>Don't abord retarded kids
>But don't expect us to pay for their medical bills either lol
Don't abord retarded kids
will his care even be cut? what's the new bill entail?
Damn, time hasn't been nice to Michael Phelps.
>eugenics is wrong they said
>99% of shitlibs who complain about healthcare reform are going to benefit from it in some fashion. Obamacare was stillborn, like OP pic related should have been.
>Your average Nirvana fan
Not surprised, tbhfamalam
Is he conscious?
Do people actually still like Nirvana, or is it so normiecore at this point that people only have the shirts because Mom saw it onsale at Kohl's and needed an extra couple bucks to get Kohl's cash.
> I live
Can we call this life? Sad...
If I looked like that I think I'd rather die peacefully and let my family live their lives instead
I don't want to sound or be mean, but what's the point of living if everything you do causes you suffering? If you can't ever do anything on your own or achieve anything at all?
I honestly think it's cruel to force people to live like that
It's not something I'd wish upon my enemies and definitely not something I'd want for someone I love
He? I thought we were looking at a potato.
>doesn't want tax money want to fund screening and abortions
>expects people to pay for abortions out of pocket
imagine how uncomfortable it was for the guy who tattooed him. feel so bad for him. the artist i mean.
>what's the point of living if everything you do causes you suffering?
That's true of everybody. In answer to your query: we do it because we're afraid to die.
He sure is no Michael Phelps.
Hotwheels could beat this niggers ass.
>if you dont want me to kill things you should have to pay for them
>i have no moral obligations or responsibilities of my own
Speaking of retards
I bet his handler printed off that paper and he's just lying there thinking kill me please kill me please kill me
I only want to see this happen if hotwheels where's those pimp ass Mario pajamas.
>owning Nirvana merchandise
Corbane must be turning over in his grave
>we do it because we're afraid to die.
I would ask a doctor to put me to sleep, then inject something lethal in me to go away with no suffering...
Assuming he has self consciousness, he must feel terrible of all the things in life he can't do and watch others enjoy...
Why does it need glasses?
fuck off retard
does everyone on Sup Forums speak english as their natal language?
Hint: they dont
Why the fuck does he have tattoos?
>the goverment say you can't murder me
>but no-ones pays for all my living expenses
Really makes you think.
I feel bad for the potato. probably couldn't even object to being mutilated by an "artist". some lib shit care giver is using this husk to virtue signal via skin torture to a person who is legally probably unable to have power of attorney over themselves.
fucking disgusting.
Aren't you an ancap? Why do you care? Shouldn't this allow you to make more money?
Is there a point where the pain from living like the person in op's pic surpasses the fear of death? It seems that these people keep pushing onwards even if they know they'll never achieve anything on their own, unless they believe that causing their own family terrible suffering is a virtue somehow.
My point is that these people probably don't even care about living anymore, but their families still think they do and just won't let them have a peaceful death.
The guy in the picture is unlikely to ever find love and probably incapable of having children. He can't play sports or even videogames with his body like that. I'd be willing to bet that he can't do anything on his own.
So what's the point of even living? What does he do the entire day? Sit around being a nuisance to his family, even if they'll never admit that's the case.
I might be wrong here, but I like to believe that I'd have at least the strength to end my own suffering if I ever found myself in that situation. It wouldn't be right to depend on others for every aspect of life like that.
>Abortion for valid medical reasons (severe birth defects, terminal or genetic disorders, threatening the health of the mother, etc)
Tragic, but morally justifiable - preventing undue and needless suffering .
>Abortion for economic or social reasons (can't financially support a child, child is the result of rape/incest.
Morally grey territory, can be argued for in some cases but should never be the first option, should only be considered if adoption or family assistance are not options.
>Abortion for purely personal reasons (don't want a kid, can afford to raise kid but don't want to, etc)
Inexcusible, no moral justification.
thankfully no trusted democrats in the highest levels of power in their party are pushing a message that this will be actually lethal legislation. wouldn't want some idiot taking up arms to try and kill republicans to prevent literally deadly legislation from passing.
im glad they are just using realistic, measured language
>I might be wrong here, but I like to believe that I'd have at least the strength to end my own suffering if I ever found myself in that situation.
The scary thing is maybe he does, but he can't communicate it or he is ignored.
>Can`t move or speak
>His parents have tortured his already horrid existence by covering him in tatoos
>Painted nails
Please, taking away this guy`s home would add years to his life, and mine.
Im always worried about posting in these threads, simply because I fear god will punish me with horribly disabled children.
Anyone else have this fear?
are christ fags willing to abort if the kid is a r3t4rd?
I would not allow my child to exist in such a state.
Did anyone else see hotwheel's nudes? Gotta say, I didn't expect that massive dong. Made me kinda wet tbcfh...
what purpose does it serve to keep that thing living?
liberals always say welfare pays for itself because the recipients will one day work and pay into it or that accepting illegals will pay for itself eventually when one of them cures cancer but OP pic will never be able to contribute to society ever, no benefit of the doubt no magic.
Like that retard read the bill. He can't even breathe on his own.
Im inclined to agree. Whether or not I'd have the guts to actually go ahead with it, I don't know.
But I firmly believe in things like euthanasia. There is no reason to keep someone so heavily disabled alive.
At least potatoes have some use user.
I thought pol had more christian posters.
how the fuck does that thing have tattoos? Did his owner literally roll him into the tattoo shop and ordered the tattoo guy to decorate him with quotes to his/her liking?
what does it matter babies are all unsentient therefor so long as the parents are consenting the baby dying is irrelevent because a baby can't consent because it's unsentient. The spartans had the right idea.
Also are you a vegetarian cause a cow is more sentient than a baby so if your against abortion you should be against eating cow.
This. One was written for this. The tats and painted nails are really rustling the old jim jons. Fucking horrific man.
The point of living is to give meaning to an otherwise meaningless existance. Perhaps he gives his parent's lives meaning and they in turn - to him.
Holy shit... I know Sup Forums is the place for edgy shitposts..
But the level of crude comments here is disgusting.
The kid is a vegetable... his life is probaly the most subjective universe one could have because he probaly spent most of his life alone.
Of course he is going to identify with Nirvana lyrics because he didnt get to participate in life.
Can any of you imagine the horror of being in his shoes for one day, let alone an entire lifetime.
I am all for euthanasia, but it should be persons choice.. not societys or government.
Your tax dollars wasted by far worse shit then this kids healthcare... have a fucking heart.
Look in your closet, look at your toys, look at your hobby items... it is all made not in this country... now ask your self why?
Taxes for Big Corps used to be in the 80 percent range after WW2 and that is how this country grew...
Now everything is falling to shit because these corporations are bitching about 30 percent... meanwhile... we all have to buy their shit cuz we have no choice and their spoiled children think of us as if we are bugs...
But, by all means... make fun of the disabled.
I am a Ron Paul supporter... so I am not one of your shareblue, ctr, lefty, commie boogiemen.
I am not advocating for bigger taxes on corporations, I am just calling a spade a spade and you all making fun of this kid is sad.
hotcock said it wasnt him but i think he is lying
Has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell
Those tattoos are funny. It's like the one thing this useless sack of meat was born for is to be used as a sketchbook.
your doing keks work thank you
Im guessing they paid his parents 50 bucks and used him as a kind of testing board for this trainees.
What kind of a life is that? God fucking forbid if that ever becomes me, I hope my family has the decency to just end my suffering.
retards are the reaction to the mistakes of the parents
Most parents are just too dumb and go HURRR RANDOM I GUESS
>Holy shit... I know Sup Forums is the place for edgy shitposts..
Fuckoff to rebbit you dumb fucking ingrate
>But the level of crude comments here is disgusting.
You haven't been here for long if you consider half of the comments are barely reach the level of tasteless
>The kid is a vegetable
>Of course he is going to identify with Nirvana lyrics because he didnt get to participate in life.
To be a vegetable is to be brain dead you retard.
>Can any of you imagine the horror of being in his shoes for one day, let alone an entire lifetime.
No hence why half of the thread in here is "I would kill myself" or "fuck that sucks"
>I am all for euthanasia, but it should be persons choice.. not societys or government.
If you were in that kids situation you wouldn't have a fucking choice either since the power attorney is to whom ever is propping up their vegatable in decorative shit
>Your tax dollars wasted by far worse shit then this kids healthcare... have a fucking heart.
I'm guessing you didn't look in the bill since there is this thing called a grandfather clause fucking in it. The bill targets lazy fucks because, here's a litter interesting fact. Nearly 50% of all women who gave birth were using Medicaid.
>Look in your closet
Did and I found your fucking gay ass father.
>Taxes for Big Corps used to be in the 80 percent range after WW2 and that is how this country grew...
No the country fucking grew because, everywhere else was bombed to fucking shit. Kinda easy to stand when none of the cities turned into concrete crumbles
>Ron Paul supporter
No you ain't faggot
>money comes out of my paycheck to keep this thing artificially alive
they're literally stealing my life force and redirecting it to a dead thing. this has to stop