -- if you're not ethnic Japanese, you are shitting in their gene pool.
>Awful work environment
>Extremely high suicide rates
Sure seems like a great place.
>How can I become a Japanese?
you cant
>different cultures, different moral
what if he truly adopts your culture and morals, can he still come? or is it about race???
Yes, it's about race.
Race and culture go hand in hand.
Besides not wanting to destroy Japan's homogeneity, there are personal reasons I do not want to live there. There are extremely few practicing Christians. They have some disturbing sexual predilections, like lolicon and mother/son incest. There language is absurdly difficult to learn. While I do find some of their women attractive, don't want an Elliot Rodger son or a daughter on facialabuse.com.
Senpai gets it
those are koreans
Japan is cool and I wish them the best, but they can't defend western civilization because they aren't part of it. Japan is its own civilization. As it ought to be! I find it pleasant to know that there's more than one group of truly civilized humans on earth - westerners and japs - without needing to insist they be the same group.
>have a Master's/PhD from America and will contribute the country
Now we are talking. You should have mentioned it earlier.. I thought that you are another useless weeb that wants to live in Nippon because of muh anime.
It is a Polish video but he made english subtitles, it's about the life in Japan from his point of view ( things he does not like ) . He, to some extent, knows Japanese and he has his own company, which is located in Japan.
Just go learn latin or hebrew for the holy land my brother
Czech republic
>5th most safest country on planet (literally)
>99,8% whites (96% pure czechs, 2% slovaks, 2% rest)
>10.700.000 people
>3000 muslims (0,028%) of population
>0 terror attacks
part of V4 (0 immigrants)
arr rook same
>Japan is so pure
>How can I sully it?
just stay in your shithole op
Muslims are there but the Japanese don't take their shit. Immigration is very difficult unless you can get a job in engineering, teach English or work in the arts.
Everyone knows ugly people hang in packs
th most safest country on planet (literally)
Give source, I want to check other countries on this list.
I feel like after WW2 their culture was watered down.
>drunk salarymen 16 hour days
>99.8% Jap
>I want to run away to Japan and make hapa babies
Spoken like a true Jew.
Still a fucking migrant
culture is a product of genetics
But Czechia is next to Germany. You really think Czechia can survive beyond 2050 next to an Islamic Caliphate?
japanese are a lot of things, but incompetent?
Is Czech better than Slovenia?
Trust me m9. There are Mudslimes in Japan, both sand niggers and japs. It really saddens me but it is the truth. Mosques are slowly appearing here and there but in comparison to the rest of the world, Nipon is doing very well in terms of Islamism Cancer.
thanks my family. have this picture as a token of gratitude.
>How can I become a Japanese?
put fingers on skin beside your eyes and pull back.
What job prospects are there for English teachers and translators in Japan? Will human translators become obsolete as computers advance
>How can I become a Japanese?
You can't that's why they have a pretty homogeneous population don't go there and ruin it for them.
They care for their countries future.
Japan's very vigilant on Muslims. And they won't accept rapefugees
>tfw u will never be japanian
>tfw you will never be Japanese
I just want to not be around brown people ever again
Japan is hell. Their work ethic is Germany on meth. It's the true 19th century factory worker experience.
>How can I become a Japanese?
Have 2 ethic Japanese parents
The idea that you think you can just become"Japanese" means you seek to destroy their culture
Guess who doesn't run Japan anymore and isnt even respected
Don't forget the countless pornstars and guns.