it's 2016. Trump sits this one out. primaries have ended.
it's the brave inspirational trail blazing woman Hillary Clinton, Vs. the the born leader powerful commanding Jeb Bush.
what do you do, burgers?
it's 2016. Trump sits this one out. primaries have ended.
it's the brave inspirational trail blazing woman Hillary Clinton, Vs. the the born leader powerful commanding Jeb Bush.
what do you do, burgers?
We would've memed Ted Cruz into office instead.
suicide, revolution, emigration (but nowhere better to go), anything other than Jeb! or Clinton.
you had Mccain/Romney Vs. Obama and you didnt.
Wouldn't have happened. Cruz also appealed to uneducated voters, nowhere near as much as Trump obviously, but enough to secure the nomination.
pay little to no attention to the election as a whole because i know damn well that hillary clinton would actually, legitimately win with ease; they're both basically the same damn thing anyway, with the witch being more evil than the bitch.
Who would Sup Forums choose if the general was pic related? God's Own Candidate or Grandpa Gibsmedat?
that's an easy one for Sup Forums. what about Jeb Vs Bernie
it would be an honour to meme jeb! into office vs commie sandals.
I'm senior Jeb! ese, you know me, get in the ride we're saving America G. I got my clap game strong and my hoodie on right, it's time to be respectful and hold back the fight. Get down... Get up....
hahaha that would have been so amazing.
please clap.
This was the original plan for the 2016 Election. Hill was going to beat Him.
Trump completely derailed that plan.
>Clinton II vs Bush III
It's part of the reason why Trump won in the firstplace, now fuck off.
That is not how you say JEB!olution.
imagine all the autism president jeb would have given us
I'd have voted Hillary, joined the Democrat party and led a movement to remove white males from every position of power thus running our system into the ground.
A Hillary win would have called for nothing less than a full reset. She would have put some Black Disabled Muslim Tranny on the supreme court and they would have revoked the entire bill of rights and reinstated a "Bill of Feminist Rights"
How does it feel for all you pedes to parrot the "DEEP STATE" and "MAGA" while the truth is there?
Russia chose you and your candidate because you guys are typically uneducated, checked out, and willing to believe anything if it confirms your world views.
Let me leave you a little documentary done by the KGB on "Brainwashing a Nation"
Enjoy, its never late to start educating yourselves guys. You'll thank me one day.